The Villain's Story Chapter {91}What Is This...Feeling?[2]

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Chapter {91}What Is This...Feeling?[2]


The modern and correct definition of it in the dictionary was 'A lack of Satisfaction.'

There could be many reasons for you to be dissatisfied with a certain outcome or action...

But the most common was when something you expected to be great...was absolute s.h.i.+t.

What would you feel like when you expected a great anime battle that was hyped up for the entire season to be animated like s.h.i.+t?

First, you would be dissatisfied with the outcome.

And...then, your dissatisfaction would lead to anger.

Resentment, Bitterness, and ultimately, you would look for an outlet to release all that rage.

It could be on your phone, your controller, or anything within your immediate vicinity.

But in this case, what if this anger, wrath, and rage were directed... toward living beings?

And especially so by someone who could kill them easily?

Pure M.a.s.s.a.c.r.e.


'What is this?!'

I thought to myself as I hacked away at all the goblins I encountered.

I could not explain it.

What am I feeling?!

I am not so easy to anger, except for 'that' incident in the orphanage, I rarely ever get angry!

Then what is this?!

I wanted to fight.

I wanted to kill.

And I wanted to fight a good fight!

These goblins are nothing.


I grit my teeth and thought.

'Is this the effect of my race?!'

This bloodl.u.s.t will fight...Is the reason for all of this my race as a draconian?!

'Draconians....hold on, let me think about this, They are a lower subspecies of dragons...they can evolve into dragons in some stories, and in some are just slaves to dragons...They like to fight in some?'

Unluckily for me, The labyrinth itself wasn't going to wait for me to come up with a theory as to why I was like this, because while I was ma.s.sacring the goblins, one of these sneaky green b.a.s.t.a.r.ds had jumped at me from the other side while my spear was inside the throat of one of its own.

[Dragon eyes.]

I activated dragon eyes and the world seemed to slow down.


I thought after seeing the goblin with its club raised high to attack me.

I could calculate the goblin's trajectory and inwardly cursed at myself.

No matter what, that club was going to hit my head, or shoulder if I moved a little back.

But unfortunately for the little goblin, I wasn't going to let it. As I saw its little arms swing that club, I moved back slightly and raised my leg, preparing to kick in the hips and break them.

But in the slowed-down world, something else entered my vision.

Upon further inspection, I could see a bolt of lightning making its way towards the head of the little goblin.


I could hear the voice of lightning crackling slowly in the slowed-down world I saw during the activation of dragon eyes.

And thus, before its club could reach me, and before my leg could reach it.

The lightning bolt was faster than both of us and accurately struck the head of the goblin, Frying its brain in an instant.


I heard the death cry of the goblin as it could feel the pain of lightning traveling inside its body and frying its insides.

And like that, The charred body of the little goblin fell to the ground lifelessly.


Seeing its comrade die so miserably, the remaining goblin rushed towards me in a last-ditch attempt.

But its last-ditch attempt would be futile, for I was not as unrestrained and unprepared for this attack as the other.

I faced the direction of the goblin before steadying my posture and stabbing its head, through its eyes, and coming out of the back of its head.


It is said that the brain could still process information for up to 3 seconds after experiencing extremely great damage.

And I could see the process right before my eyes, as the goblins eye slowly turned from shock to tired and slowly lost all color.

And before my eyes, its body disintegrated into a blue light that was absorbed.

Looking at the area where the goblin who was fried alive was previously, I found nothing as its body had already disintegrated into the labyrinth.

Looking at the place where it died, I opened my mouth and muttered words of grat.i.tude to my savior.

"Thank you."

And with that, I continued walking forward in the dark abyss that was the first floor of this labyrinth.

And I heard the response in my mind soon after.

[No Problem.]


[Just outside the labyrinth entrance.]

"Whew, that should be the last team to enter."

The instructor in charge of the entrance of the labyrinth spoke while pressing some b.u.t.tons on the terminal in front of him.

As he finished whatever he was doing.

The ma.s.sive door behind him started to close slowly.

Unknown to him, A person wearing an extremely pricey artifact that made him invisible entered the door just before it closed, not being detected by even the Vice Of s.h.i.+eld Itself.

And then, the door finally closed.


[In the deepest part of the labyrinth.]

A red crystal the size of a building shone with a great red light shone floating above a ma.s.sive pool of lava.


Bubbles of lava popped continuously in this ma.s.sive pool of lava.

And slowly, a certain area of this sea of lava began to rise, and slowly revealed a ma.s.sive beast that resembled a crocodile...only if it was 100x bigger.

Its gorgeous body was lined with beautiful but tough scales.

Along its ma.s.sive body was lines of lava flowing as if they were blood in veins.


The beast grumbled as if trying to discover who had disturbed its slumber.

It spread out its mana throughout the entire labyrinth.

And it found out the cause too. two humans.

One on the second floor had an aura of fire surrounding his body.

This one didn't intrigue it much yet, and neither did the... weird organism on the First floor as well.

What enraged it was the Human who had just entered the labyrinth and was currently traveling through the entire first floor like a not of lightning.

It was a figure rivaling it in strength.

One that could kill it...and provide the beast a good battle.

A battle that it would accept wholeheartedly.

It opened its jaw wide and one could see lava dripping down from its mouth.

But this lava was blown away from the tremendous air pressure that made the labyrinth itself shake until the fiftieth floor.

An air pressure was released from its mouth, as a result of its terrifying...


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