Citadel Of Faith Part 8

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Advise you to suspend magazine for next two years. Appeal on my behalf to subscribers in East and West to devote their subscription fee to Temple Fund. Owing to present emergency such action would be highly meritorious.

[February 28, 1949]


The first half of the opening decade of the second Baha'i century is terminating. The great-minded, stout-hearted, high-spirited American Baha'i Community, laden with the trophies acc.u.mulated in the course of its fifty years' magnificent stewards.h.i.+p of the Faith of Baha'u'llah is irresistibly embarking upon a two and a half year period unsurpa.s.sed in its fateful consequences by any previous stage traversed in the community's eventful history.

Its members, without exception, are called upon to steel themselves without delay to face an unexpected emergency, seize a G.o.d-given opportunity, meet a supreme challenge, and show forth a tenacity of purpose, a solidarity in sacrifice, an austerity in everyday life, worthy the Martyr-Prophet of their Faith as well as their heroic spiritual forebears, the hundredth anniversary of whose agonizing tribulations, including captivity, sieges, betrayals, spoliation and martyrdom, is being commemorated during this same period.

No lesser tribute can be paid the memory of the glorious Bab, the immortal Quddus, the lion-hearted Mulla ?usayn, the erudite Vahid, the audacious Hujjat, the ill.u.s.trious seven martyrs of ?ihran and a host of unnumbered heroes whose lifeblood flowed so copiously in the course of the opening decade of the first Baha'i century, by the privileged champion-builders of the World Order of Baha'u'llah during the present critical stage in the unfoldment of the Formative Age of His Dispensation, than a parallel outpouring of their substance by the builders of the most holy House of Wors.h.i.+p laboring in the corresponding decade of the succeeding century.

The American Baha'i Community, exalted, singled out among sister communities of East and West through revelation of the Tablets of the Divine Plan, is unavoidably approaching a testing period, crucial, prolonged, potent, purifying, clearly envisaged by 'Abdu'l-Baha, different from but recalling in its severity the ordeals which afflicted the dawn-breakers in a former Age.

The antic.i.p.ated trials will enable its members to plumb greater depths of consecration, soar to n.o.bler heights of collective endeavor, and disclose in fuller measure the future glory of their destiny.

Might not the strain, the stress, of the strenuous period now being ushered in through inscrutable dispensations of Providence be productive of perspicuous benefits and blessings reminiscent of the incalculable outpourings of divine grace which followed closely in the train of the woeful trials immortalizing the initial, the bloodiest, the most dramatic period in the Heroic Age of the Baha'i Dispensation.

[March 16, 1949]


Convey to friends the joyful historic news of commencement of construction of arcade of the Bab's Shrine coinciding with fortieth anniversary of the placing of His remains in marble sarcophagus in vault of the same shrine by 'Abdu'l-Baha.

[March 21, 1949]


The American Baha'i Community, undefeated as yet in the performance of any task undertaken collectively by its members, in the course of its eventful history, is now entering a period of grave emergency, that will try the mettle of every single one of its members. Severe as the challenge will be, however prolonged the test, no matter how distracting the condition of the world about them, the issues which claim every ounce of their energy and call for their sustained, wholehearted, concentrated attention are so weighty that none can evaluate at present the influence they will exert on the course of the community's future destiny.

