How Girls Can Help Their Country Part 32

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_Secrets of the Woods._ Long, Wm. D.

_Lives of the Hunted._ Seton-Thompson, Ernest.

_Wild Animals I Have Known._ Seton-Thompson, Ernest.

_Jungle Books._ Kipling, Rudyard.

_Our National Parks._ Muir, John.

_Earth and Its Story._ Hulprin, Angels.

_Naturalist._ Trafton.

NEEDLEWOMAN: _Easy Steps in Sewing._ Fryer, J. E.

_Home Art Crochet Book._ Klickmann, F.

_Magic of Dress._ Gould.

_Needlecraft._ (_Children's Library of Work and Play._) Archer, E. A.

_Sewing for Little Girls._ Foster, O. H.

_Three Hundred Things a Bright Girl Can Do._ Kelley, L. E.

_When Mother Lets Us Sew._ Johnson, C.

PIONEER: _Boy's Camp Book._ Cave, E.

_Boy Scout's Hike Book._ Cave, E.

_Camp Cookery._ Kephart, H.

_On the Trail._ Beard, L.

SIGNALLING: _Official Handbook for Girls._

SWIMMER: _Swimming._ Brewster.

TELEGRAPHIST: _Official Handbook for Boys._ Boy Scouts of America.


FAMOUS WOMEN: _When I Was a Girl in Italy._ Ambrosi, M.

_Promised Land._ Antin, M.

_Lives of Girls Who Became Famous._ Bolton, S. K.

_Joan of Arc._ de Monvel, B.

_Girls' Book of Famous Queens._ Farmer, L. H.

_Life of Mary Lyon._ Gilchrist, B. B.

_Autobiography of a Tomboy._ Gilder, J. L.

_Historic Girlhoods._ Holland, R. S.

_Group of Famous Women._ Horton, E.

_Story of My Life._ Keller, H.

_New England Girlhood._ Larcom, L.

_Heroines that Every Child Should Know._ Mabie, H. W.

_Louise, Queen of Prussia._ Merz, H.

_Louisa May Alcott._ Moses, B.

_Life of Alice Freeman Palmer._ Palmer, G. H.

_Florence Nightingale._ Richards, L. E.

_When I Was Your Age._ Richards, L. E.

_Wonder Workers._ Wade, M. H.

_Jeanne D'Arc._ Wilmot-Buxton.

_Queens of England._ Strickland.

FAIRY TALES AND FOLK LORE: _Arabian Nights._ _Fairy Tales._ Andersen, H. C.

_Granny's Wonderful Chair._ Browne, F.

_Alice's Adventures in Wonderland._ Carroll, L.

_Fairy Tales._ Grimm Bros.

_Uncle Remus, His Songs and Sayings._ Harris.

_Celtic Fairy Tales._ Jacobs, J.

_Blue Fairy Book._ Lang, A.

_Pinocchio._ Lorenzini, C.

_Children's Book._ Scudder, H. E.

HISTORY OF LITERATURE: _History of the English Language._ Lounsbury, T. P.

_English Literature for Boys and Girls._ Marshall, H. E.

_Introduction to American Literature._ Pancoast, H. S.

POETRY: _Songs of Innocence._ Blake, Wm.

_Golden Staircase._ Chisholm, L.

_Poems of Childhood._ Field, E.

_Lyra Heroica._ Henley, W.

_Boy's Percy._ Lanier, S.

_Nonsense Books._ Lear, E.

_Story Telling Poems._ Olcott, F. J.

_Golden Treasury._ Palgrave, F. T.

_Book of Famous Verse._ Repplier, A.

_Child's Garden of Verse._ Stevenson, R. L.

_Golden Numbers._ Wiggin, K. D.

_Pinafore Palace._ Wiggin, K. D.

_Posy Ring._ Wiggin, K. D.

_Lays of Ancient Rome._ Macaulay.

_Longfellow's Poems._ Longfellow.

_Lady of the Lake._ Scott.

_Idylls of the King._ Tennyson.

_Robin Hood Ballads._ Parker.

_Rosemary and Rue._ Gordon.

STORIES: _Lisbeth Longfrock._ Aanrud, A.

_Little Men._ Alcott, L. M.

_Little Women._ Alcott, L. M.

_Under the Lilacs._ Alcott, L. M.

_Marjorie Daw._ Aldrich, T. B.

_Pride and Prejudice._ Austen, J.

_Little Minister._ Barrie, J. M.

_Lorna Doone._ Blackmore, R. D.

_Jane Eyre._ Bronte, C. M.

_Last Days of Pompeii._ Lytton, Bulwer.

_Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines._ Clarke, M. C.

_Friend of Caesar._ Davis, W. S.

_Egyptian Princess._ Ebers, G. M.

_Silas Marner._ Eliot, G.

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You're reading How Girls Can Help Their Country by Author(s): Juliette Low and Agnes Baden-Powell and Robert Baden-Powell. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 515 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.