The Villain's Story Chapter [246] The Beginning Of The End.

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Chapter [246] The Beginning Of The End.

"What happened...all of it just happened in an Instant."

His fear-stricken voice quivered, as he explained to Edward.

"The sky suddenly turned dark as the clouds twisted and churned, revealing an otherworldly red hue. People in the city below looked up, unsure of what was happening. Then, a deafening roar shook the ground, and the earth opened up, revealing a portal to another realm! It was f.u.c.king terrifying!

The demons! They emerged in their twisted and grotesque forms, their eyes glinting with malice and a desire for flesh. The citizens of the city caught off guard, were defenseless against the horde of demons that poured out of the portal.

Buildings crumbled as they rampaged through the streets, their claws tearing through anything in their path. The once-thriving city of Aror, became a wasteland of death and destruction in an instant, with flames flickering from the ruins and the scent of burning buildings filling the air.

?1--сoМ We screamed as we ran for our lives, but the demons were relentless. They s.n.a.t.c.hed up anyone who crossed their path, dragging them back into the portal, and their screams echoed through the city. They even ripped apart some folks...and ate their remains.

The awakened guilds responded, but they were just too many! The demons seemed to multiply as they devoured the souls of the living, their numbers growing as the night wore on.

We were outmatched! The awakened...They banded together, trying to protect each other and the civilians from the onslaught of demons. But even as they fought, they knew that it was a losing battle.

Aror...the once beautiful city was ravaged in the span of a few hours, nearly all destroyed. The onslaught continued for the entire night, the demonic, unholy screeches of those monsters ring in my ears to this day...The awakened fought and fought, some civilians took care of the normal monsters with guns...but nothing. The city was destroyed as the powerful awakened and Demons fought...but one Demon destroyed everything...

It stood tall in the midst of a swirling, dark fog, a whip coiled tightly in its hand. Its skin was as black as coal, with glowing red eyes that flickered with an intense hunger for destruction. The demon's wings stretched out behind it, dark and leathery, as if ready to take flight.

The whip in the demon's hand crackled with dark energy as if it were alive, and the demon swung it back and forth, a menacing grin spreading across its face. The sound of the whip echoed through the fog, a warning to any who dared to come closer. tore apart everyone, even the awakened were helpless...It was at least an A rank!

It exuded a powerful aura, one of malice and malevolence, a palpable sense of danger that seemed to emanate from its very being. Those who caught sight of the demon from a distance felt their hearts freeze in terror, knowing instinctively that it was not to be trifled with...only one kid tried to fight hair or whatnot and used fire...but he got defeated...and then Two mysterious awakened, a man and a woman saved the boy.

They were the ones who drove it the cost of their lives. The demons disappeared...even though they could clearly fight back...I don't know why they stepped was as if they came for a purpose and accomplished it.!"

The man lost it, he began screaming as he clutched his head and his colleagues held him down.

It was clearly a symptom of PTSD...and Edward, after getting the gist of the situation, went away.

He had done his tasks here, and why would he work extra if there was nothing to gain? He wasn't doing charity work for these humans.

He was hoping to find a pharmacy that wasn't touched...he needed to acquire medicine for Emma.

Support from Other cities had arrived, and they helped Aror get back on its feet. Numerous trucks filled with resources arrived, and Edward hid as he contemplated trying to steal medicine.

He saw a particular truck loading children along with it...and then he saw 'Him'.

Holding a young baby girl with black hair in his arms, a Young boy with abyssal black eyes with black hair stood in a line.



Why were his instincts telling him to run?!

The moment he laid eyes upon him...he felt it.

That young boy, somewhat older than Edward...isn't human. He possessed energy even Filthier than the demons!

Edward felt his chest his pants became wet...and he ran.

He wasn't controlling his legs...he was just running.

That gaze that dragged one into the deepest abyss...the face of complete despair...and revenge and hopelessness?!

That aura...was frightening...Edward didn't know about the others but he could feel it...


The words echoed in his mind...tears rolled out of his eyes as he ran for dear life. Something about that kid...was f.u.c.king scary.

He didn't know what it was...and neither was he willing to find out.

That black hair, those abyssal eyes...that aura he would never forget...

Now...he just needed to run...away from that ' Abyssal horror.'


Edward ran and ran as far away as he could.

He stumbled into the unguarded black market, the only place which had some semblance of functionality.

He remembered this place, he had once escaped with Emma here...and he didn't like it one bit.

But he could still do something from here.

According to his knowledge...A black market is one where there are no rules, the products sold off were questionable quality and it was a place where the strong thrived and the weak were used.

None of the things the humans called 'morals' were present here. It was a s.h.i.+tshow.

Edward was here for one reason only...after running away from 'that' and being unable to find a pharmacy...he stumbled upon here.

He was wary as he scoured the market...losing hope until he saw one thing.

A poster.

[Want some money? Want some good money? Become a fighter in the Black market-Fighting Arena! No rules whatsoever, no requirements, or any of that s.h.i.+t! just fight to the death and make people happy, An you get paid to win! Isn't it great?]

Isn't it great?

That was it.

That poster began his fighting career, and eventually, it would be his first fight...soon, on the very same day, he saw it.

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