The Divine Healer Gets a Divorce after Reincarnating! Chapter 311: Confrontation with the Teacher

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Chapter 311: Confrontation with the Teacher

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Liu Hua’s frustration overflowed as he exclaimed, “Li Pan, you’ve already accomplished your plan. Why be afraid now? You even fabricated lies right in front of the teacher!”

Li Pan’s roommates, defending her, chimed in, “Teacher, Li Pan is telling the truth. We all stayed behind to help her pack her belongings.”

Jiang Rong felt a growing headache. Qing Shui’s claim left her puzzled; she couldn’t discern the truth in the moment.

“Are there any other students in the cla.s.sroom?” she inquired.

“No, Li Pan shut the cla.s.sroom door after everyone else left,” came the reply.

Anxiously, Li Pan interjected, “Teacher, if Xia Wan wanted to leave, she would have left earlier. Why wait until the cla.s.sroom was empty? It’s clear she stayed on purpose.”

Frustration caused Liu Hua’s chest to rise and fall rapidly as he retorted, “You’re twisting the facts. You intentionally made Xia Wan stay. You even mentioned wanting to harm her!”

Li Pan vehemently denied the accusation, sparking a heated argument with Liu


“Silence!” Jiang Rong’s voice cut through the escalating tension. “I don’t care about the details of what happened. Since Li Pan and Xia Wan no longer wish to sit together, they’ll learn to coexist from now on. Avoid any repet.i.tion of such incidents, and do not even think about harming your cla.s.smates!”

Xia Wan’s expectations of Jiang Rong wavered slightly; she had hoped for a more ingenious approach to uncover the truth.

Li Pan and her allies seemed united, yet individual questioning was bound to reveal inconsistencies. Moreover, both Xia Wan and Liu Hua were committed to honesty. This contrast would undoubtedly expose the liar.

Jiang Rong’s measured response was due to the absence of visible harm to either party.

Just then, the office door swung open. Li Hong, a Year Two teacher, entered. Spotting Li Pan, she expressed concern, “Pan Pan, why are you here? Is there an issue with your studies?”

Li Pan clung to Li Hong, seeking refuge. “Auntie, you must help me. Xia Wan has wronged me!”

Li Hong embraced her niece and implored, “How has she mistreated you?

Explain. If it’s true, I’ll certainly intervene.”

With a piercing gaze, Li Hong directed her displeasure at Xia Wan.

Undeterred, Xia Wan maintained her composure. Li Hong’s presence failed to ruffle her.

However, Liu Hua’s heart raced; Li Hong was Li Pan’s aunt, and Li Pan was her only daughter. Bias was inevitable.

Moreover, as colleagues, Li Hong and Jiang Rong’s alignment would be difficult to justify if they both sided with Li Pan.

“Auntie, Xia Wan was originally my deskmate. She claimed she wanted a conducive study environment and asked me to move, so I discussed this with our teacher. After cla.s.s, I called my roommates to help pack, but Xia Wan refused. She bragged about her affluence and wanting to befriend top students like Liu Hua. Being my deskmate was beneath her.”

“I hadn’t expected such a transformation in Xia Wan after her vacation. Likely, her interactions while selling clothes changed her. She’s now sn.o.bbish.” Xia Wan’s lips twitched; Li Pan was certainly imaginative.

Li Hong glared at Xia Wan. “Xia Wan, Pan Pan has always been obedient and diligent. Your presence as her deskmate resulted in her declining grades. We didn’t complain. Yet now, you falsely accuse her. Your misconduct warrants serious consequences.”

Turning to Jiang Rong, Li Hong a.s.serted, “She’s your student. Jiang Rong, I expect a resolution. If not, I’ll involve the, and matters won’t remain as simple.”

Jiang Rong suppressed her irritation at the threat. To her, this was a minor issue, but Li Hong’s arrival had emboldened Li Pan, escalating the situation to involve the

Reining in her emotions, Jiang Rong responded, “Teacher Li Hong, this might be a trivial matter between students. Involving the isn’t necessary. He has numerous responsibilities. Asking him to mediate such a seating disagreement might reflect poorly on our teaching abilities..”

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