The Villain's Story Chapter 2 What Happened?

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Chapter 2 What Happened?

I was falling. More accurately you could say I was submerged in water and going deeper and deeper. I couldn't see anything around me. Nothing At all, Darkness Shrouded my view. I tried to feel my body but nothing. In this state, I wondered

'So this is death, huh kind of dull. '

I mean I honestly expected either an angel or devil to come before me and state my virtues and sins but ok this is death I guess. But it was too dull. Too Odd you could say. I felt alive like I was breathing but not at the same time. Curious, I tried touching my face with my hand in this darkness. I thought to myself.

'If I can't see it I should probably be able to feel it, right? '

And so I did. I raised my right hand and touched my face.

'huh? '

I was confused because the hand that was touching my face was considerably small than my original-sized hand when I was alive.

As I was Touching my face like a pervert. I noticed an ominous purple-colored light coming toward me. I was instantly surprised because purple is not a good color, It is usually used to represent something evil and ominous. To this, I thought.

'Wait wait hold on I didn't commit any grave sins did I? I Don't remember but please be an illusion I don't want to go to h.e.l.l! Please! '

I subconsciously a.s.sociated the purple light with a devil coming to take me to h.e.l.l.

As the purple light kept getting closer I prayed to every G.o.d I could think of.

'Allah! Buddha! Jesus! I repent! I repent for all my sins so please please don't send me to h.e.l.l. Plea-?! '

As I was praying the purple light suddenly became brighter and brighter and before I knew it, That ball of 'light' Entered me through my stomach. What happened next was Horrendous to tell.


Pain. A tremendous amount of pain. I think this is my punishment because holy s.h.i.+t I screamed like a little girl.



Suddenly as if my prayers were heard the pain stopped. I immediately sighed in relief that it finally stopped. Before I could even tell a white and chilly light suddenly went into my forehead burning oddly this time there was no pain. Instead, I heard something else.

[You have obtained the blessing of Supreme Chaos Dragon Suleras]

[You have gained a supreme affinity to the Chaos element]

,m [You have obtained the blessing of the Supreme Ice Dragon Lanesha]

[ You have gained a Supreme affinity to the Ice element]

Before I could even process those messages another appeared and clouded my view

[Your Current Species has been deemed too weak to withstand these elements, Species Change will occur now. ]

'Specie change? what? '

[Suitable Specie has been selected, Ice and Chaos Draconic Hybrid]

[Specie change will now occur]

Before I could even try to understand what the f.u.c.k was going on. A tremendous amount of pain a.s.saulted me again. If I had to describe it I would say dying would be better but then I immediately had the thought during the pain somehow.

'Aren't I already dead? '

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