Medical Consort, the Prince is Pretending to be Dumb Again Chapter 726: Your Liu Family Really Has Too Much Bullsh*t

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Chapter 726: Your Liu Family Really Has Too Much Bullsh*t


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: End less Fantasy Translation

Certainly, the news was delivered by a messenger sent by Liu Fuyun.

Madam Zhang didn’t think it was worth the trouble to specially bring Liu s.h.i.+mei back when considering their complex history. It would be better if they didn’t meet at all.

However, Lady Zhu returned. Even if it was just for show, Liu s.h.i.+mei, as her granddaughter, should go back and pay respects. Liu Fuyun should also send someone to inform Liu s.h.i.+mei.

“Grandmother?” Mo’er tried hard to recall but couldn’t remember much. After all, when Lady Zhu was sent to the Grand Chancellor’s Temple to ‘pray for blessings’ for the Liu family, she was still young.

Liu s.h.i.+mei had no strong memories of Lady Zhu either. She only remembered that Lady Zhu was unfriendly to Liang Ruyi, causing her a lot of distress!

“I originally wanted to visit Grandfather, but it seems I can only go tomorrow to give them New Year gifts,” Liu s.h.i.+mei sighed helplessly.

She didn’t want to return to the Liu family, she wanted to break away. However, Liu Fuyun’s subsequent actions made it difficult for her to find an opportunity to sever ties.

She had to endure!

Seeing Liu s.h.i.+mei in a bad mood, Huangfu Lingyao couldn’t be in a good mood either.

He pursed his lips and said, “Your Liu family has so much bullsh*t. They keep bothering you with these petty things. Annoying!”

Liu s.h.i.+mei glanced at him. Seeing his indignant look on her behalf, her somewhat gloomy mood was instantly healed.

She smiled lightly and said, “It’s okay, I’ll just go back and make an appearance. If they treat me nicely, I’ll reciprocate; if they pick on me, I’ll fight back with all I’ve got!”

Well, now she was already considered a tiger at the Liu family. Her relations.h.i.+p with her biological father was not good, let alone with her non-biological grandmother.

Although Huangfu Lingyao knew how fierce his wife could be when dealing with sc.u.m, he still had some concerns. He held her hand and said, “Wife, how about I accompany you back? I’m worried that your grandmother will bully you!”

“No need.” Liu s.h.i.+mei held his large hand in return, smiling. “Our wedding is approaching, and it’s not appropriate for you to come back with me when my grandmother is here.”

Huangfu Lingyao certainly knew it wasn’t appropriate. He wasn’t trying to play dumb and sneak in!

Seeing her refusal, he had no choice but to give up.

After pondering for a moment, he came up with a good idea. “How about asking Ninth Brother to accompany you?”

Since the Old Madam Liu was back, the Liang family, as in-laws, should make a gesture.

However, Liang Yi was just the son of the second wife, ranked ninth. He couldn’t represent the entire Liang family. So, his presence with Liu s.h.i.+mei could only be considered a courtesy, not a sign of goodwill from the Liang family to the Liu family.

It couldn’t be more appropriate.

Upon hearing this suggestion, Mo Er immediately agreed, “That’s right, Eldest Miss, let’s have Ninth Young Master accompany you back. It’s neither the Eldest Young Master nor the others, so it won’t disgrace the Liang family. Besides, Ninth Young Master is good with words!”

“True.” Liu s.h.i.+mei nodded. “Mo’er, go invite Ninth Brother.”

Although Huangfu Lingyao wasn’t too happy that Liang Yi would accompany Liu s.h.i.+mei to the Liu family instead of him, the more important thing was that someone was there to support his wife.

Liang Yi was no fool; with him accompanying her, Huangfu Lingyao felt a bit more at ease.

So, in the evening, Liu s.h.i.+mei, accompanied by Liang Yi, returned to the Grand Chancellor’s Residence.

As Mid-Autumn Festival approached and the old lady returned, Liang Yi brought a small gift when he visited.

On the way, he expressed his frustration, “I heard that this old lady isn’t very kind to my aunt. I really don’t want to give her a gift!”

Liu s.h.i.+mei’s expression remained cold, “Just go through the motions.”

Seeing her displeasure, Liang Yi patted her hand.

Getting off the carriage and entering the main gate of the Grand Chancellor’s Residence, they headed straight to the main hall.

Even before entering, they heard a unfamiliar voice, “I haven’t been back to the Imperial Capital for many years, and the Grand Chacnellor’s Residence feels unfamiliar to me..”

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