An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language Part 938

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A. S. _wa_, moestus, afflictus.

WAAH, _s._ Any thing that causes surprise and admiration, Orkn.

Isl. _va_, any thing unexpected; commonly used in a bad sense.

WABRAN LEAVES, Great plantain or waybread, S.

A. S. _waeg-braede_, Teut. _wegh-bree_, plantago.

_To_ WACHLE, _v. n._ To move backwards and forwards, S.; E. _waggle_.

Teut. _wagghel-en_, id.

_To_ WACHT, _v. a._ To quaff.

V. ~Waucht~.


1. A pledge, S.

_Sir Tristrem._

2. A wager.


Su. G. _wad_, A. S. _wed_, Isl. _vaed_, pignus.

~Wadds~, _s. pl._ A youthful amus.e.m.e.nt, in which much use is made of pledges, S.

_Gl. Sibb._

_To_ ~Wad~, ~Wed~, _v. a._

1. to pledge, to bet, to wager, S.

_Chr. Kirk._

2. To promise, to engage, S.


A. S. _wedd-ian_, to be surety, spondere.

WADSET, _s._ A legal deed, by which a debtor gives his heritable subjects into the hands of his creditor, that the latter may draw the rents in payment of the debt; a forensic term, S.

_Reg. Maj._

_To_ ~Wadset~, _v. a._ To alienate heritable property under reversion, S.


Su. G. _wadsaett-a_, Isl. _vaedsett-ia_, oppignerare.

~Wadsetter~, _s._ One who holds the property of another in _wadset_, S.


~Wad-shooting~, _s._ Shooting at a mark for a _wad_, or prize which is laid in pledge, Ang.

_Stat. Acc._

WADAND, _part. pr._ Expl. fearful.

Ir. _uath_, fear.


WADD, _s._ Woad, used in dyeing.

_Chalm. Air._

A. S. _wad_, _waad_, Teut. _weede_, woad.

WADDER, _s._ Weather.

V. ~Weddyr~.

WADDIN, _part. pa._ Vigorous.


Isl. _valld-r_, validus, potens.

WADER, _s._ A bird, supposed to be the water-hen, or the water-rail, Aberd.

_Stat. Acc._

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