The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity Chapter 1429: Xie Yunzhou's Mother, Director Shang

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Chapter 1429: Xie Yunzhou’s Mother, Director Shang


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

When Tao Boli saw s.h.i.+ Xi here, he was equally surprised and delighted. “Xi Xi? Why are you here?”

“Miss s.h.i.+ is the kind-hearted person who donated the building to us,” the director introduced.

“So it’s you,” Tao Boli said emotionally.

s.h.i.+ Xi’s eyes curved. “I’ve just finished my tour and I’m leaving.”

“Long time no see. Shall we have a meal together?” Tao Boli invited.

“I still have a schedule. There’s probably no other way,” s.h.i.+ Xi said awkwardly.

Tao Boli only came to take a look.

He asked his a.s.sistant to put down the things he bought. “Wait for me. I’ll go with you.”

s.h.i.+ Xi: Huh?

Was there a need?

s.h.i.+ Xi thought so, but the things in Tao Boli’s car had already been moved out.

He had personally bought some clothes and daily necessities.

There was also a custom-made wheelchair.

s.h.i.+ Xi watched from the side and sighed in her heart.

What a good person!

“Where are you guys going next?” Tao Boli asked the hospital director.

“Suns.h.i.+ne Sanatorium.”

“That place.” Tao Boli was enlightened.

“You know?”

“I donated a few pieces of equipment before.”

s.h.i.+ Xi: …Rich people.

One had to know that most medical equipment started at 1 million.

“Do you want to ride in my car?” Tao Boli asked eagerly. “I have yogurt in my car.”

s.h.i.+ Xi was silent for a moment.

Uncle, your words really sound like you’re kidnapping a little girl!

And s.h.i.+ Xi did not like yogurt at all.

“No need. I want to rest in the car for a while,” s.h.i.+ Xi declined politely.

“Alright then.” Tao Boli looked regretful.

s.h.i.+ Xi felt that it was strange, but she still returned to her car.

“Why is he with us?” Zhu Lin asked curiously after closing the car door.

“He’s probably my fan, right?” s.h.i.+ Xi pondered.

After all, her charisma was too strong.

He couldn’t possibly still be listening to Ryan’s orders, right?

s.h.i.+ Xi shuddered.

It was impossible.

It was impossible!


The fear of being dominated rose in her heart.

The car was b.u.mpy as they arrived at Suns.h.i.+ne Sanatorium.

s.h.i.+ Xi’s memories surfaced when she saw the rather familiar sanatorium.

Oh my, wasn’t this the place that she and Tao Yuxuan had been to before?

She suspected that Xie Yunzhou’s mother lived here.

In the end, nothing happened.

It turned out that she had donated an activity center to this sanatorium.

Director Shang of Suns.h.i.+ne Sanatorium was a middle-aged woman. She wore a Buddhist prayer bead on her hand, and her face was gentle and kind. She had an outstanding temperament.

Unlike the orphanage’s director, Director Shang seemed to come from a good family background.

Director Shang was already waiting in the hall. When she saw s.h.i.+ Xi and Tao Boli coming together, she was surprised. “You know each other?”

“Yes, we met on the road, so we came together. Has the machine 1 ordered arrived yet?” Tao Boli asked.

“We’re already using it. The feedback is very good. Thank you, Mr. Tao. The activity center that Miss s.h.i.+ donated has also been put into use. I’ll bring you to take a look,” Director Shang said gently.

s.h.i.+ Xi nodded. “Alright.”

Director Shang’s att.i.tude was gentle. She brought the two of them to see the equipment they donated and even took out the receipt to check. “Thank you for your support for charity.”

Tao Boli obviously understood Director Shang better. He said humbly, “Director Shang opened this sanatorium and took in many elderly people who had no home to go to. It’s not easy for you. If you need money, feel free to contact me.”

Only then did s.h.i.+ Xi know that the sanatorium had a shelter service.

As they were walking, Director Shang’s phone rang.

“Sorry, I have to take this call.” Director Shang’s eyes were beautiful, and time had made her even gentler..

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