Reform Cookery Book Part 16

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Beat b.u.t.ter and sugar to a cream. (It should be quite light and frothy.) Add water and lemon juice by a drop or two at a time while beating. It should look like clotted cream. Sprinkle the almonds over. Excellent with pudding or stewed fruit.

Lemon Sauce.

Make a teaspoonful cornflour smooth in saucepan with a little cold water.

Add a gill of boiling water, juice of a lemon, and 2 ozs. sugar. Let boil a minute or two. If flavour of rind is liked, grate that in. Add a little Carmine to colour.

Apple Sauce.

Pare, core and mince 4 to 6 apples. Stew in jar with moist sugar and a few cloves or bit of lemon rind. Remove the latter before sending to table.


Is the Best Article of its kind upon the market, being an appetising wholesome extract entirely soluble and free from fat. Send 4d. in stamps for 1-oz. Sample and full particulars to

CARNOS CO., Great Grimsby, Lincs.

_N.B.--No chemicals used in the manufacture._


Royal Pudding Mould Pure Earthenware.

Prices--1-, 1/6, 2/-, 2/6

Saucepan Brush Cleans a saucepan in a few seconds. Price 6d.

Pie Cup Price 4d. each.



Opened and Closed instantly.

Water kept out; Goodness kept in.

Gourmet Boiler

Cooks Porridge, Meat, Beef Tea, Jellies, Fruit, &c.

No Stirring; No Burning; No Waste.

Prices--9d., 1-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/8, 2/-, 2/3, 2/6, and upwards.

Egg Beater

For frothing Eggs and Foaming Cream Prices-- 9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/-

Queen's Pudding Boiler

Prices--9d., 1/-, 1/6, 2/- 2/6, 3/-

Pudding Spoon

Handy to use; does its work well. Price 6d.

Stands inside any Saucepan

Egg Separator Instantly separates the white from the yolk. Price 3d. each.

Complete List Free on application to GOURMET & CO., Mount Pleasant, London, W.C.



It is that delicious, sweet, nutty flavour which you long for but seldom find. It is only to be found in


Wholemeal, which is made from the very finest wheat obtainable, carefully selected and blended, and ground by millstones in the good old fas.h.i.+oned way.


contains the whole of the wheat, so treated that the sharp, irritating particles of the bran, so prevalent in the ordinary meal, are rendered harmless and capable of digestion by the weakest stomach.


by a patent process is ground to such a marvellous degree of fineness that it can be used for all the purposes for which white flour is used.

Therefore make all your Bread, Puddings, Cakes, Pies, and Pastry with "ARTOX." They will be much nicer, besides being more nouris.h.i.+ng and satisfying, because "ARTOX" is a perfect natural food.

We have a dainty booklet--"Grains of Common Sense"--we should like to send you, crammed with novel and delicious recipes. It will be sent free on application.

"ARTOX" is sold by all the leading Grocers and Health Food Stores in 3 lb., 7 lb., and 14 lb. sealed linen bags, or 28 lbs. will be sent direct on receipt of P.O. for 4/6.

Send Post Card for Name and Address of Nearest Agent to


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