The Seraphine Chronicles - Spellbound Part 13

The Seraphine Chronicles - Spellbound -

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"The Seraphine Chronicles." Ranelle picked at a thread on her gown. "They predict that one soul who serves darkness might reign over all of Dair, should he impregnate a wingless Tanzinite, a stolen Nordain, and a child of Fae."

"I thought as much." Liana sighed and leaned back against the blue velvet cus.h.i.+ons of her chair. "But how could we make him invincible?"

"I've been thinking about this, especially since I learned I have more magic than I realized." Tierra stood and began pacing the room. "What if the three of us are meant to wield a power together? What if that power is so great that if he found some means of controlling us...something that would make us do whatever he wanted...he could force us to use that power to aid him in ruling over Dair?"

"There is no possible way he could force us to do that. Even for Aric, I would commit no atrocities." Liana sounded horrified, but definite.

"Children." Ranelle gave them a stricken expression. "If Zanden impregnated each of us, he could threaten to harm our children if we refused him."

Liana pressed her hand to her belly, her wan features impossibly paler. "The b.a.s.t.a.r.d could use those threats against our unborn children as well."

Tierra's horrid nightmare from when she woke in the dungeon came rus.h.i.+ng back to her like an icy blast. "Even though I am not a seer and cannot sense and vision as you two can, I believe I had a vision this morn..." She stopped pacing and swallowed down the bile rising in her throat as every word he spoke came back to her.

"In my dream," Tierra continued as she sat beside Ranelle again, "the Sorcerer said, 'The babes you carry I will rip from your wombs. I will plant my seed in you and you will produce my sp.a.w.n. You will have no choice but to do everything I instruct and aid me in my rise to power. All as foretold by the Seraphine Chronicles.'"

Ranelle shuddered and Liana closed her eyes for a moment, still holding her hands tight to her belly.

"Yes." Liana's voice was but a whisper when she opened her eyes again. "I sense that your dream was truly a vision."

Ranelle nodded her agreement. "I sense this as well."

"Then we must prepare." Tierra clenched her fists in determination. "Zanden will make his move, and soon."

The child of Fae is correct, a voice entered Tierra's thoughts and she and her heart-sisters gasped, their gazes riveting on the man who suddenly appeared beside them.

Chapter Eleven.

Tierra's jaw dropped as she recognized the man who had appeared before them.


Tierra bolted to her feet, fury churning up inside her. She walked up to the pale muscle-bound G.o.d of a man and poked her finger at his chest. "What in the name of the G.o.ds' do you think you are doing scaring the qinoks.h.i.+t out of the three of us like that?"

"Qinoks.h.i.+t?" Liana murmured and Ranelle shrugged.

One corner of To'en's mouth curved. "You have my apologies, Tierra."

"That's not good enough." She folded her arms across her chest. "What about all the time I just spent wandering around in the forest, almost becoming dinner for a foul-smelling dragon after being chased by a wild man, and then ending up with the sister from h.e.l.l?"

To'en did smile then, and he looked so incredibly handsome that Tierra was speechless for a momenta"and her heart-sisters sighed.

"Do you not remember my instructions?" To'en's deep gaze remained focused on her. "To remain out of sight and speak to no one along your journey. To trust none but the one who holds your heart."

"I did what you said." Tierra waved her hands as she spoke. "I stayed out of sight, spoke to not a G.o.ds' blessed soul 'til the barbarian caught sight of me and chased me down. And I trusted no onea""

Tierra went rigid as To'en's words rang through her mind. Trust none but the one who holds your heart.

Even as she shook her head in denial, Liana and Ranelle laughed and To'en quirked one eyebrow.

With a smile, he reached up and captured Tierra's chin in his hand, halting her movements. "Listen to your heart, Tierra. It will aid you when the time comes to choose."

"Remove your hand from my woman," Renn bellowed from the doorway, "or I will slay you where you stand."

Tierra's gaze snapped to Renn's to see naked fury in his eyes. His fists were clenched, his bare biceps bulging, his veins popping beneath his skin. He looked as though he could easily rip a man's head from his body.

G.o.ds how it made Tierra's quim wet and her nipples hard to see Renn looking as though he would best a h.o.a.rd of dragons to save her.

"Renn." To'en released Tierra's chin and gave a slight bow. "Aric. Jalen," he added to the men who had appeared behind Renn.

"'Tis good to see you, my friend," Jalen said as he pushed past a still furious Renn.

Jalen walked to To'en and clasped his hand in a two-fisted grip. "Long has it been since I have seen you in this form."

To'en smiled. "Long has it been since I was needed as such."

