The Villain's Story Chapter 46 Why Hello There.

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Chapter 46 Why h.e.l.lo There.

Walking away from the snack bar.

I went towards Sabrina's Location while drinking cola.

Along the way, I stopped.

Because a certain someone wearing a suit stood in front of me

He had Golden Hair and a fairly handsome face along with a well-built body.

Putting on a smile on his face, He spoke.



After replying to his greeting, I tried to go by him, until the b.a.s.t.a.r.d stopped me again by standing in front of me.

"What is it?"

I said to him in an annoyed voice, Implying I was getting fed up with this bulls.h.i.+t."

"Haha, I should have introduced myself first. Sorry, I'm not that good at this.

My name is Maxwell Parker, And I'm here to recr-"


I replied before he could even complete his request of recruiting me.

I already signed a magic contract that forbade me from joining any other guild apart from twilight when I graduated.

And his name also bothered me quite a bit.

Maxwell Parker, Considering his Last Name, was related to The t.i.tan Guild.

I wanted nothing to do with them, I wanted nothing to do with a guild that had the main character in it.

"Well, Figured you'd say that."

He said while still having that same smile.

"Goodbye then."

"I want to open a business with you.

Particularly concerning this."

Completely ignoring my previous words. He told me while raising his index finger, One that had a familiar ring on it.

The same type of ring I had made spatial equipment from.

"If you want to talk about spatial equipment trade between Our two guilds. I'm not the person you should talk to."

"I'm not here on behalf of t.i.tan. I'm here on behalf of myself."


Not here on t.i.tans Orders eh?

Like h.e.l.l, I'd believe that.

"Please, I'm getting late for a special event. So id like for you to step aside."

Or I'll just open a portal in front of his face.

As I was going to begin to walk away.

His next sentence piqued my interest.

"70/30,70 is for you and 30 for me. I'll supply all the materials required to manufacture the rings and you just have to give me ten, no, five every month. I'll take care of all legal problems as well as deal with Twilight, It's a win-win for both of us."

Nice deal, But.

"80 for me and twenty for you. Then ill consider it."


f.u.c.k I should have asked for more.

Without waiting even a second more,

"How are you going to deal with My Guild?"

"I have my means, I can sell the rings to 'special' clients using special means so they won't be able to trace the sales back to us."

"And how are you so confident that I won't tell my guild about this?"

Instead of replying to me, He just smiled back and handed me his business card.

Taking it, I went to grab my card when I realized.

I didn't have a business card in this world.

Old habits die hard huh.

"Please call me if you are interested."

He said with an amicable smile and walked away leaving me embarra.s.sed of trying to pull out a nonexistent business card and give it to him.

Escaping from my sudden embarra.s.sment I recalled his name.

'Maxwell Parker huh?'

Will have to do some research on him.

And what did he mean by special clients?

As far as I knew, No matter who these special clients were, If they could keep the spatial ring I made a secret from Twilight's eyes, The business would be extremely profitable.

But I wasn't going to do it. Unless I was completely sure.

My contract with twilight says that both parties have to work In the best interests of each other.

Unless I can find a perfect way, I am not exposing myself to the wrath of The third-ranked guild On Earth.

Not until I was strong enough to shave off the contract terms by brute strength.

Or a Nullifier that could nullify a stage four contract. Which was impossible to find on earth.

I ain't calling the number.

But, How the h.e.l.l did he get a ring I made?

Twilight Hadn't sent me the creator's share yet.

Meaning the rings had not been sold.

I would need to call Ben to confirm.

As I was trying to remember if Maxwell Parker Was in the novel.

It was then I received a mental message from Sabrina.

[Teleport Back Now!]

Without wasting another second, I opened up a portal directly to her location.


"So, now that you know how it works. We'll play a match for you to watch one more time before trying it yourself ok?"

Henry said to Sabrina.

Elijah already had the headset on and was sitting in his chair waiting for handy to start the racing game.

Sabrina Just nodded.

Seeing her response, He got inside in his chair and put on the headset and they both started the game.

As she watched the Vehicles on the screen belonging to Elijah and Henry go at high speeds.

She suddenly felt a s.h.i.+ver down her spine.

And a voice that was soon heard sent even s.h.i.+vers down her spine.

"This is where you were my Destined Love!"

Without wasting a single second she sent a mental message to her bodyguard to get here now.

And immediately felt a hand pressing down hard on her shoulder.

She wanted to jump in fright but the hand was exerting more force that her shoulder was starting to hurt and she was frozen in place.

The Hated b.a.s.t.a.r.d was here.

And he brought an Uppercla.s.sman Who was ranked C With him.

"Say, Would you be so kind to see the fireworks with me today my lo-"

Before he could finish his sentence, A blue square of light appeared on his right.

And the moment that portal appeared,

Sabrina sighed In relief.

From the blue square of light, A figure who had pure white hair and eyes that were like literal Blue Diamonds stepped out.

Seeing the figure stepping out. Lucas Felt strange and activated his skill making everyone weaker than him in rank halt their movements. And those who were a rank above him to flinch slightly.

Yet the figure didn't show any signs of stopping and placed his hand on The hand of Lucas that was on Sabrina's shoulder.

He felt an extreme amount of pain on his wrist and pulled away from his hand, Freeing Sabrina who, upon the moment she was freed from his grip, went behind the white-haired figure.

He then heard the white-haired figure's voice.

"Hands Off."

A Chilly voice containing no Emotion sounded out.

The uppercla.s.smen He had brought with him started to release a pinkish aura.

And The same colour of the aura, Just a darker hue, started to be emitted from the white figure's body.

And his Aura was pus.h.i.+ng The uppercla.s.smen Aura Back.

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