An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language Part 22

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A. S. _on_ and _pliht_ periculum, _pliht-an_ periculo objicere se.

APON, APOUN, _prep._ Upon, S.


A. S. _ufa_, Su. G. _uppa_, insuper, and _on_.

APORT, APORTE, _s._ Deportment, carriage.


Fr. _apport_, from _apport-er_, to carry; Lat. _ad_ and _port-are_.

_To_ APPAIR, _v. a._ To injure, to impair, O. E. _apeir_.

_Detect. Q. Mary._

Fr. _emper-er_, id.

V. ~Pare~, _v._

APPARELLE, APPARYLE, APPARAILL, _s._ Equipage, furniture for warfare, preparations for a siege, whether for attack or defence; ammunition.


Fr. _appareil_, provision, furniture, preparations for war.

APPIN, _adj._ Open, S.

_Complaynt S._

Dan. _aaben_ apertus; Isl. _opna_ foramen. Wachter derives Germ.

_offen_, apertus, from _auf_ up.

APPLERINGIE, _s._ Southernwood, S. Artemisia abrotanum, Linn.

Fr. _apile_ strong, and _auronne_ southernwood, from Lat.

_abrotanum_, id.

_To_ APLEIS, APPLESS, _v. a._ To satisfy, to content, to please.


Apparently from an obsolete Fr. v. of the form of _applaire_.

APPLY, _s._ Plight, condition.

_Sir Egeir._

Fr. _pli_ state, habit.

_To_ APPORT, _v. a._ To bring, to conduce.

Fr. _apport-er_, id.

_R. Bruce._

_To_ APPREUE, APPRIEVE, _v. a._ To approve.


Fr. _approuver_, Lat. _approbare_.

AR, ARE, _adv._ Formerly; also, early.

V. ~Air~.

_To_ AR, ARE, ERE, _v. a._ To plough, to till, S. _to ear_, E.


Moes. G. _ar-ian_, Su. G. _aer-ia_. Isl. _er-ia_, A. S. _er-ian_, Alem. _err-en_, Germ. _er-en_, Gr. a?-e??, Lat. _ar-are_. Ihre views Heb. ??? _ar-etz_, earth, as the fountain.

ARAGE, ARRAGE, ARYAGE, AUARAGE, AVERAGE, _s._ Servitude due by tenants, in men and horses, to their landlords. This custom is not entirely abolished in some parts of Scotland. "_Arage_ and carriage" is a phrase still commonly used in leases.


L. B. _averag-ium_, from _aver-ia_, a beast for work; and this perhaps from Fr. _ouvre_ work.

_To_ ARAS, ARRACE, _v. a._

1. To s.n.a.t.c.h or pluck away by force.


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