The Villain's Story Chapter [616] The supreme of Darkness, Valus!

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Chapter 616: [616] The supreme of Darkness, Valus!

I woke up, my bed drowned in sweat, My cold body felt hot, my dragon heart beating wildly inside my chest, threatening to leave my body. I grabbed my neck to protect it with my hands, and coughed uncontrollably.

"Oh my G.o.d!"

Whose voice is that? I don't know, my head is spinning, My body continues to sweat profusely, I can't think straight, tears are running down my cheek and I struggle to breath.

Am I...having a panic attack? Well...with what I've seen, I can't really deny this. In fact, I think it's completely reasonable.

The last moments of that abominable nightmare...

"Alan, drink water now!"

"Oi, Are you good?"


Three voices, one female, two male. All of them younger than me. Before I could try to look up, A bottle of water shoved in my mouth, cold water trickled down my throat, and finally I was able to calm down.

"Lay him down, Now!"

The two males pushed my body down, and my back met my bed once more, Their hands were rough, filled with calluses.

"Take a deep breath, twice."

I did as the female said, and finally, after I had 'calmed' down, I could figure out who they were. Sabrina, Alexander, and Kazikato stared down at me with concern in their eyes.

I slowly stood up, and my eyes regained their focus.

"Don't just stand up again, rest for a few more minutes."

Sabrina's voice pierced my ears, Kazikato agreed with her.

"Yeah, rest a bit, boss."

Only Alexander continued to stare at me, however his eyes told me he was also thinking the same. The three of them continued to stare at me, and after regaining my composure once more, I calmed them down.

"Nothing, just... a bad dream."

A terrible one...

"A nightmare?"

"One that can make you like that? d.a.m.n."

I ignored them and touched my neck once more, covering whatever of I could with my hands, breathing heavily.

"Cut it out, Al, Can you tell us what happened?"

I could see Sabrina looking straight at me, it's a bit embarra.s.sing, considering I don't have anything to cover my upper body. But I can't tell her what I saw... I don't want to be labelled a psychopath, or a schizophrenic patient.

Who would believe there existed a sea of darkness one could stand upon, but still submerge in it if not careful? That there were cities on this gruesome place? That there existed a dragon made of pure darkness, battling the dragon that was considered the end...

Dragon of Darkness...


"Hey, drink more water."

There it is again...the panic attack is coming back. Thankfully, I was able to shrug it off once more, and looked Sabrina straight in the eyes.

"... Why are all of you here?"

I was wondering about this... Why are the three of them in my room? Wearing...a lot of accessories, strangely enough. Shouldn't they all be preparing to embark on the journey? "Shouldn't you all be getting...ready?"

They all looked at me with a repressed gaze, Alexander sighed and said.

"Were already ready. Don't you see all these accessories? Maxwell tried his best to get anything that could resist the cold. We were waiting for you, you're late."

"... That man is probably ripping his hair out right now. You know how punctual he likes to be."

Sabrina stayed quiet, still trying to offer me a bottle of water, but I refused, Kazikato and Alexander meanwhile took jabs at me.

Alexander...had changed, not only was he taller, but he had gotten rid of his scared look and had undergone a true change in his physique... Even better than when he was training on Terra d.a.m.num, His eyes had grown...deeper. I don't know how to describe that, His hair also had streaks of silver, like lightning.

Speaking of lightning...where is that d.a.m.n dog? Was his name Festival? He stuck to Alexander

a lot.

"We should get going, can you stand up?"

Sabrina asked, her face still tinged with worry, I put on a s.h.i.+rt and asked.

"How late am I?"

"About seven hours?"

My jaw dropped... I was the one pestering all of them to be ready on time, and here I am, the only one who was late. I sighed and opened a portal to the Predator meeting room.

Meanwhile, Alexander kept babbling.

"Finally, I get to see what the outside world is hours later than planned."

I knew he was just trying to lighten the mood, since the paleness on my face hadn't disappeared, but I would like to punch him right now, Kazikato just looked at him awkwardly, failing to understand. Sabrina...sighed.

The portal was ready, and I said.

"Alright... let's go."

However, they didn't move."

"Alan, rest for a bit."

"What she said."

"Boss, are you good?"

Sabrina continued.

"If you want to rest a little bit more, We can probably delay it."

It touched my heart how they truly cared, but I knew I couldn't just delay it like that. I'm the leader...the one who was also pestering them the entire week. I'm the last one who can afford to be late, to be perfectly honest. Besides, I would like to give Maxwell as less time as he could to devise insults if possible. I already know that man will tear my eyes out from anger. He probably spent many sleepless nights trying to prepare... So when he would probably hear that I spent my time sleeping instead of getting ready...


I shudder to imagine.

I urged them all to hurriedly enter the portal, I already have all my stuff in my inventory, I don't have anything else to pack at all. I was as ready as I could be...except for the sleeping.

Alexander, Kazikato walked inside the portal, whilst Sabrina looked back at me.

"Coming or not?"

I entered together with her...and was met by a face I did not think Maxwell could make.

I wonder who the real demon is...

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