Fairy Tail: Collapsing Stars Fairy Tail Collapsing Stars Chapter 286

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Fairy Tail Collapsing Stars Chapter 286


At this moment, Evan silently watched Selene, who was surrounded and revered like a G.o.ddess by countless hungry wolves within the guild.

Selene, sitting at the guild’s bar, exuded a dignified and beautiful demeanor, akin to a G.o.ddess descended from the full moon. This was a stark contrast to the seductive fox who had previously dragged him to the back mountain to have children…

Despite this, Evan did not let his guard down. His eyes remained cautious and vigilant as he watched Selene.

“Yo~ Evan, you’re back~”

Just as Evan’s brows furrowed, his eyes locked on Selene, and his guard was up, the old pervert sitting at the bar, who was also the guild master of Fairy Tail, Makarov, jumped down and landed steadily in front of Evan, greeting him with a smile.

“I’m back, Master…”

“So what exactly is going on here?”

Evan nodded lightly at Makarov, greeting him back. Then he glanced at Selene at the bar and asked Makarov the question that had bothered him.


“You know, having such a beautiful lady and keeping her hidden, don’t you know that beautiful artworks are public resources? Everyone has the right to appreciate beauty…”

Makarov laughed like a sly old fox, proud of his decision to allow Selene to join Fairy Tail.

After all, Selene was a top-notch beauty. With her joining, Fairy Tail’s façade, after Irene and Ultear, now boasted another flower, making it three flowers in Fairy Tail~

Selene’s impressive figure was the most important part, with perfect curves that made all male blood boil! Her stunning looks mesmerized all males!

With Selene’s addition, the Fairy Tail swimsuit contest envisioned by Makarov and Gildarts moved another giant step forward…

“Master, you should know, Selene is Kurnugi’s mother!”

Evan reminded Makarov, who had a lecherous look on his face.

“That’s not important…”

Makarov straightened up, showing a sc.u.mmy smile.

“It is important, very important!”

Evan knew the severity of the situation, looking at this lecherous old man.

“Master, listen, the current situation has developed beyond my control. The future of this country depends on the efforts between you and me…”

“In short, Master, you must stop organizing confrontational activities. You must listen to me on this matter, or there will be a catastrophe…”

Evan spoke seriously to the lecherous old man before him.

“What are you talking about, Evan…”

“If we don’t hold confrontational activities, then we are not Fairy Tail.”

Makarov looked at Evan expressionlessly. This was the one thing he, Makarov, would never compromise on.


“The annual Fairy Tail 24-Hour Endurance Race starts now!!”

Makarov suddenly grew in size, shouting to the guild members.


With Makarov’s declaration, the entire Fairy Tail erupted in cheers!

“The worst-case scenario has happened…”

Evan looked at Makarov in horror, seeing what this old man had done. He had actually started a confrontational event with Selene and Irene, who were present in the guild!

Evan still remembered the apocalyptic scene when Selene and Irene clashed in Elentir. The sky was split by their immense magic, one side with an eternal night and full moon, the other with blazing sunlight. The ground trembled, the earth crust s.h.i.+fted…

If such a scene occurred in Ishgar, it would threaten the continent’s stability. The Kingdom of Fiore, with its nearly four hundred years of history, would be obliterated…

This was a catastrophe waiting to happen, even before Zeref and August from the Western Continent’s Alvarez Empire had a chance to act against Fiore.

“No, I must tell Master the truth about Selene…”

Evan decided to reveal Selene’s ident.i.ty as the Moon Dragon to Makarov.

Just as Evan was about to speak, a fragrant scent accompanied by immense magic appeared beside him.

Evan closed his mouth immediately, his body tensed, recognizing whose magic it was without turning around…

“Ara~ Evan, are you talking about me? It seems you’re quite concerned about me~”

Selene smiled at Evan, who was trembling slightly.

“Uh, well…”

Evan’s face turned pale, unsure of what to say.

“Hehe, don’t worry~”

“I’m not a demon. I won’t harm the guild~”

“And didn’t I say before? Let’s get along as guildmates, Evan!”

