Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 905: County Magistrate Yang's Suffocation

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Chapter 905: County Magistrate Yang’s Suffocation


Translator: Henyee Translations    Editor: Henyee Translations

“Alright, let’s talk when we return.”

Qiao Wei stated, casting a furious glance at Qiao Xuan. Her face flushed, and she refrained from saying anything further.

Qiao Xuan’s voice turned cold as she spoke, “Do you understand the situation? Firstly, County Magistrate Yang approached me on his own accord, not the other way around. There are witnesses from the monastery who can attest to this. Secondly, 1 reprimanded Elder Miss because of her malicious words. She deserved to be taught a lesson! Once we leave this place, let’s ensure that no one distorts the truth or spreads false rumors!”

The room brimmed with anger as everyone present seethed with fury.

Madame Qiao felt an overwhelming urge to tear Qiao Xuan apart, a sentiment shared by Madame Tang and County Magistrate Yang.

Internally, Madame Tang couldn’t help but think that the Second Miss of the Qiao Family had a deplorable character. She lacked gentleness, disregarded others’ reputations, and lacked proper manners.

She was relieved that her son had married someone different; otherwise, he would have been pushed to his limits!

While it was acceptable if the Provincial Champion wasn’t present, what if he were? She couldn’t imagine her husband’s reputation being tarnished by a.s.sociating with such a woman. It was as if Qiao Xuan was intentionally causing trouble for him!

Suppressing her anger, Madame Qiao sneered, “You are indeed a straightforward individual, and no one can dispute that!”

Qiao Xuan retorted, “Yet there is always that one person in this world who twists the truth to suit their selfish desires or out of sheer jealousy. Madame Qiao, I find solace in your words.”


Everyone grew bored and returned to the mansion, their enthusiasm waning.

During the wagon ride, Madame Tang politely suggested to Madame Qiao that she and her son should return home the following day.

A sudden slap landed on Madame Qiao’s face, leaving her feeling both embarra.s.sed and taken aback. Hearing the suggestion, she inwardly breathed a sigh of relief, no longer needing to maintain pretenses.

Upon reaching the backyard of the county office, they spotted Shao Yunduan conversing with County Magistrate Qiao. Spotting their arrival, he stepped forward to greet them.

“My darling!” Qiao Xuan’s eyes lit up as she approached him with a smile.

Knowing that he would come once he learned about the presence of the Yang Family’s mother and son, she wasn’t surprised.

“Darling!” Shao Yunduan smiled and held her hands briefly before releasing them. He then exchanged a knowing glance with County Magistrate Yang.

Acknowledging County Magistrate Yang with a nod, Shao Yunduan politely greeted Madame Qiao.

County Magistrate Yangs distress deepened, his expression turning sour. He felt thoroughly humiliated.

As Qiao Xuan called out to her husband and approached Shao Yunduan, her radiance was almost blinding, and the genuine, heartfelt smile on her face pained his eyes.

To his surprise, Shao Yunduan, whom he had considered a timid scholar with unremarkable eyes, turned out to be incredibly handsome and captivating.

Madame Tang, who believed her son to be the epitome of excellence, grew even more disapproving of Shao Yunduan.

County Magistrate Yang wore an expression of immense displeasure, while Madame Tang’s face darkened.

She scrutinized Shao Yunduan from head to toe and concluded that he was inferior to her son. He wasn’t even worthy of carrying her son’s shoes!

Qiao Xuan, who had raised a daughter lacking in manners as a concubine’s child, seemed like a perfect match for this man. Both of them shamelessly flirted with each other in front of so many people…

Madame Qiao found herself obligated to introduce Madame Tang and County Magistrate Yang to Shao Yunduan. With a smile, she said, “Please disregard the Provincial Champion’s behavior!”

Her intentions were dubious.

Shao Yunduan paid no heed to her words and politely greeted Madame Tang and her son, leading them inside together..

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About Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home Chapter 905: County Magistrate Yang's Suffocation novel

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