Full-Level Rich Daughter Makes a Strong Comeback Chapter 645: An Explanation 1

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Chapter 645: An Explanation 1


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Watching the two engaged in an intense battle on the stage, Ye Hongxuan’s face showed less worry and a hint of excitement.

Originally, he had considered stopping the match at any moment. However, in just a short time, the situation had completely turned around. Given the current circ.u.mstances, there was a possibility that Wanwan might actually win.

Thinking about this, he couldn’t contain his excitement.

Though Wanwan had made it to the finals, he didn’t harbor any hope. After all, Wanwan’s predicament was evident; she couldn’t possibly defeat Huangfu Changmao. Yet, the current situation took an unexpected turn.

One must understand that this family compet.i.tion was pivotal, involving a spirit stone mine. If they won, it would undeniably play a crucial role in the family’s development.

On the other side, Ye Lengan couldn’t help but furrow her brow as she observed the two on stage.

“Ling, something’s off on the stage.” Ye Leng’an’s sharp gaze focused on Ye Wanwan. “There must be something peculiar about Ye Wanwan; otherwise,

Huangfu Changmao’s movements wouldn’t be so sluggish.”

Huangfu Ruiling quickly grasped Ye Leng’an’s implication. “You mean, there’s a possibility that Ye Wanwan used some medicinal pills?”

“Exactly.” Ye Lengan nodded. “Although the movements were subtle, it’s clear that Huangfu Changmao experienced a moment of stiffness before being hit by Ye Wanwan. That seems to be a crucial sign.”

At this point, Ye Lengan asked, “Are there any rules in the family compet.i.tion explicitly forbidding the use of substances or similar methods?”

If there were no explicit rules, then Ye Wanwan’s actions, though not exactly aboveboard, couldn’t be considered a violation of the regulations or deemed as wrong.

“Yes,” Huangfu Ruiling responded in a low voice, “using drugs and employing hidden weapons are strictly prohibited. Violation results in immediate disqualification.”

Hearing this, Ye Leng’an’s lips curled into a cold smile. “Shouldn’t we call for a halt now? Otherwise, when the compet.i.tion concludes and Ye Wanwan destroys all evidence, there will be no proof.”

While they conversed, Ye Wanwan kicked Huangfu Changmao to the ground. Her eyes flickered with joy, swiftly following up with another attack clenching her right hand into a fist and striking Huangfu Changmao’s stomach. This was undoubtedly the finis.h.i.+ng blow, utilizing almost all her remaining spiritual energy.

It was easy to envision that Huangfu Changmao was now destined to lose, not only defeated but likely sustaining severe injuries, perhaps confined to a bed for a considerable period.

At the Huangfu family’s table, the Grand Elder Huangfu Haochang couldn’t help but close his eyes, unable to intervene as his eldest grandson faced imminent harm.

In the nick of time, a formidable surge of spiritual power struck Ye Wanwan directly.

She was sent flying, and the remaining spiritual energy she had gathered for her final attack rebounded, causing her great pain. Lying on the ground, she felt a sharp pain in her chest, vomiting blood in large amounts.


Ye Hongxuan and Lian Mengzhu simultaneously let out heart-wrenching screams and rushed to Ye Wanwan’s side.

Ye Hongxuan helped Ye Wanwan up, quickly retrieving a bottle from his storage ring. Pouring out several pills, he stuffed them into Ye Wanwan’s mouth.

After taking the pills, Ye Wanwan felt warmth spreading through her abdomen, and the chest pain lessened. Nevertheless, her injuries were still severe; she was in pain all over and lacked the strength to speak.

After administering the pills, Ye Hongxuan checked Ye Wanwan’s pulse. Only when he felt her injuries gradually easing did he let out a slow breath of relief..

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