An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language -
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BEDOYF, _part. pa._ Besmeared, fouled.
Su. G. _doft_, _dupt_, pulvis; or A. S. _bedof-en_, submersus, dipped.
BEDOWIN, _part. pa._
Rudd. expl. _bedowyne_, besmeared, deriving it from Belg.
_bedauwen_, to bedew, or sprinkle.
BEDRAL, _s._ A person who is bedrid.
V. ~Orphelin~.
BEDREL, _adj._ Bedrid, Galloway.
Corr. perhaps from A. S. _bedrida_, id.; Teut. _bedder_, clinicus, Germ. _bed-reise_.
BEDUNDER'D, _part. pa._ Stupified, confounded, S. q. having the ear deafened by noise.
Su. G. _dundr-a_, Belg. _dender-en_, tonare, to thunder.
BEE, _s._ The hollow between the ribs and hip-bone of a horse, S. B.
Perhaps from A. S. _bige_, _byge_, flexus, angulus, sinus; _big-an_, _byg-ean_, flectere, curvare.
BEE-ALE, _s._ A species of beer, or rather mead, made from the refuse of honey; S. B. This in Clydes. is called _swats_.
BEE-BREAD, _s._ The substance that goes to the formation of bees, S.
A. S. _beo-bread_ signifies honeycomb.
BE-EAST, Towards the East.
V. ~Be~, _prep._
BEELDE, BELD, _s._ "Properly an image.--Model of perfection or imitation." Gl. Wynt.
A. S. _bilith_, _bild_, Belg. _beeld_, _beld_, Sw. _bild_, imago.
_To_ BEENGE, BYNGE, _v. a._ To cringe, in the way of making much obeisance, S.
V. ~Beck~.
This is undoubtedly from A. S. _bens-ian_, also written _boens-ian_, to ask as a suppliant; supplicitor petere, orare; _bensiende_, supplicans.
BEENJIN, improperly written, is expl. "fawning."
_J. Nicol._
BEEVIT, _part. pa._ Perhaps, installed as a knight.
_Gawan and Gol._
A. S. _befeht_, cinctus, girded, Somn.
V. ~Falow~.
_To_ BEFF, BAFF, _v. a._ To beat, to strike, S.
~Beft~, beaten, _pret._ and _part. pa._
It is used more simply, as referring to the act of beating with strokes; applied to metal.
~Doun Beft~ signifies, beat down, overthrown.
BEFF, BAFF, _s._ A stroke.
V. ~Baff~.