There can be no doubt that the Second Seven Year Plan, the vital link binding the initial and concluding stages of the first epoch in the progressive evolution of 'Abdu'l-Baha's long-term continually unfolding Plan, has reached its crucial phase-a phase on which hinge the fortunes not only of the Plan itself but of the community as a whole. The fourth objective of the Plan, the transatlantic project, on which its members have embarked, has, four years ahead of schedule, been, to all intents and purposes, victoriously achieved. The third objective has been partly attained, while its complete fulfillment, as a direct consequence of the marvelous success that has attended the valiant labors of the American pioneers and the newly enrolled native believers in Latin America, appears to be now fully a.s.sured. The attainment of the first objective has, as a result of the remarkable impetus given, during the opening years of the Plan, to the multiplication of spiritual a.s.semblies and the proclamation of the Faith in North America, been greatly facilitated, and will, with steady effort, involving not too great an expenditure of energy, be insured in the course of the concluding phase of the Plan. The completion of the Mother Temple of the West, the sacredness of which neither the first Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar of the Baha'i world, nor any future House of Wors.h.i.+p to be erected by the followers of Baha'u'llah, in any country, at any future date, can rival, in time for the celebration of its Jubilee, is the one remaining objective that now hangs precariously in the balance.

Owing to a combination of circ.u.mstances wholly beyond the control of its builders, this task has a.s.sumed a critical importance, and is of such vital urgency, that no prosecutor of the Plan, eager to witness its consummation, can afford to ignore for a moment.

The sacrifice demanded is such as to have no parallel whatsoever in the history of that community. The manifold issues inextricably interwoven with the campaign audaciously launched for the achievement of this high objective are of such a weighty character as to overshadow every enterprise embarked upon through the organized efforts of its members, in either the concluding years of the Heroic Age of the Faith or the first epoch of the Age which succeeded it. The two years during which this emergency will be most keenly felt coincide on the one hand with a period of increasing distraction occasioned by the uncertainties, the perils and fears of a steadily worsening international situation, and on the other with the centenary of one of the most turbulent, afflictive and glorious stages of Baha'i history-a stage immortalized by an effusion of blood, a self-abnegation, a heroism unsurpa.s.sed not only in the annals of the Faith but in the world's spiritual history. How meritorious, indeed, are the self-denying acts which this supremely challenging hour now calls forth, amidst the perplexities and confusion which present-day society is now experiencing! And yet, how trifling in comparison with the self-immolation of the most distinguished, the most precious heroes and saints of the Primitive Age of our glorious Faith! An outpouring of treasure, no less copious than the blood shed so lavishly in the Apostolic Age of the Faith by those who in the heart of the Asiatic continent proclaimed its birth to the world, can befit their spiritual descendants, who, in the present Formative Age of the Baha'i Dispensation, have championed the Cause, and a.s.sumed so preponderating a share in the erection of its Administrative Order, and are now engaged in the final stage of the building of the House that incarnates the soul of that Faith in the American continent. No sacrifice can be deemed too great to insure the completion of such an edifice-the most holy House of Wors.h.i.+p ever to be a.s.sociated with the Faith of the Most Great Name-an edifice whose inception has shed such a l.u.s.ter on the closing years of the Heroic Age of the Baha'i Dispensation, which has a.s.sumed a concrete shape in the present Formative stage in the evolution of our beloved Faith, whose dependencies must spring into existence in the course of successive epochs of this same Age, and whose fairest fruits will be garnered in the Age that is to come, the last, the Golden Age of the initial and brightest Dispensation of the five-thousand-century Baha'i Cycle.

"A most wonderful and thrilling motion will appear in the world of existence," are 'Abdu'l-Baha's own words, predicting the release of spiritual forces that must accompany the completion of this most hallowed House of Wors.h.i.+p. "From that point of light," He, further glorifying that edifice, has written, "the spirit of teaching ... will permeate to all parts of the world." And again: "Out of this Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar, without doubt, thousands of Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kars will be born." "It marks the inception of the Kingdom of G.o.d on earth."

