The Villain's Story Chapter [310] Terra Damnun[2]

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Chapter 310 [310] Terra d.a.m.nun[2]

[Festul POV]

'Let me see what type of dragon this is...'

I thought as I used my powers to pry deep into the soul of the young dragon.

His Draconian form was quite intriguing, the power he emitted however was quite weak for a dragon, even a young one.

It intrigued me. Especially after I heard all the praise Alex gave him.

Apparently, he was the one who injured that monster of a human known as the Sword Saint.

I want to know more about him.

Show me, everything about you.

I used my power but the moment I gazed at him...

'What is this darkness?'

I wondered.

'Desolate, Depraved...nothing.'

This darkness is strange. Is this what the young dragon holds within him? Was he a dragon of Death? His previous form did not suggest he was.

To think he was hiding this darkness within him, It seems his life has not been easy.

[There is not much to see...]


My guard raised as I heard the hiss of a snake in this darkness.

Lightning flashed around my figure and I called out.

[Who goes there?]

I was wrong, this darkness was hiding something.

[So he was a snake? I need to warn Alex about him.]

A person's unconsciousness always hid their hidden desires, their true self. I was wrong about this Alan Peccator. He was no good man, he didnt deserve Alex's Praise.

[Jumping to conclusions are we?]

I heard a voice. The Voice of the Snake.


I'm shaking? My fur has stood up? Gooseb.u.mps...I am getting gooseb.u.mps.

Impossible. I am a Supreme being.

[You don't look like a Supreme Being...Oh Festul, Monarch of Storms...or should I address you as a puppy now?]

I saw two hideous, evil jade pupils in this eternal darkness.

They glowed menacingly.

[You dare?]



Who is this? This is not Alan Peccator.

[Finally, figured it out? Looks like you still have some supreme left in you.]

The snake mocked me.

[To hear that from a legless lizard...How hilarious.]

I growled back. Does this darn b.a.s.t.a.r.d dare to mock me? I admit I am weak now but my dignity as a Supreme being and monarch still remains.

[What use is pride not backed up by power? Isn't it just arrogance and stupidity then?]


This snake is vile and deceptive. And cunning...He knows what I'm thinking.

[What is your ident.i.ty?]

Even though I could only see it's eyes...I could feel it smiling menacingly.

[The Jade Snake. It shouldn't ring a bell to a dead supreme like you.]


I was left speechless.

That name did not ring a bell at all...

[ shouldn't.]

He's getting in my head.

My head is hurting. Why am I experiencing a headache?

I see scenes of ma.s.s destruction. Worlds destroyed in the blink of an eye...


My head hurts.

[What did you do to me you legless lizard.]

It laughed back.

[Nothing, Just casualty filling up holes.]


I see scenes of a man dressed in vile black armor and holding a spear of Chaos turning worlds to dust...turning entire systems to ash...

Ugh...Supreme Beings fall at a single movement of his spear...UGH!

[Enjoying it?]


I growled back. What Illusions is this b.a.s.t.a.r.d showing me?

[I'm not doing anything...]


I can feel it slithering around my body...Constricting it.

who is that man? Who possesses such fearsome strength?

His black hair and abyssal eyes...are frightening.

The snake is right next to me now.

[Enjoying it?]

He repeated in my ear...Its tongue releases a mesmerizing sound.

[Look up above.]

With those words, he disappeared. The Snake disappeared and the surroundings disappeared.

I was now in the middle of a ruined city. Even though the structures were destroyed one could still see the magnificent city this one once was.


This city...I know this city.


The dead bodies of dragons...Elves...dwarves and other races...

This is...the Dragonic Capital...The Impenetrable...

This must be an Illusion! Dragondor can never fall! It is the capital of the DRAGONS!

Even our capital, the Capital of G.o.dbeasts, G.o.dspine cannot compare to it...

This is an illusion!

I thought...But then I saw something which made my entire body s.h.i.+ver with fear.

Up in the black skies...was A Black Dragon unlike any other. Its long body swimming in the dark clouds Those abyssal scales seemed to draw all light and hope within them...devouring each and every last trace.

'I can't move...'

Another Dragon fell from the skies, Half its body gone...


That was the king of dragons...No one is his match...Impossible.

I am not even a candle to Aloaris...but that mighty dragon fell just like that?


The Black Dragon is unscathed...Don't tell me.

The combined forces of Dragondor were unable to even injure that thing.

Suddenly...My entire body felt an enormous amount of pressure.

Ah...It's focused on me now...


I'm afraid...I'm scared...Just by its gaze?

Its ma.s.sive body started to descend...the power of chaos surrounding it.

Can I do nothing but wait for my demise? As it descends upon me?


Is this a final bravado of mine? I...I know I can't do anything...No.

I am A supreme being. I have my dignity.

Even with my trembling body, I yelled.


The Winds a.s.saulted the mighty dragon descending upon me, I gathered the power of thunder around me and unleashed it all upon that vile dragon.

I know this will not do anything...But I still cling to hope.

Do something. Please.

Do Something...Please/


The power of lightning unleashed itself on the black dragon, right on it's face...And then there was silence.

Amidst the dust...I spoke warily.

"...did it work?"

And just As I had relaxed...The dragon's deadly maw appeared before me, several times larger than even me...

My eyes widened in fear as I was about to be devoured and then...Just then.

"Festul, You okay?"

I heard Alex's voice..and I was back.

I could see the entire group...even him staring at me.

[Yes...I was just dozing off.]

I lied. To hide my fear.

As I looked at that boy...I wondered...

Just What was that Black Dragon?

Was it...him?

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