Reform Cookery Book Part 15

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Add 20 to 30 drops Tarragon vinegar to prepared white sauce. Stir well.

Dutch Sauce.

To a creamy white sauce made with 2 ozs. b.u.t.ter to 1 oz. flour, add one, two, or three yolks of eggs according to richness desired. Beat up a little, add a very little cold milk to prevent curdling. Stir into sauce when off the fire. Allow to come just to boiling point again--this should be done in double saucepan or boiler--and add a little lemon juice.

Dutch Sauce (2).

Take the yolks of 2 eggs, beat lightly, and add to them a teaspoonful cold water. Whisk in a saucepan, add a tablespoonful lemon juice, same of cream, and a little pepper and salt. Stir over slow heat till it thickens.

Egg Sauce.

Prepare white sauce as above, and when ready add one or two hard-boiled eggs, very finely minced. The sauce may be made with white stock instead of milk. A pinch cayenne and other seasoning may be added.

Celery Sauce.

Make a sauce with the water or stock in which a head of celery has been boiled. Pulp part of the finest of celery through a sieve and add.

Horse Radish Sauce.

To quant.i.ty required of white sauce, add one or two tablespoonfuls finely sc.r.a.ped horse radish, and the juice of a lemon or a little vinegar.

Mustard Sauce.

Add teaspoonful or more made mustard to each 1/4 pint white sauce.

Onion Sauce.

Boil 1/2 lb. or 3/4 lb. Spanish onions in milk and water till tender.

Drain and make sauce with the liquor. Rub the onion through sieve and add.

Brown Sauce.

With brown stock or gravy, make a sauce in same way as white sauce. If browned flour is used the colour will be better. Add also a little Carnos or Marmite.

Hasty Brown Sauce

can also be made by using water, in which a teaspoonful Carnos or 1/2 teaspoonful Marmite to the teacupful has been dissolved, instead of the brown stock. Some mushroom ketchup is a good addition.

Sauce Piquante.

Stew some shallots in b.u.t.ter till quite cooked. Stir in a dessert spoonful flour and allow to brown. Add juice of a lemon and seasoning of cayenne, clove, &c., or a spoonful Worcester or other sauce, also 2 teacupfuls diluted extract or ketchup and water. Boil gently for 10 to 15 minutes, then strain.

Walnut Gravy.

This excellent sauce will be new to many, and some who, like the immortal "Mrs Todgers," are at their wit's end to provide the amount of gravy demanded, "which a whole animal, not to speak of a j'int, wouldn't do," may be glad to give it a trial. Take 2 ozs. grated walnuts. These should be run through a nut mill. Make 1 oz. b.u.t.ter hot in saucepan, add the walnuts and stir till very brown, but be careful not to burn. Add a tomato peeled and chopped, or a little of the juice from tinned tomatoes, a teaspoonful grated onion, and a very little flour. Mix well over the fire, and add slowly a breakfastcup brown stock or prepared Extract. Simmer gently for about 20 minutes. It may be strained or not, as preferred.

Tomato Sauce.

Peel and chop up 1/2 lb. tomatoes, or take a cupful tomato pulp. In a saucepan melt 1 oz. b.u.t.ter and add a little grated onion and the tomatoes.

Simmer till cooked. Stir in a little flour or cornflour, and when that is cooked rub through a sieve. A little ketchup or lemon juice may be added to taste.

Mayonnaise Sauce.

Put the yolk of an egg in a basin and mix in a teaspoonful mustard and 3 or 4 tablespoonfuls salad oil, by a few drops at a time, beating all the while with a fork. Add the juice of a lemon, a little Tarragon vinegar and castor sugar, pinch cayenne, and if liked, the white of egg beat stiff, or a little cream at the last.

Mint Sauce.

Melt 1 tablespoonful castor sugar in a gill boiling water. When cold add same quant.i.ty vinegar, then 3 or 4 tablespoons freshly pulled mint, chopped small.

Curry Sauce.

Add 2 teaspoonfuls curry powder or paste and a little chutney to 1/2 pint Brown Sauce or Piquant Sauce.

Bread Sauce.

Put a teacupful fine crumbs in a basin, add a tablespoonful grated onion, and pour over 2 cupfuls white stock or milk and water. Let stand for a little with plate over, then cook gently till quite smooth. Add seasoning of white pepper, ketchup, mace, &c., and if wished very smooth add a yolk of egg or a little cream, and rub through a coa.r.s.e sieve.

Sweet White Sauce.

To 1/2 pint melted b.u.t.ter add 2 ozs. sugar and a little of any flavouring preferred. A yolk of egg beat up is an improvement.

Cocoanut Sauce.

To above sweet white sauce add when cooking, 2 ozs. cocoanut cream. Stir till dissolved. A little dessicated cocoanut will do, but the cream is much handier and nicer, as one has the rich cocoanut flavour without the tough fibre.

Almond Sauce.

1/4 lb. fresh b.u.t.ter or 3 ozs. almond b.u.t.ter, 2 ozs. sifted sugar, 1 oz.

almond meal, or same of almonds blanched and chopped, 2 tablespoons water, 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice.

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