The Stepmother, A Drama in Five Acts Part 16

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Gertrude (to the General) Did you find it there last night?

The General No.

Gertrude I took it from the chamber myself last night, and put it where it now stands. (Points to the vase of flowers on the veranda.)

Marguerite Sir, I swear to you by my eternal salvation--

Gertrude Do not swear. (Calling.) Pauline!

The General Pauline!

(Pauline appears.)

Gertrude Was the vase of flowers in your room last night?

Pauline Yes. Marguerite, my dear old friend, you must have forgotten it.

Marguerite Why don't you say, Mademoiselle, that some one put it there on purpose to make you ill!

Gertrude Whom do you mean by some one?

The General You old fool, if your memory failed you, it is unnecessary for you, at any rate, to accuse anybody else.

Pauline (aside to Marguerite) Keep silence! (Aloud) Marguerite, it was there! You forgot it.

Marguerite It is true, sir, I was thinking of the day before yesterday.

The General (aside) She has been in my service for twenty years. Strange that she should be so persistent! (Takes Marguerite aside.) Come! What did you say about the flowers for my daughter's hair?

Marguerite (while Pauline makes signs to her) I said that, sir--I am so old that my memory is treacherous.

The General But even then, why did you suppose that any one in the house had an evil thought towards--

Pauline Say no more, father! She has so much affection for me, dear Marguerite, that she is sometimes distracted by it.

Marguerite (aside) I am quite sure I took away the flowers.

The General (aside) Why should my wife and my daughter deceive me? An old trooper like me doesn't permit himself to be caught between two fires, and there is something decidedly crooked--

Gertrude Marguerite, we will take tea in this room when M. G.o.dard comes down.

Tell Felix to bring in all the newspapers.

Marguerite Very good, madame.


Gertrude, the General and Pauline.

The General (kissing his daughter) You've not even said good-morning to me, you unnatural child.

Pauline (kissing him) But, you began by scolding about nothing. I declare, father, I am going to undertake your education. It is quite time for you, at your age, to control yourself a little,--a young man would not be so quick as you are! You have terrified Marguerite, and when women are in fear, they tell little falsehoods, and you can get nothing out of them.

The General (aside) I'm in for it now! (Aloud) Your conduct, young lady, does not do much towards promoting my self-control. I wish you to marry, and I propose a man who is young--

Pauline Handsome and well educated!

The General Please keep silence, when your father addresses you, mademoiselle. A man who possesses a magnificent fortune, at least six times as much as yours, and you refuse him. You are well able to do so, because I leave you free in the matter; but if you do not care for G.o.dard, tell me who it is you choose, if I do not already know.

Pauline Ah, father, you are much more clear-sighted than I am. Tell me who he is?

The General He is a man from thirty to thirty-five years old, who pleases me much more than G.o.dard does, although he is without fortune. He is already a member of our family.

Pauline I don't see any of our relations here.

The General I wonder what you can have against this poor Ferdinand, that you should be unwilling--

Pauline Ah! Who has been telling you this story? I'll warrant that it is Madame de Grandchamp.

The General A story? I suppose, you will deny the truth of it! Have you never thought of this fine young fellow?

Pauline Never!

Gertrude (to the General) She is lying! Just look at her.

Pauline Madame de Grandchamp has doubtless her reasons for supposing that I have an attachment for my father's clerk. Oh! I see how it is, she wishes you to say: "If your heart, my daughter, has no preference for any one, marry G.o.dard." (In a low voice to Gertrude) This, madame, is an atrocious move! To make me abjure my love in my father's presence!

But I will have my revenge.

Gertrude (aside to Pauline) As you choose about that; but marry G.o.dard you shall!

The General (aside) Can it be possible that these two are at variance? I must question Ferdinand. (Aloud) What were you saying to each other?

Gertrude Your daughter, my dear, did not like my idea that she was taken with a subordinate; she is deeply humiliated at the thought.

The General Am I to understand, then, my daughter, that you are not in love with him?

Pauline Father, I--I do not ask you to marry me to any one! I am perfectly happy! The only thing which G.o.d has given us women, as our very own, is our heart. I do not understand why Madame de Grandchamp, who is not my mother, should interfere with my feelings.

Gertrude My child, I desire nothing but your happiness. I am merely your stepmother, I know, but if you had been in love with Ferdinand, I should have--

The General (kissing Gertrude's hand) How good you are!

Pauline (aside) I feel as if I were strangled! Ah! If I could only undo her!

Gertrude Yes, I should have thrown myself at your father's feet, to win his consent, if he had refused it.

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