Selene patted Evan’s shoulder gently, whispering in his ear.

“I understand. Master, I leave Selene to you…”

Evan stiffened, bowing slightly to Makarov before leaving rigidly.

As for what calamity might occur in the guild, sorry, Evan could do nothing more. Human power has its limits.

“Hehe, Selene, if you have any questions about the guild, feel free to ask me…”

Makarov smiled at Selene, offering his a.s.sistance.

As the guild master, Makarov treated all members equally. Of course, he would give some preferential treatment to stunning beauties like Selene…

“I heard you and Evan talking about the Fairy Tail 24-Hour Endurance Race?!”

“That sounds interesting. Can you tell me more about it?!”

Selene seemed very interested in the endurance race.

“Is that so? As long as you’re happy, Selene. I thought you might not like physical activities. But hearing your interest in this race rea.s.sures me…”

“Let me explain the rules. The Fairy Tail 24-Hour Endurance Race is an annual event to test the members’ running speed. Within 24 hours, they must reach the destination, obtain a token, and return to the starting point to submit the token…”

“By the way, the top three winners receive valuable rewards. These rewards are often priceless, making the race very popular.”

“However, there are also penalties. The last to return or those who fail to get the token within 24 hours will face a guild punishment, usually involving embarra.s.sing photos in Sorcerer Magazine~”

“Since Sorcerer Magazine is well-known, anyone featured there becomes famous across Fiore and Ishgar…”

Makarov explained the rules of the endurance race to Selene.


“So everyone has to partic.i.p.ate?”

Selene’s eyes sparkled with curiosity.

“Well, originally, yes. But to maintain enthusiasm, I allowed the record holder to skip the race…”

“Otherwise, if she partic.i.p.ated, the winner would be predetermined, which isn’t fun…”

Makarov sighed, mentioning the special privilege for Irene, who held the record and immense power.

Makarov treated Irene with special privileges due to her overwhelming power, something even the guild’s strongest members didn’t have…

According to Makarov: “That’s Irene! She deserves some privileges!”

“If any of you can defeat the entire guild alone, you’ll get the same privilege…”

However, Makarov didn’t know that Selene, the serene and beautiful woman before him, was a monster with power rivaling Irene!

“Oh, can you tell me the endurance race record?”

Selene’s eyes narrowed with interest.

“Sure, but don’t be too surprised!”

“The record is zero seconds! Yes, someone completed the race in an instant!”

Makarov revealed the astonis.h.i.+ng record to Selene, thinking it wasn’t a secret.

“Oh? Let me guess, the record holder is Irene Belserion? Hehe, her name is everywhere in the guild, it’s annoying. Such a show-off, Irene is truly an irritating woman~”

Selene’s eyes narrowed as she asked with a smile.


Makarov was shocked to hear Selene mention Irene, realizing they knew each other. He had planned to chat more about Irene with Selene…

But then he heard Selene’s disdainful remark about Irene, showing her clear dislike.

This made Makarov’s heart tremble. He wasn’t foolish; he sensed the seriousness of the situation, recalling Evan’s warning.

“Could there be a conflict between Selene and Irene?”

“No, wait, no one would dare clash with Irene unless Selene is as powerful as Irene…”

Makarov stiffened, realizing the potential catastrophe if Selene and Irene clashed within the guild.

“Ara, Master, why do you look so pale?”

Selene’s gentle voice interrupted Makarov’s thoughts.

“Ah, um, nothing. Just hoping you won’t have conflicts with guild members. Since you’ve joined Fairy Tail, you’re one of us…”

Makarov tried to remain calm, advising Selene as the guild master.

“Don’t worry, I understand~”

“Before joining, Kurnugi explained the guild’s rules to me~”

Selene smiled, explaining calmly.

“Is that so? Then I’m relieved!”

Makarov relaxed, thinking he might have overthought.

However, Selene’s voice continued.

“Kurnugi told me, in the guild, if there’s a conflict, handle it with a fight, not words! Settle it on the battlefield, not off it. So, Master, rest a.s.sured, either Irene or I will die on the battlefield…”

Selene shared the “rules” taught by her son, Kurnugi, with Makarov.