Renn narrowed his eyes and Aric raked his hand through his hair. "Toen," Aric said, recognition lighting his black eyes. "I oft is a pleasure to meet you as such."

"I am known as To'en when I take this form, rather than as Toen when I am in wolf shape." He clasped Aric's hand in a two-fisted grip. "A half century it has been, at least, since I have appeared as a human."

Jalen nodded. "The battle against Voral."

"Aye." To'en smiled. "That it was."

"Overseer." Renn planted himself in front of To'en and extended his hand. "My apologies. I did not realize it was you touching my woman."

Tierra stood up straighter. "I am not your woman."

Renn continued as though Tierra had not spoken, "But if you touch her again, I will have to kill you."

To'en grinned and everyone in the room laughed, except for Tierra. She opened her mouth to tell Renn exactly what she thought about him and his possessive att.i.tude, but the words turned into a scream as he grabbed her by the waist and flung her over his shoulder.

"Put me down," she shouted and pounded with her fists on his hard muscled a.s.s as she hung upside down, her hair covering her face.

To no surprise, Renn ignored her demands and strode across the room. Laughter and calls of encouragement followed him.

"You have much magic to master, before it masters you," To'en added as Renn carried her out the door. "Tomorrow we begin your lessons, child of Fae."

"Over my dead hide," Renn muttered as he jogged up the winding staircase to take his woman to his bedchamber.

"That can be arranged." Tierra's voice was m.u.f.fled against his back. "I have a mind to spellbind you and hang you out the window."

"Tomorrow." Renn slipped his hand under her sheer emerald dress and caressed her naked b.u.t.tocks. "After I f.u.c.k you."

Tierra moaned and wriggled her a.s.s against his hand. "Yes, my Lord."

Renn's c.o.c.k hardened. He slipped his fingers into her wet silk, increasing the length of his stride at the same time. By the G.o.ds, he had never realized his bedchamber was so far from the drawing room.

When he finally reached his room, he flung open the door and then slammed it shut behind him. Tierra gasped as he slid her from over his shoulder, set her in front of him, and pressed her hard against his c.o.c.k.

"I have needed to f.u.c.k you all day." He put his hands over her silk-covered b.r.e.a.s.t.s and lightly rubbed his palms over her hardened nipples. "And you tortured me by wearing this dress and flaunting yourself at dinner."

Renn crushed his mouth to Tierra's in a savage kiss, letting her feel the need that had been building in him the entire day since he had last f.u.c.ked her in the dungeon. She tasted of spiced wine, smelled of honeysuckle and desire. He nipped at her lips, growling his l.u.s.t, and she moaned in response.

When he tore his mouth from Tierra's, he saw that her lips were swollen and red. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s rose and fell beneath the sheer dress that had driven him crazy with the tantalizing view of what he intended to claim. Yes, every luscious curve of her delectable body was his for the taking.. .again and again.

"Are you going to punish me, my Lord?" Her voice was husky, her eyes dark green pools as she looked up at him.

"Yes," he growled, trying to sound fierce when he wanted to smile. He clenched his hands in the fine material of her dress and ripped it open with one quick pull.

"My Lord." Tierra's body trembled with her excitement as he pushed the material away and studied her now naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s and the tight red curls of her mound. "What would you have me do?"

"That trunk." He pointed across the room to a wooden chest. "Lay across it, on your belly. And spread your thighs, wench."

Tierra licked her lips. "Yes, my Lord."

Renn followed her to the trunk, watching her naked b.u.t.tocks sway. It was all he could do to fight back the urge to take her now, hard and fast.

She did as he bade, lying over the smooth domed lid, her a.s.s at the perfect height to be f.u.c.ked, her quim exposed and her engorged c.l.i.t poking out from her wet folds.

Tierra was so aroused, her channel soaking wet and her c.l.i.t throbbing. The feel of the trunk beneath her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, belly and mound was completely erotic. The way she was positioned, she could not see him or what he was going to do to her, and even that heightened her excitement.

"Are you going to f.u.c.k me now?" Tierra asked, hoping he would say yes.

"When I'm ready, wench." The deep, masculine sound of his voice sent a tingle along her spine and made her quim ache even more.

She felt his presence as he knelt beside her, and then his calloused hand stroked her naked b.u.t.tocks.

"I promised to punish you." He trailed his fingers along the crack of her a.s.s and neared her curls, then returned to the cheeks.

Tierra could scarce speak, she wanted him so badly. "Touch me."

Renn leaned so close she felt his warm breath on the back of her neck. She could imagine his wickedly sensual smile as he said, "Beg, wench."

