An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language Part 469

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V. ~Caigie~.

Su. G. _kaett_, wanton.

_Chr. Kirk._

KYTt.i.t, _part. pa._ Daubed with a viscous substance.

_Bannatyne P._

Dan. _kitt-er_, Sw. _kitta_, to cement.

KITTIWAKE, _s._ The tarrock, S.


KITTY-WREN, _s._ The wren, S.

_To_ KITTLE, _v. a._

1. To litter.

_Minstr. Bord._

2. To bring forth kittens, S.

Su. G. _kitsla_, id. from _katt_, a cat; or Isl. _kad_, foetus recens.

~Kittling~, _s._ A kitten, S.

_To_ KITTLE, KITILL, _v. a._

1. To tickle, S.

A. S. _citel-an_, Belg. _kittel-en_, Isl. _kitl-a_, id. Perh. the root is Isl. _kid-a_, molliter fricare.

2. To excite a pleasant sensation in the mind.


3. To enliven, to excite, S.


4. To puzzle, to perplex, S.

~Kittle~, _adj._

1. Easily tickled, S.

Teut. _keteligh_, id.

2. Attended with difficulty, in a literal sense; as, _a kittle gait_, a road that one is apt to lose, or in which one is in danger of falling, S.

3. Not easily managed; as, _a kittle horse_, S.

Teut. _ketelig peerd_, id.

_Mellvill's MS._

4. Not easily articulated; as _kittle words_. S.


5. Variable, applied to the weather, S.

6. Nice, intricate, in a moral sense; as, _a kittle question_.


7. Squeamish, applied to the conscience, S.


8. Vexatious, implying the idea of danger, S.


9. Likely, apt.


~Kittlie~, _adj._ Itchy, S. B.

~Kittle-the-cout~, ~Kittlie-cout~, a game among young people, in which a handkerchief being hid, one is employed to seek it, S.; q. puzzle the colt.

KIVE, _s._ "Mas.h.i.+ng-fat."


KLIPPERT, _s._ A shorn sheep, S.

_Journ. Lond._

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