Again I repeat-and I cannot overrate the vital, the unique importance of the campaign now launched to insure the completion of such an edifice-the immediate destiny of the American Baha'i Community is intimately and inescapably bound up with the outcome of this newly launched, this severely trying, soul-purging, spiritually uplifting campaign. The G.o.d-given mission, const.i.tuting the birthright, and proclaiming the primacy of a community whose members the Founder of that community, the Center of the Covenant Himself, has addressed as the "Apostles of Baha'u'llah," can only be fulfilled if they befittingly obey the specific Mandate issued by 'Abdu'l-Baha in His Tablets of the Divine Plan. The execution of this Mandate is, in its turn, dependent upon the triumphant conclusion of the Second Seven Year Plan, the second stage in the series of specific plans formulated to insure the successful termination of the opening phase in the execution of that Mandate. Indeed, the successive plans, inaugurated since the birth of the second Baha'i century, by the British, the Indian, the Persian, the Australia-New Zealand, the Iraqi, the German and the Egyptian National a.s.semblies, with the exception of the plan undertaken by the Canadian National a.s.sembly, which forms an integral part of the Plan a.s.sociated with the Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Baha, are but supplements to the vast enterprise whose features have been delineated in those Tablets and are to be regarded, by their very nature, as regional in scope, in contrast with the world-embracing character of the mission entrusted to the community of the champion builders of the World Order of Baha'u'llah, and the torch-bearers of the civilization which that Order must eventually establish. As to the Second Seven Year Plan itself, its eventual success must depend on the attainment of its second and most vital objective. This objective, in its turn, cannot be achieved unless the two-year campaign, now launched by the elected representatives of this community, is successfully carried out. Nor can this campaign yield its richest fruit unless and until the community, in its entirety, partic.i.p.ates in this nation-wide sacrificial effort. Nor can this collective effort be blessed, to the fullest extent possible, unless the contributions made by its members involve acts of self-abnegation, not only on the part of those of modest means, but also by those endowed with substantial resources. Nor, indeed, can these self-denying acts, by both the rich and the poor, be productive of the fullest possible benefit unless this sacrificial effort is neither momentary nor haphazard, but rather systematic and continuous throughout the period of the present emergency.

Then and only then will this holy edifice, symbol and harbinger of a world civilization as yet unborn, and the embodiment of the sacrifice of a mult.i.tude of the upholders of the Faith of Baha'u'llah, release the full measure of the regenerative power with which it has been endowed, shed in all its plenitude the glory of the Most Holy Spirit dwelling within it, and vindicate, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the truth of every single promise recorded by the pen of 'Abdu'l-Baha pertaining to its destiny.

No more befitting consummation for this magnificent enterprise can be envisaged than that this n.o.ble edifice, whose cornerstone has been laid by 'Abdu'l-Baha's own hands, the preliminary measure for whose construction synchronized with the formal interment of the Bab's remains on Mt. Carmel, within whose walls the first Centenary of the birth of His ministry has been celebrated, whose interior ornamentation has coincided with the construction of the arcade of His Sepulcher, should be vouchsafed the honor of having the Jubilee of its inception coincide with, and celebrated on the occasion of, the Centenary of the birth of Baha'u'llah's prophetic Mission in the Siyah-_Ch_al of ?ihran.

[April 11, 1949]


Desire to share with attendants at Forty-first American Baha'i Convention feelings of joyous grat.i.tude evoked by the steady acceleration of the dual process of expansion and consolidation of the Baha'i World Community as well as the perspicuous evidences of divine protection vouchsafed the World Center of the Faith during the course of the third year of the Second Seven Year Plan. The number of countries included within the pale of the Faith is ninety-four. Languages into which Baha'i literature is translated, and a.s.semblies, local and national, incorporated, now total fifty-six and one hundred five, respectively. Baha'i literature now being translated into fourteen additional languages. The number of centers in Latin America is one hundred and nine. The fourth objective of the present Plan has been achieved four years ahead of schedule through the formation of a spiritual a.s.sembly in each of the ten goal countries on the European continent. Centers established in these countries total thirty-one, newly enrolled native believers, one hundred fifty-four. Nearly a million dollar drive to complete the Mother Temple of the West has been auspiciously launched and construction of interior sections of the ornamentation initiated. Number of settlements in Greenland provided with Baha'i scriptures raised to forty-eight, including Thule beyond the Arctic Circle and Etah near eightieth lat.i.tude. Number of American states, territories and federal districts recognizing Baha'i marriage raised to eighteen.