A groan rose up within her as he continued to stroke her, but stayed away from her quim. "Please, my Lord."

"Very good, denai." His fingers moved from her b.u.t.tocks, then lightly stroked her folds. He slid two fingers into her core and at the same moment swatted her a.s.s with his other hand.

"My Lord!" Tierra cried out as a burst of sensation tore through her, and her eyes widened in surprise. She could not believe how good it felt to have him f.u.c.king her with his fingers and spanking her b.u.t.tocks.

He rubbed the still stinging skin with one hand, while keeping the fingers of his other hand lodged in her quim. "Did you enjoy that?"

"G.o.ds yes." She bucked her hips against his hand, riding his fingers.

"Behave, wench." He swatted her again while thrusting his fingers deep inside her and she almost screamed with the need to reach o.r.g.a.s.m. "Do not move unless I say," he demanded.

Tierra moaned at the erotic tingle in her quim and the sting of her b.u.t.tocks. "Yes, my Lord." The man was driving her out of her mind. She had to come. Needed to have his c.o.c.k sheathed in her quim.

He slid his fingers from her channel and moved away. "Get up and on your knees before me."

A flutter of antic.i.p.ation blossomed in her belly as she eased off the trunk onto her knees and turned to face Renn. He raised his hand to his mouth and licked his fingers. "You taste so good, denai."

Seeing him taste her juices, combined with the sound of his deep voice, made her ache even more for him. Cool air brushed her sensitive nipples as he jerked his tunic over his head and tossed it aside. He unfastened his breeches as she watched, releasing his c.o.c.k.

The stone floor felt cool beneath her knees as she trembled with antic.i.p.ation.

He moved so close she felt the warmth of this skin. He wrapped his fingers around his thick erection and brushed it across her lips, sliding. "Suck my c.o.c.k."

"Yes, my Lord." She darted her tongue out and licked the drop of fluid from the eye of his erection. His c.o.c.k jerked and she smiled, knowing that she held far more power over him than he held over her, no matter their play at his domination.

Tierra slid her lips down his length, swirling her tongue as she took him as deeply as she could, 'til he reached the back of her throat. Instinctively she applied light suction as she moved her mouth up and down his shaft.

"Good wench." Renn groaned and slid his hands into her hair. "Your mouth. So wet and warm on my c.o.c.k."

Tierra released a spellbinding from one fingertip as she worked his staff, allowing it to wrap around his erection as she sucked him.

Renn hissed and bucked his hips, the tingling feel of the spellbinding around his c.o.c.k, along with Tierra's mouth, near driving him mad.

"Stop!" he bellowed and halted her head with his hands. "I want you on my bed."

"Yes, my Lord." Tierra slid the spellbinding from his c.o.c.k, drawing it back into her body as she gave him a sultry smile. "Will you not remove your breeches and boots?"

"No." With a growl, Renn grabbed her by the waist. Tierra cried out, a sound of surprise and arousal, as he flung her over his shoulder and carried her to the ma.s.sive bed in the center of the bedchamber.

He tossed her onto the bed and immediately moved his head between her thighs. Tierra gasped and shouted, "Renn!" as he plundered her quim with his tongue and fingers.

Her thighs trembled, the cries of her pa.s.sion growing more and more frantic and he knew she was close to reaching the pinnacle. He reared up and pushed his breeches to his hips and placed the head of his c.o.c.k at the entrance to her channel.

"You continue to deny me, denai," he said, holding himself back.

Her skin was moist with sweat the air heavy with the scent of her musk. "I need you now."

"You need me always." Renn thrust his c.o.c.k into her core and she screamed as her body quaked with her o.r.g.a.s.m. The sound of her sensual cry sent him over the edge, and as his seed left his body, he held her close and murmured, "As I shall always need you."

Tierra rubbed at her starmark as she waited for To'en to speak. It was the following morn, after breakfast. At the Overseer's insistence, Tierra and Renn had joined Liana, Aric, Ranelle, and Jalen in the drawing room.

Sunlight spilled in through the ma.s.sive arched windows, the curtains drawn back to reveal blue skies with the hint of a storm on the horizon. Renn's muscles flexed beneath his sleeveless black tunic as he moved toward where Tierra sat upon a blue velvet chair. When he stood beside her, she found herself breathing in and savoring his masculine scent of sun warmed flesh and the outdoors.

Conflicting emotions stirred within her. Part of her desired his closeness, wanted to touch him, feel him. Wanted him to hold her, caress her.

And yet another part of her still wanted to push him away. The part of her that feared and hated confinement. She'd had enough of prisons in her lifetime.

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