An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language -
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ALPE, _s._ An elephant. _Alpes bon_, ivory.
_Gl. Complaynt S._
A. S. _elp_, Lat. _eleph-as_; Heb. _alaph_, bos.
ALQUHARE, ALLQUHARE, _adv._ Every where.
From _all_, and _quhare_ where.
ALRY, _adj._
For its different senses, V. ~Elrische~.
ALRYNE, _s._ Apparently a watch-tower, or the highest part of a castle.
_Maitland Poems._
Su. G. _hall-a_ defendere, _hallare_ praesidium, _hallarena_ watchmen.
ALS, _conj._ As; generally employed in the first part of a comparison; "_Als_ fers as a lyoun," i. e. "As fierce as a lion."
From A. S. _ealles_, omnino; or _eall swa_, ita, tam.
ALS, ALSE, _adv._ Also, in the same manner.
V. ~Sua~, ~Alsua~.
A. S. _eall swa_, etiam.
ALSAME, ALSAMEN, _adv._ Altogether.
From A. S. _eall_ all, and _same_ together. Alem. _alsamen_, simul.
ALSMEKLE, _adv._ As much.
_Acts Ja. I._
From _als_, and _mekle_, much, great.
ALSONE, _adv._ As soon, with _as_ subjoined.
Properly _als sone_, A. S. _eall swa sona_.
ALSUA, _adv._ Also.
A. S. _alswa_, sicut.
ALSWYTH, _adv._ Forthwith.
From _all_, and _swith_, quickly, q. v.
ALUTERLY, _adv._
V. ~Alluterlie~.
ALWAIES, ALWAYIS, _conj._ Although; notwithstanding, however.
AMAILLE, _s._ Enamel.
_King's Quair._
Fr. Belg. _email_, Dan. _amel_; Teut. _mael-en_ pingere, A. S.
_mael_, imago.
AMAIST, _adv._ Almost, S. _ameast_, Westmorel.