The Pragmatic Theory Of Truth As Developed By Peirce, James, And Dewey Part 8

The Pragmatic Theory Of Truth As Developed By Peirce, James, And Dewey -

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1882. Bergmann, J.--Die Grundprobleme der Logik. p. 96ff.

1884. Schulbert-Soldern, R. von.--Grundlagen einer Erkenntnisstheorie.

p. 156ff.

1885. Royce, J.--The Religious Aspect of Philosophy.

1889. Argyle, Duke of--What Is Truth?

Stephen, L.--On some kinds of necessary truth. Mind 14:50, 188.

1890. Carus, Paul--The criterion of truth. Monist 1:229.

1892. Rickert, H.--Der Gegenstand der Erkenntniss. Freib. pp. 63-64.

1893. Bradley, F. H.--Appearance and Reality. Chapters 16, 24.

Cousin, Victor--Lectures on the True, the Beautiful, and the Good.

Soyen, Shakn--Universality of truth. Monist 4:161.

Miller, D. S.--The meaning of truth and error. Phil. Rev. 2:408.

Smith, W.--Cert.i.tude. Phil. Rev. 2:665.

1894. Gordy, J. P.--The test of belief. Phil. Rev. 3:257.

1895. Jerusalem, W.--Die Urteilsfunction. p. 185ff.

Bosanquet, B.--Essentials of Logic. pp. 69-79.

Sigwart, C.--Logic. v. 1, pp. 295-326.

1896. Hodder, A.--Truth and the tests of truth. Phil. Rev. 5:1.

Wundt, W.--Ueber naiven und kritischen Realismus. Phil.

Studien 12:332.

1897. Brochard, Victor--De L'Erreur.

Jordan, D. S.--The stability of truth. Pop. Sci. Mo. 4:642, 749.

Strumpell, Ludw.--Unterchiede der Wahrheiten und irrtumer. p. 58.

1898. Baillie, J. B.--Truth and history. Mind 7:506.

Powell, J. W.--Truth and Error.

1899. Eisler, W.--Worterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe.

1900. Sidgwick, H.--Criteria of truth and error. Mind 9:8.

1901. Creighton, J. E.--Methodology and truth. Phil. Rev. 10:408.

French, F. C.--The doctrine of the twofold truth. Phil.

Rev. 10:477.

Royce, J.--The World and the Individual.

Smyth, J.--Truth and Reality.

1902. Baldwin, J. M.--Development and Evolution. Chapter 17.

Pritchett, H. S.--What is truth? Outlook 70:620.

1903. Duprat, Guillaume L.--Le Mesonge. Etude de psycho-sociologie pathologique et normale.

Pilate's What is truth. Catholic World 77:705.

1904. Bradley, F. H.--On truth and practice. Mind 13:309.

Glasenapp, G. v.--Der Wert der Wahrheit. Zeitsch. f. Philos. u.

phil. Kr. 123:186, 124:25.

Rogers, A. K.--James on humanism and truth. Jour. Phil. 1:693.

1905. Alexander, H. B.--Phenomenalism and the problem of knowledge.

Jour. Phil. 2:182.

Alexander, H. B.--Quant.i.ty, quality, and the function of knowledge. Jour. Phil. 2:459.

Hyslop, J. H.--Problems of Philosophy. Chapter 7.

Joachim, H. H.--'Absolute' and 'relative' truth. Mind 14:1.

Joseph, H. W. B.--Professor James on 'humanism and truth'.

Mind 14:28.

Knox, H. V.--Mr. Bradley's absolute criterion. Mind 14:210.

Overstreet, H. A.--Conceptual completeness and abstract truth.

Phil. Rev. 14:308.

Pitkin, W. B.--Psychology of eternal truths. Jour. Phil. 2:449.

Taylor, A. E.--Truth and practice. Phil. Rev. 14:265.

1906. Gore, George--Scientific sketch of untruth. Monist 16:96.

Russell, B.--The nature of truth. Mind 15:528.

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