The Villain's Story Chapter [124] Banquet[2]

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Chapter [124] Banquet[2]

The dance of a particular duo attracted the attention of almost all the guests at the banquet.

The duo was, of course, Serena And Elijah.

Serena's dance captured the awe of many, while Elijah's struggle to keep up with it attracted the pity of many.

Truly, Elijah was struggling to keep up with Serena, who was practically lining him everywhere at this point.

Sabrina gazed at the duo and thought.

'How enviable.'

To have someone that would go as far to do something they are not confident in just because you wanted them to.

Elijah could resist, and just plainly say no but he still went with Serena's request.


Why would you do something like that?

And the more shocking thing to her was that Elijah, someone who had absolutely no knowledge of Dancing, was now getting accustomed to Serena's movements.

The speed at which he learned was truly shocking.

"Wow, they look amazing."

She heard Amys whisper as they both continued to gaze at the scene.

"Ah, But don't get me wrong, I'm sure if you danced with someone that handsome you would probably get even more attention!"

Amy said as if trying to console Sabrina for something she didn't even care for.

Sabrina was just mesmerized by Serena's form.

'She must have practiced a lot, it's evident.'

As someone who herself was fond of the activity, she praised Serena inwardly for it.

That devotion was scary and admirable.

She continued to eat the steak on her plate, savoring the taste.

But she made sure not to miss the scene of Elijah And Serena.

It was truly mesmerizing.

But as she continued to gaze into it, she noticed something strange.

Serena was pulling Elijah closer and closer...and then suddenly she immediately grabbed his tie and did something that made nearly everyone blush, Sabrina included was surprised and her fork fell on the plate.

...She just pulled him in to kiss him?

...Did I just hallucinate?

What...sincere devotion.

Sabrina knew it must have taken her a lot of time to practice those movements.

How fun is it?

To give someone you love so much that you do things you've never done before for them.

And even do that publicly.

But Sabrina knew that was a warning.

Serena just declared Elijah is hers to everyone.



I fell from the pullup bars with my arms and shoulders on fire.

150 muscles ups...are far too hard. Me right now.

The strength I have within this newly enhanced body of mine.

These muscles...were amazing.

I hadn't even reinforced them with mana at all.


However, there is a greater problem.

My Stamina has not increased.

I need to find a solution to that.

And the speed of my regeneration as lacking.

Even though this bloodline is that of the Phoenix.

Because I have nearly 0 percent a.s.similation in it, my skills are weakened.

Very weakened.

If I want to, I can add a large amount of mana to them and strengthen them, but that's a waste of mana for an abysmal increase.

As for the transformation skills, I haven't tested them...because of this b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

I turned my head to look at the figure sitting down in a meditative position in my training room.

Abyssal Black Hair, A demonic armor encompa.s.sing his body, and abyssal black eyes.

He had appeared during my training, scaring the living h.e.l.l out of me.

At first, that is, I calmed down immediately after myself.

"Great job."

He said while looking at me.

"f.u.c.k off."

I said to him while raising my middle finger.

"That's harsh."

"You think I care?"

I ignored him and went back to training.

This time as many situps as I can.

"That's not very effective training you know."

I heard his voice but continued doing situps.

I'm just doing this to test the limits of my body anyway.

I don't care about what he says.

"Your body is far too young, you won't be able to handle your powers at all. I suggest you don't activate your dragon's skills.

The price for activating those skills may put you in a state that even your Phoenix powers won't be able to heal."

I heard his voice again.

I continued training...


But the motherf.u.c.ker would just not shut up.

Going on about your dragon powers or whatnot.

"Ahhh!What see you even talking about?!"

I screamed at him, making him shut up but then he talked again later.

"Your Dragon Powers, they are the are you.

Your Dragon Eyes, Your Dragon heart that has not manifested itself fully yet, and most importantly your dragon soul.

You awakened these three powers and they were in a league of their own when they awakened.

They had each developed separate consciousness and now they don't accept you as a suitable host.

Ironic isn't it?"

Ara.n.u.s tried to crack a joke at the end but failed miserably, and then seeing my gaze, he explained it to me even further.

"Each dragon, when they become of suitable age, awakens the three powers that I just described to you.

They are the dragon's strength, and yours are so powerful and awakened before you even became of age.

If you use them, you're going to die because you cannot wield them yet."

... I stopped training after hearing his words.

...and asked him a question.

" do I become worthy of them."

I must get stronger, no matter what.

"Prove it to them, they all have a consciousness derived from yours, if you prove to them your worth, they will accept you naturally."

"Ah, and also, your body is too weak to sustain the full Transformation, so I recommend just half dragon transformation."

"Also....never ever go into Chaos dragon matter what."

He continued to ramble on and on and I just became annoyed.

But prove myself to them?

f.u.c.k you, in your OWNER, you are supposed to be mine, why the f.u.c.k must I prove myself to them?









I suddenly don't want to train anymore.

And then unheard his next words.

"...Hey, can I see Samantha?"

I paused.

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