The Villain's Story Chapter [586] Minotaur[2]

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Chapter [586] Minotaur[2]

He leapt up, right towards the monster's right eye, he had his famous spear, The AME-No- Sakahoko in his hands but did not imbue mana into it just yet.

In order to do so, he would have to cancel his skill, and he wasn't confident in the monster just letting him attack.

Therefore, he got as close as he could first, and only then would he imbue mana. When a strike was guaranteed.

The Minotaur kept its eyes on the door, but Alan still felt wary.

Finally, he was close, he readied his mana to erupt at any moment and opted to use a strike of the Heavenly Sky Spear technique, the Chaos Spear couldn't be used in such a quick moment, it needs more time.

The heavenly Sky spear was not like that, however.


He cancelled his skill, and imbued his mana and used the thrust technique.

The Minotaur noticed his existence, and stared right at the tip of the spear that would soon penetrate his eyes, if not for...

It's horns.

It moved it's head ever so slightly and used its horns to deflect the spear. Sparks flew in the air.

"What the...!"

Alan didn't expect that...he didn't expect this thing to be this fast...!

He felt a chill run down his entire body, and before thinking of anything else, he teleported far away.

The Minotaur king had attacked with its strange blade, Although it had missed, the sheer force it exerted left a deep mark on the wall, a second later, it carried the momentum of its swing to make another attack on Alan, who teleported behind it.

Alan jumped over the attack, and made some distance.

"Shouldn't something as big as you be a little slow?"

He joked to calm his restless heart, The Minotaur king released some smoke from its nostrils, as if scoffing at the new foe.

It refused to dilly-dally for any longer, and raised its sword above its head.

'That's...going to wreck the entire floor.'

Alan thought, it was easy for that strike to wreck the entire floor if the Minotaur king provided it with the same force as his previous attacks... And it looked like it would be more.

'... The labyrinth won't collapse...right?'

A dangerous thought appeared in his mind, What if the fight escalated to such a level? Would the Labyrinth, now having lost its foundation, collapse in on itself?

"Yeah, I can't have that."

Alan braced himself for the impact, and cast numerous s.h.i.+elds, and used the first technique of the Chaotic Spear Technique to parry the blow.

The collision between the two wrecked the walls a little bit, but it could still stand. Alan, on the other hand, was already feeling the effect.


He groaned, because it stung. His arm felt like it was on fire. Sighing to himself, he clicked his tongue and his mana exploded to cover the entire room. The Minotaur king didn't attack, but instead looked at the mana covering his room, waiting to see a development. It had already deemed Alan as a bug, something it could kill easily.

"Sorry, but I don't want to ruin this place, It's going to be useful, you understand?"

He opened a portal, one big enough to cover the entire floor. The Minotaur king felt it falling to the ground, and grabbed a part of the wall to stop it. He even stabbed the wall with his sword to anchor himself stably. He looked at the 'bug' that had sprouted bat-like wings, much like a bug hover in front of it.

"... You had to do that...didn't you?"

There was disappointment, but admiration in Alan's voice. But there was a smile on his face. "You know, I can move it up."

The portal beneath them moved up, until it covered the Minotaur king to his waist. The king could feel the lower half of his body dangling in a cold environment.

"Let me get a few hits first, Ok?"

Alan wasn't stupid enough to let this opportunity go, the Minotaur king was currently occupied. Both of his hands couldn't be used correctly. One was grabbing on the wall, whilst the other grabbing a sword embedded on the wall. It was the perfect time to

Hot smoke released itself from its nostrils once more, and it looked enraged.

Heavenly Sky Spear, First movement.

Heavenly Thrust.

As expected, it retaliated by using the hand that wasn't grabbing onto the sword, The Minotaur king fell down a bit more, and the portal soon reached his chest. The king blocked the attack using its hand, which bled a bit. But there was more.

Heavenly Sky Spear, Third movement.

Heavenly Sky Redemption.

A crescent slash moved up his arm, cutting his skin, and went on towards his head. He moved his head and the crescent slash crashed into the wall.



Alan heard a voice, manly and deep, but unlike that of a human. It came from the Minotaur King and despite it not being a Human Language, Alan could understand it, perfectly.


It was just like back on the Desert, with the Night lady and Giants. Although the giants could be excused as David taught them a human language, English but...the others?

Then, another voice echoed in his mind.

[Supreme Dragon of Frost, Lanesha, tells you that it is one of the many gifts a dragon has.]

'Make's sense.'

He thought, It made a lot of sense, if he was being honest. The race that was the king of monsters was able to understand every language there existed, Funnily enough, the only language this species had to spend effort on was its own... Dragon Tongue.

'I need to ask Lanesha about that as w-'

[I'll play along with your games!]

Before he could complete the sentence he had in his mind, and before he could launch another attack, making use of the Minotaur king's weakness right now. The king let go, dropping into

the portal.


Alan clicked his tongue, lamenting at his lack of action. He could have unleashed more attacks had he not been distracted...but there wasn't anything he could do now.

"Fine, let's go where I'm stronger."

He didn't just open a portal to the desert up above... No, that would be disastrous for him, Go to an environment that was severely bad for him, A land of intense heat? h.e.l.l no. He didn't want to go where not only he, but even his spells, would be inconvenienced and weakened.

He, instead, had opened a portal to the snowy expanse in the north, Where Alan and Sabrina had run from an S-ranked Mammoth type monster. Previously, both he and the mammoth were strong there...but now?

Only he was, when against this foe. And he needed every advantage he could get!

He jumped into the portal, welcoming the cold air that a.s.saulted his body. It didn't give him s.h.i.+vers, but instead rejuvenated him.


He laughed maniacally, in a state of stupor, as strength filled his bones and took off the garments on his upper body. He had no suitable armor on right now, and the ones in his inventory wouldn't be able to stop any attack of the Minotaur King, worse, the pieces could get stuck in his own body. His healing won't work on that.

Therefore... His own steel like skin, coupled with a few dragon scales, was best. Scales covering the important areas of his body, like the belly and some of the chest, where there were no bones to block an attack. Not that he wanted to get, anyway.

Even his body won't be able to shrug off an attack from that monster. Speaking of that


The Minotaur king was falling down with incredible speed, Alan had teleported high, high up

in the air, so it would take a while for the king to hit the ground. Alan stopped his own descent and simply waited for the king to drop.

With the weight and speed, he would break the ice, and Alan wanted to see if there was water beneath the sheets of ice, water deep enough to submerge the Minotaur king. If there was...

It was better for him, as it would save him the ha.s.sle. He could stay in the air as the king struggled to be in the water...and if there was enough water...

He would drown the b.a.s.t.a.r.d, by covering the surface with ice thick enough that he wouldn't

be able to break through!

But Alas, not everything could go his way, would it? The Minotaur king landed on his feet, and

not on its back. The snow that covered the ice sheets was sent flying, and the ice cracked...but

not that deep.

The ice sheets were strong, and a lot thicker than he expected, Therefore, the King had stable


[You attempted to bring me to this...?]

The king roared, the roar sent even forced Alan back in the sky and all the snow flew away,

piling somewhere he couldn't see with his scope of vision.


The king ordered, raising his sword, to be prepared and Alan followed.


[Skill, Glacial Meteor, has been used.]

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