An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language Part 781

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1. The state of being s.h.i.+vered, S.

_Journal Lond._

2. The shreds of any thing broken, S.

3. The sound of breaking, S.

Gael. _smuais_, broken in s.h.i.+vers.


1. A contemptuous term for a man.

_Leg. St Androis._

2. Applied in the same sense to a child, S.; perhaps from _small_ and _chit_.


_To_ SMATTER, _v. n._

1. To be busily engaged about trivial matters, S.

2. To deal in small wares, S.

3. _To smatter awa'_, to spend in a trifling way, S.

4. _To smatter awa'_, to consume victuals, by eating often, and little at a time, S.

~Smatters~, _s. pl._

1. Trifles. S.

2. Small sums, S.

SMATTIS, _s. pl._ New ale.

_Maitland P._

Teut. _smets_, praedulcis, mulseus.


1. The powder of ground malt, Ang.

2. Powder, of whatever kind, S. O.


3. Quickness of apprehension, S.


4. Spirit, mettle, S.


5. Good sense and spirit united, S. B.

_Gl. Moray._

A. S. _smedma_, similago, pollen, the finest part of grain; thence transferred to the mind.

_To_ SMEEK, _v. a._

1. To smoke, S.

A. S. _smec-an_.


2. To dry by smoke, S. B.

~Smeek, Smeik~, _s._ Smoke, S.

A. S. _smec_, id.


SMEETH, _adj._ Smooth, S. B.

A. S. _smethe_, id.


~Smeethly~, ~Smethely~, _adv._ Smoothly, S. B.


SMELT, _s._ The fry of salmon, S.

V. ~Smolt~.

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