The Stepmother, A Drama in Five Acts Part 1

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The Stepmother, A Drama in Five Acts.

by Honore De Balzac.



(A richly decorated drawing-room; on the walls are portraits of Napoleon I. and his son. The entry is by a large double gla.s.s door, which opens on a roofed veranda and leads by a short stairway to a park. The door of Pauline's apartments are on the right; those of the General and his wife are on the left. On the left side of the central doorway is a table, and on the right is a cabinet. A vase full of flowers stands by the entrance to Pauline's room. A richly carved marble mantel, with a bronze clock and candelabras, faces these apartments. In the front of the stage are two sofas, one on the left, the other on the right. Gertrude enters, carrying the flowers which she has just plucked, and puts them in the vase.)

Gertrude and the General.

Gertrude I a.s.sure you, my dear, that it would be unwise to defer any longer giving your daughter in marriage. She is now twenty-two. Pauline has been very slow in making her choice; and, in such a case, it is the duty of parents to see that their children are settled. Moreover, I am very much interested in her.

The General In what way?

Gertrude The position of stepmother is always open to suspicion; and for some time it has been rumored in Louviers that I am the person who throws obstacles in the way of Pauline's marriage.

The General That is merely the idle gossip of little towns. I should like to cut out some of those silly tongues. And to think that they should attack you of all people, Gertrude, who have been a real mother to Pauline--whom you have educated most excellently!

Gertrude It is the way of the world! They will never forgive us for living so close to the town, yet never entering it. The society of the place revenges itself upon us for slighting it. Do you think that our happiness can escape envy? Even our doctor--

The General Do you mean Vernon?

Gertrude Yes, Vernon is very envious of you; he is vexed to think that he has never been able to inspire any woman with such affection as I have for you. Moreover, he pretends that I am merely playing a part,--as if I could do it for twelve years! Rather unlikely, I should think.

The General No woman could keep up the pretence for twelve years without being found out. The idea is absurd! And Vernon also is--

Gertrude Oh, he is only joking! And so, as I told you before, you had better see G.o.dard. I am astonished that he has not yet arrived. He is so rich that it would be folly to refuse him. He is in love with Pauline, and although he has his faults, and is somewhat provincial, he is quite able to make her happy.

The General I have left Pauline quite free to choose a husband for herself.

Gertrude There is no cause for anxiety. A girl so gentle, so well brought up, so well behaved, is sure to do right.

The General Gentle, did you say? She is headstrong, like her father.

Gertrude She, headstrong? And you, come now, do you not always act as I wish?

The General You are no angel, and always wish what pleases me! By the bye, Vernon takes dinner with us after his autopsy.

Gertrude Was it necessary to tell me that?

The General I only told you, in order that he might have his favorite wines.

Felix (enters, announcing) Monsieur de Rimonville!

The General Ask him in.

Gertrude (making a sign to Felix to arrange the vase of flowers) I will go to Pauline's room, while you are talking business. I should like to superintend the arrangement of her toilet. Young people do not always understand what is most becoming to them.

The General She has no expense spared her! During the last eighteen months her dress has cost twice as much as it previously did; after all, poor girl, it is the only amus.e.m.e.nt she has.

Gertrude How can you say it is her only amus.e.m.e.nt while she has the privilege of living with us! If it were not my happy lot to be your wife, I should like to be your daughter. I will never leave you, not I! Did you say for the last eighteen months? That is singular! Well, when I come to think of it, she has begun to care more about laces, jewels, and other pretty things.

The General She is quite rich enough to indulge her tastes.

Gertrude And she is now of age. (Aside) Her fondness of dress is the smoke. Can there be any fire? (Exit.)


The General (alone) What a pearl among women! Thus I am made happy after twenty-six campaigns, a dozen wounds, and the death of an angel, whose place she has taken in my heart; truly a kind Providence owed me some such recompense as this, if it were only to console me for the death of the Emperor.


G.o.dard and the General.

G.o.dard (entering) Well, General!

The General Ah! good day, G.o.dard! I hope you are come to spend the day with us?

G.o.dard I thought perhaps I might spend the week, General, if you should regard favorably the request which I shall venture to make of you.

The General Go in and win! I know what request you mean--My wife is on your side.

Ah, G.o.dard, you have attacked the fortress at its weak point!

G.o.dard General, you are an old soldier, and have no taste for mere phrases.

In all your undertakings you go straight ahead, as you did when under fire.

The General Straight and facing the whole battery.

G.o.dard That suits me well, for I am rather timid.

The General You! I owe you, my dear friend, an apology; I took you for a man who was too well aware of his own worth.

G.o.dard You took me to be conceited! But General, as a matter of fact, I intend to marry because I don't know how to pay any court to women.

The General (aside) What a civilian! (Aloud) How is this? You talk like an old man, and --that is not the way to win my daughter.

G.o.dard Do not misunderstand me. I have a warm heart; I wish only to feel sure that I shall be accepted.

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