The Villain's Story Chapter 41 Why Not Just Kill Me Now?

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Chapter 41 Why Not Just Kill Me Now?

I put the phone down.

I could talk later.

What I needed to find out was one thing currently.

"Why not just kill me now? When I'm still weak and can't do anything to you?"




[Supreme Dragon Of Ice Lanesha Says it is because you have been marked by 'It' and killing you will only accelerate its control over your body]

'It' again?

So whatever that child of Abyss is, apparently it's trying to take control of my body...


Just then, I thought of something.

"Why not disintegrate my body? Why even choose to reincarnate me and bless me then?"

[Supreme Dragon Of Ice Lanesha Says it had all been useless when they tried.

It only accelerated our deaths.]

[Supreme dragon of Ice Lanesha says because it was the highest chance of success at either saving or destroying us.

It will now be your choice.]


f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, my mind gonna be burned.

This wasn't in the entire novel at all!

At least not at the point where it was currently.

And speaking of the Child Of The Abyss.

It was mentioned somewhere. I know that but where?

Why can't I remember where it was mentioned?

My memory isn't that terrible!

It was mentioned pretty late in the novel, just a few chapters before where I was currently.

So why the h.e.l.l did I have no recollection of this?

'd.a.m.n it use your head, you idiot!'



Wait a minute, Tried?

As I was lost in thoughts of remembering where 'It' was mentioned, my thoughts suddenly s.h.i.+fted to the messages before.

"Lanesha, What did you mean by tried?"

I had an inkling of what it meant...

but please don't be true

[Supreme Dragon Of Ice Lanesha says this is the 555th attempt]

[Supreme dragon Of Ice Lanesha says there will be no contact between us for a while from now on.]










Nice Supreme dragons you are, Bailing at the most crucial moment.

Ahh, I'll think about it later.

I'm too tired to give a f.u.c.k about it.

As I closed my eyes, I still wondered about which chapter the child of the abyss was mentioned in.

But I forgot about it and quickly fell asleep.


Inside the black and empty s.p.a.ce from before.

A raging battle was going on.

No, calling it a battle was an overstatement. It was more of a beatdown.

Finally, a figure of a man dressed in a suit with purple hair and horns fell with his body tattered.

Appearing above him, with its foot on his chest was another figure with Black Hair and Blue Bright diamonds for eyes.

The figure looked at the purple-haired man, Which was Suleras With eyes full of malice.

"How many more times can you still use the chalice?"

The figure asked suleras And pressed its foot down on his chest.

"...It'll be active for as *huh*! long as it takes for you to die!"

Answered Suleras to the man.

"...why do you still try? When it was still all futile?"

"Because I wanted you to die!"

"I can't die, Just as I can't kill you currently."

"That's why I was bold enough to do it, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"


The figure looked at the man beneath its feet with pity.

"Was all that torture not enough for you Suleras? For us all?

How many times do I have to destroy you all before you finally give up?"

Suleras Did not answer. He just looked at it with a gaze full of conviction. Waiting for the figure to continue.

"Or are you still traumatized and don't want to die that way again?

The time when you killed him out of fear and rage when he was weak only for me to take control?

Or the time when all of them ganged up on him when he was weak out of fear and chance at hope?"

The figure pressed its foot down even further, caving in Suleras's Chest.

Sulearas Grunted in pain.


You cannot do anything in front of our linked souls.

I will take complete control of his soul, And bestow a judgment upon you Hypocrites no matter how many times you use the Chalice To revert to the past."

"You are very lucky I can't kill you right now."

And with that, the figure disappeared.


Suleras said in a low voice.

He was now weak, Very weak that a C Rank could kill him.

But he still stood up.

And locked the s.p.a.ce again.

He still had one thing left to do.

One that will increase their chances again.

"a.s.sign Alan Peccator A Quest.

Contents:Succesfully Evolve into a dragon.

Rewards:Bloodline Of the G.o.d Beast Pheonix!


This was the final card he had to play.

His strength diminished even further.

And now, He was but not even a shadow of his former self.

He slumped down.

And fell to the ground.

It was like he had just pa.s.sed out.

Yet, His life force was getting weaker and weaker.


In his sleep,

A quest notification woke him up.

He looked at the quest.

[You have received a quest from Chaos Dragon Suleras]

Contents: Succesfully Evolve Into A Dragon.

Rewards:Bloodline of the G.o.d Beast Pheonix!


I looked at the quest notification.

But, why was now from just Normal Chaos Dragon Suleras?

Had he been weakened so much that he fell from his Supreme Rank Status?

"Heh, Suleras You are one mad son of a b.i.t.c.h."

And with that said, I already knew what he wanted me to do.

Although it was a long shot, It would be worth a try.

To avoid what I just saw in the vision he gave me.

I would do it whatever it took.

And with that, I got up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I was done, I called Sabrina in order to ask what she wanted from me to call me so many times.

For that b.a.s.t.a.r.ds Plan to work, I needed her to trust me to a great degree.

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