An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language Part 505

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_Burrow Lawes._

Lat. _lin-eare_, id.

~Lyner~. _s._ One who measures land with a line.


LING, _s._

1. A species of rush or thin long gra.s.s, Ayrs. S. A.

_Statist. Acc._

2. _Pull ling_, cotton gra.s.s.

_Statist. Acc._

LING, LYNG, _s._ A line, Fr. _ligne_. _In ane ling_.

1. Straight forward.

_Gawan and Gol._

2. Denoting expedition in motion, Aberd.


_To_ LING, _v. n._ To go at a long pace, S.

Ir. _ling-im_, to skip.


_To_ ~Link~, _v. n._

1. To walk smartly, to trip, S.


2. Denoting the influx of money.



1. Shoemaker's thread, S. also _lingan_; Fr. _ligneul_.


2. A bandage.


Isl. _lengia_, lamina coriacea.

~Lingel-tail'd~, _adj._ Applied to a woman whose clothes hang awkwardly, from the smallness of her shape below, S.

LINGET, _s._ A rope binding the fore foot of a horse to the hinder one, Ang.

V. ~Langet~.

LINGET-SEED, _s._ The seed of flax, S. B.

_Acts Ja. VI._

LINGIS, LINGS, a termination by which adverbs are formed; sometimes denoting quality, in other instances extension, as _backlingis_; now p.r.o.n. _lins_, S.

LINGIT, _adj._ Flexible, E. Loth.

A. S. _laenig_, tenuis.

LINKS, _s. pl._

1. The windings of a river, S.


2. The rich ground lying among these windings, S.


3. The sandy flat ground on the sea-sh.o.r.e, S.


4. Sandy and barren ground; though at a distance from any body of water, S.

Germ. _lenk-en_, flectere.

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