“Ah, how can I be at ease with that?!”

Makarov’s face turned pale, sweating profusely. What kind of rule was that?! He never set such a rule!

“Oh, is that wrong?”

Selene looked puzzled at Makarov.

“Of course it’s wrong! Selene, let me explain the real rules of Fairy Tail…”

Makarov wiped his sweat, seriously explaining the guild’s rules to Selene.

Meanwhile, on the other side

Evan, having escaped Selene’s grasp, reached the bar, gulping down water to calm himself.

“Evan, you seem tense?”

In an unusual move, Gildarts, dressed in a black suit, attended the guild. Seeing Evan’s tense face, he asked.


Evan raised an eyebrow at Gildarts’ unusual appearance.

“What’s up? Think I look charming today?”

Gildarts sat beside Evan, smiling.

Dressed sharply, with neat hair and a clean-shaven face, Gildarts had a mature charm, which explained why many young women admired this old rascal…

“What’s going on with you today?”

Evan asked, raising an eyebrow at Gildarts’ unusual behavior.

“We bet on who would ask Selene out, and Gildarts won! The worst part is, Selene agreed to go out with him, it’s unfair…”

Before Gildarts could answer, Macao and Wakaba, looking defeated, explained their loss.

“I see, congratulations, Gildarts~”

Evan finally understood, smiling at Gildarts with a hint of mockery, as if looking at a dead man…


“No need to be jealous, Evan. When you grow up, you’ll be recognized by all ladies just like me!”

Gildarts laughed, comforting Evan.

“Is that so? That’s something to look forward to~”

Evan smiled mysteriously. He might warn them if it were anyone else, but with Gildarts, it was unnecessary…

Gildarts knew Kurnugi’s true ident.i.ty yet still asked Selene out, showing he was prepared.

“Evan, this is my first time in this town. As a guest, shouldn’t you show me around?”

Just as Evan smiled at Gildarts, Selene, who had finished talking to Makarov, approached them with a fragrant scent and smiled at Evan.


Evan was nervous. Taking Selene around town was a bad idea; she might drag him off to some secluded place…

“Oh~ Dear Selene~”

“Let me show you around town~”

Gildarts puffed up his chest, volunteering.


Just as Gildarts stood up, ready to impress Selene…

A glowing portal appeared, and a stunning woman with scarlet hair emerged, standing among them.


Evan was relieved to see Irene, knowing she would help him out.


Gildarts, eager moments ago, now looked nervous. Seeing anything scarlet gave him a panic attack, let alone Irene…

“Ara, so this town reeks because a stinky fox like you is here~”

Irene smiled at Evan, then taunted Selene.

“Seeing your face on my first day here is bad luck~”

Selene frowned, retaliating.

“Why are you at Fairy Tail? Still thinking about my precious son?”

Irene asked Selene after their greetings.

“Of course not, I just found Elentir boring, so I came to find some sc.u.m to fight~”

Selene raised an eyebrow, hiding her true intentions.

“Found any sc.u.m?”

Irene asked.


Selene said nothing, pointing at Gildarts sitting by the bar.


Irene nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, Gildarts, Selene, and Irene’s focus trembled, and his heart felt trembling.


Gildarts, with dry lips, whispered to Evan.

“What is it?”

Evan turned to Gildarts.

“Remember to bring two bottles of good wine to my grave this time next year.”

Gildarts smiled wryly at Evan, giving a thumbs-up. He then picked up the gla.s.s of alcohol on the table, downed it in one gulp, and walked towards Selene with determined steps.

No matter what, he had chosen this path and would see it through.

“Gildarts, though you are a scoundrel, your actions today deserve respect. I’ll make sure to bring the best wine to your grave next year. You can rest easy.”

Evan watched Gildarts’ back with a sense of tragic admiration. Like a warrior heading to his final battle, Gildarts’ fate seemed sealed. But Evan vowed to take care of Cana, Gildarts’ daughter, within the guild.

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About Fairy Tail: Collapsing Stars Fairy Tail Collapsing Stars Chapter 286 novel

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