Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 734: You and I Are Not That Ugly

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Chapter 734: You and I Are Not That Ugly


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Liu s.h.i.+mei smiled lightly and said, “What can she do to make things difficult for me?”

Madam w.a.n.g frowned and said, “From what I remember, she’s not a charitable person! I knew her when I was still a girl in the w.a.n.g family. She was better when she was young, but for some reason, she became more ruthless as she grew older!”

Liu s.h.i.+mei chuckled and said, “I agree that she looks ruthless. If Grand Aunt were to see the Old Madam now, she would surely be surprised. She looks quite aged.”

“Is that so? Tomorrow, when Liu Yan’er gets married, I need to pay a visit to the Grand Chancellor’s Residence and take a look around.” Madam w.a.n.g’s expression was not very friendly.

Obviously, she had a very unfavorable impression of Lady Zhu.

Liu s.h.i.+mei did not mention Lady Zhu’s proposal to form an alliance; she only talked about the situation on Liu Yan’er’s side.

While she was chatting with her aunt and sisters-in-law, as the household was filled with female relatives, Huangfu Lingyao was playing outside.

As the prospective son-in-law, he didn’t play with peers of his age; instead, he played with those who were ten years old or younger – like a child king leading them in slingshot battles.

In no time, he managed to get himself all dirty.

Liu s.h.i.+mei sat inside for a while and came out to find that the handsome husky she brought in the morning had turned into a muddy mess. She was speechless. “How did you manage this?”

“I was playing with them, having a mud fight and water battle!” Huangfu Lingyao laughed with a muddy face. He seemed very happy, handing her a mud figure as if presenting a treasure. “Look at this mud figure, does it look like you and me?”

Liu s.h.i.+mei glanced at the lump of yellow mud, a twitch at the corner of her lips, thinking, ‘I am definitely not that ugly!’

But after looking for a while, she discovered the crucial point, “What are these two mud figures doing?”

Huangfu Lingyao was waiting for her to ask, his smile instantly brightening, “Getting married, entering the bridal chamber, kissing!”

Liu s.h.i.+mei,

Silly dog! Playing with mud figures and coming up with such tricks!

“How about the others?” She decided to s.h.i.+ft her attention, resolutely refusing to admit that these ugly mud figures represented her and him!

Huangfu Lingyao saw through her intentions at a glance, somewhat disappointed. He lowered his head and glanced at the mud figures, seeming quite ugly. How could they match his wife?

He sneered, threw the mud figures into the flower bed, and said, “They were all taken away by the aunts. I just saw Little Thirteen being scolded by his mother, hahaha!”

Looking at his gleeful expression and his muddy appearance, Liu s.h.i.+mei was both angry and amused, saying, “I won’t scold you, but you should go change your clothes first.”

Although there were no clothes of his here, he could borrow one from Sixth Brother or someone with a similar build.

Finally, after much effort, Huangfu Lingyao cleaned up, and it was time for lunch.

“Oh, His Highness is wearing Sixth Brother’s clothes, quite fitting!” Liang Yi teased with a smile.

Huangfu Lingyao grimaced at him, saying, “I can’t wear yours anyway! You’re so small!”

Liang Yi,

Received 10,000 points of damage!

The fact is one thing, and compared to ordinary men, he’s not considered short, right?

Moreover, he’s only 17, he can still grow!

Meanwhile, Liu s.h.i.+mei began to distribute gifts.

Apart from the Mid-Autumn Festival gifts for the ancestral home, she bought a bunch of mooncakes and tea.

In addition, she individually prepared gifts for everyone, her thoughtfulness s.h.i.+ning through, making everyone very happy.

After lunch, Liu s.h.i.+mei returned to the Grand Chancellor’s Residence.

When the carriage was almost at the Grand Chancellor’s Residence, it suddenly stopped, and the voice of Lu Ying came, “Eldest Young Miss, it’s Young Master Mu..”

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