Restoration of the newly acquired German national Haziratu'l-Quds at Frankfurt has been commenced. Formulation of five year plans for German and Egyptian National a.s.semblies, culminating at the Centenary of the Birth of Baha'u'llah's prophetic Mission, completes the number of national a.s.semblies pledged to achieve within appointed time specified goals in five continents. The European Teaching Conference convened at Geneva inaugurating series of annual gatherings designed to consolidate the tremendously significant transatlantic project. Baha'i observers accredited by United Nations partic.i.p.ated in Conference on Human Rights, Geneva; United Nations General a.s.sembly, Paris. Baha'i representative attended Luxembourg general conference of world movement for world federation. First all red Indian a.s.sembly consolidated at Macy, Nebraska.

Building operations on arcade of Bab's Sepulcher commenced forty years after official interment of His remains by 'Abdu'l-Baha. Prolonged hostilities ravaging Holy Land providentially terminated. Baha'i holy places, unlike those belonging to other faiths, miraculously safeguarded.

Perils no less grave than those which threatened the World Center of the Faith under 'Abdu'l-?amid and Jamal Pa_sh_a and through Hitler's intended capture of the Near East, averted. Independent sovereign state within confines of Holy Land established and recognized, marking termination of twenty-century-long provincial status. Formal a.s.surance of the protection of Baha'i holy sites and continuation of Baha'i pilgrimage given by Prime Minister of newly emerged state. Official invitation extended by its government on the historic occasion of the opening of the state's first parliament. Official record of Baha'i marriage endorsed, Baha'i endowments exempted by responsible authorities of the same state. Best wishes for the future welfare of the Faith of Baha'u'llah conveyed in writing by the newly elected head of the state in reply to congratulatory message addressed him upon a.s.sumption of his office. Appeal to entire community, through a.s.sembled delegates, in thankful recognition of the manifold blessings vouchsafed the Faith and in response to the alert sounded for the present emergency, to arise and demonstrate more conspicuously than ever before, through greater austerity at home and increasing audacity in foreign fields, both in Latin America and Europe, their grim determination at whatever cost, no matter how crucial the test, however long the period, however herculean the labor, to carry forward unremittingly their task to its triumphant conclusion.

[April 25, 1949]


Greatly welcome, much impressed by remarkable feat of initial victory collectively achieved by self-sacrificing efforts of invincible, far-visioned, forward-marching American Baha'i Community. Ultimate victory now in sight bidding fair to bring present emergency period to triumphant conclusion, seal fate of Second Seven Year Plan and open prospect of glorious inauguration at appointed time of third collective Plan designed to terminate initial chapter in story of mysterious unfoldment of Divine Plan. Rejoice particularly at formulation of teaching plans so vitally linked with immediate destiny of Temple enterprise. Owing to relaxation of pressure occasioned by critical situation advise direct special attention to invigorate activities conducted in Latin America and European continent. Need for voluntary, self-supporting, wholly dedicated pioneers calculated to supplement newly launched undertaking in both fields is still pressing and acquiring greater urgency owing to approaching emergence of Latin American national a.s.semblies and necessity to consolidate swiftly the newly-formed local a.s.semblies in ten European goal countries. Heart uplifted at contemplation of mighty range of accomplishments embracing so vast a field in both hemispheres. Prayers continually ascending to Abha throne both in thanksgiving for marvelous bounties already vouchsafed and in supplication for renewal of strength for attainment of future goals.

[June 29, 1949]


Delighted by progress of Temple work. Highly approve, deeply appreciate suggestion to defray expenses of German representative to Brussels conference. Supplicating Almighty's blessing for manifold activities pursued, unrelaxing vigilance, unflinching determination, exemplary self-sacrifice in three continents by divinely sustained American Baha'i Community.

[July 20, 1949]

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