The Villain's Story Chapter 295 [296] I Am Not Ezra, But I Am Not Weak.

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Chapter 295 [296] I Am Not Ezra, But I Am Not Weak.

Chaos overtook the Aqua Buffalo district. An entire war was going on here.

Hundreds of a.s.sociation members battled against the Demonic Humans of the Aqua Buffalo guild, now controlled by the Power Of Chaos.

Dozens of Explosions rang out, debris flew like paper in a storm.

The Demonic humans proved to be a threat. The Aqua Buffalo guild was not strong in the Beast Alliance...But the boost provided by the Chaos energy and Blessing of the Marquis was immense enough that they were giving the a.s.sociation Members a hard time.

Furthermore, the a.s.sociation members were severely burdened. The Chaos Energy in the surroundings was weakening their attacks and defense simultaneously. On the other hand, it was enhancing the strength of their Enemies, the Aqua Buffalo guild members.

Thankfully, A Flesh Abomination was not present here. If it was it would have wreaked havoc and brought even more despair upon the a.s.sociation forces.


The a.s.sociation members were struggling. The a.s.sociation head was busy with the Guildmaster of Aqua Buffalo guild somewhere, In his absence Henry and Elaine were the only ones keeping the Battle in some sort of tie.

Elaine especially, was the powerhouse here. Her Holy Skills and Light Attribute magic were extremely powerful in this environment. She alone was keeping the a.s.sociation's members alive and fighting. Henry on the other hand was busy observing the situation, Firing Arrows here and there occasionally in places they were most needed. He was playing a very good part too.

But, The battle was soon turning tides. The a.s.sociation members were losing Morale and strength. Even Elaine was getting tired from providing all that support. Henry's face darkened as he examined the situation.

'We can't hold on for long...'

It was obvious. they were fighting in an environment where everything was against them.

Just as Henry was figuring out how to turn this situation around...His Sharp eyes caught something.

The earth shook, He felt a large amount of mana In another district...and shockingly he saw a Beacon disappear. The beacon which pierced the skies disappeared. Like a dying light.

'Lightning leopard districts...beacon fell?'

He was shocked...But he did not waste this opportunity.


He yelled with all his might, enhancing his voice with Mana and using wind magic to ensure it reached all a.s.sociation members. Elaine looked at the skies to make sure it was true...and Her vigor increased when she saw only 4 beacons in the sky.

Her support increased drastically as she downed Potion after the potion.

'I need to do something...'

Thought Henry, He carefully observed the battlefield to find any openings...And Opening to reach the Protected Altar.

And there it was. An Opening. A Place where he could go behind the enemy line and attack the Altar.

'I need a distraction first.'

Concluded Henry, He aimed his bow at the sky and launched a ma.s.sive AOE (area of effect) skill.

[Rain Of Tempest has been activated.]

A single arrow was shot toward the sky, this arrow exploded into multiple projectiles that rained down from the sky. The trajectory of these projectiles was not random, they were all aimed at the Enemies. Henry truly did have great control over his Skills.

The Projectiles wreaked havoc on the enemies, The a.s.sociation's morale increased and they attacked with increased intensity. As Debris flew like dust, Henry made his way further expertly.


"GET H-"


Henry shot a demonic human in the head and killed him instantly, he didnt waste any time and advanced further into enemy lines. and Finally, the Altar was in front of him.

He was about to fire his strongest skill, A skill which would break the Altar and also the barrier that was protecting it.


However, just as he was about to start, something crashed into him and sent him flying.

His body, along with another skid on the ground, and Henry coughed up blood.


Henry questioned what happened. What crashed into him...he looked up and found the dead body of the a.s.sociation president.

As he saw those lifeless eyes mangled bodies...He knew the worst was coming...

"Not So fast."

He was right. The worst had come.

He raised his eyes and saw the perpetrator. A Beast that was 10 meters tall. That was the guildmaster of the Aqua Buffalo guild...and his beast form was a perfect mirror of the name. A 10-metre-tall bipedal Water buffalo, possessing a robust physique with broad shoulders and a strong chest. With muscles harder than even steel. 4 horns decorated its grey head, horns that could slam against anything and be unfazed. Two small but st.u.r.dy legs supported that ma.s.sive frame. Streams of water surrounded the Beast, ready to support it.

There was a smile present on that ugly face as it relished in the power it had.


Thought henry. He belonged to Behemoth, the second-strongest guild. He had seen people with bloodlines before and he could tell that whatever Bloodline the Guildmaste was weird. It was...fake? It possessed a different possessed less grandeur than the other bloodlines he had seen.

"Henry Fornum...keke."

The beast laughed as he called out Henry's name with a snicker.

"What a shame, I wanted to Fight with the older one."

Henry's face darkened as he heard the beast. He hated being compared to his brother, Ezra Fornum.

"I wanted to meet the Ezra I have heard so many rumors about...such a shame I have to fight the weaker brother."

The beast taunted...and the taunts worked.

Why wouldn't they? All of his life he had been compared to Ezra...It was an unfair comparison. Henry couldn't match up to Ezra's talent...

"Oh please...You would die in a few seconds against him."

Said Henry as he fired off three arrows at the Beast. The arrows were deflected by the stream of water around the Buffalo.

"Oh? And how about you? How would I Do against you? You aren't Ezra, are you?"

The beast laughed, and Henry laughed back.

"I am not Ezra...But I am not weak."

[Tempest Arrow has been activated][Blessing of Wind has been activated][Wind's grace has been activated.]

Said Henry, as he activated multiple skills to help him take the Beast down

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