Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers Chapter 87 - It Was Not My Fault

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Chapter 87 - It Was Not My Fault

Fang Xiaolin knew that Su Wan was not being completely honest but she also understood the reason behind it , with a family like the Old Lin , it was safer to keep their matter a secret as long as they could so as to avoid troubles , thus she didn't blame Su Wan after all Fang Xiaolin knew that she couldn't keep a secret even if her life depended on it , so she was quite relieved that Su Wan didn't discuss anything with her either , who knows what will Su Wan do to her if she babbled her private matters to the other village woman .

Knowing Su Wan it might be something really awful , the woman was so daring as to threaten the Old Grandma Lin of the Lin family with a knife , if she were to let the cat slip out of the bag - Fang Xiaolin shuddered even thinking about the consequences .

Su Wan didn't know that she had left a deep impression on her neighbour , instead she smiled politely and asked " are you two going to town as well ? Why don't we all go together ?"???e???????l. ?o?

" Sure why not , I was thinking about the same thing . Maybe we could ask Uncle Wu to give us a discount now that we all are going to ride on his ox cart together " joked Fang Xiaolin , everyone knew that Uncle Wu was a miser , he was polite but distant , he would never agree to terms like discount or free ride , one have to pay even no matter how close they were to Uncle Wu , mention the word discount and Uncle Wu would actually go as far as breaking his relations.h.i.+p with the person who dared to mention it .

" You better not pull Uncle Wu 's leg this time as well " rubbing his sleepy eyes , Feng Dai yawned hosting the buckets a little higher in his hand " the last time you tried to tease him , he refused to let our family ride on his ox cart for a month "

Fang Xiaolin pouted unhappily then slapped Feng Dai on the back of his head " don't you dare to push the blame on me , it was Uncle Wu 's fault , he always charges me two copper coins more than the others because I have an extra husband compared to other women , who likes being ostracised like that ? You better pray that he doesn't try to do that again or This time I won't let the matter end with just dumping pig dung on his entrance door "

Su Wan who heard the two bantering , laughed - she thought that Fang Xiaolin was just like other women but this girl was a lot more interesting than the women she had met till now .

" He did that ? " she asked after remembering how polite Uncle Wu was to her the last time she took his ox cart to town " He didn't charge me a single extra coin , did he ?" She turned to ask Lin Yan who was the one responsible to paying everything at their last visit to town .

" No he didn't " said Lin Yan shaking his head

" Maybe he was scared that you would chop his ox cart like you dared threatened to do so with Old Grandma Lin " joked Feng Dai whose ear was once again twisted because of this joke of his by Fang Xiaolin .

"n.o.body would take you as a mute if you don't speak " scolded Fang Xiaolin angrily

Su Wan giggled at the husband and wife's antics , looks like Feng Dai entertained Fang Xiaolin a lot , just look at him acting like a clown .

Lin Yan saw that Feng Dai was carrying a bulky baggage together with two buckets both of them filled eggs to brim , and both of them looked a lot heavier than the other . Thus ,he took a step forward and said to Feng Dai " its a long way from here to the ox cart stand , if you carry so many things alone you will het tired soon , you better give me some of your things to carry "

" No need , No need " waving his hand Feng Dai refused , shaking his tanned face in denial " you don't have to worry about it. If I get tired I will exchange with Xiaolin , she can carry sone things along the path " Feng Dai clasped the buckets tightly but when Lin Yan tugged it out of his hand , he let go , clearly afraid of damaging the eggs in their tug and war.

Once Lin Yan took the buckets , Feng Dai didn't say anything but he stood up a little straighter .

Now back to Su Wan , she was clearly not fit to travel long distances . She had thought that her body might get a little fit , now that she was living in the countryside where there was no vehicles or car rides and she had to travel everywhere on foot and she would be able to travel for kilometres without tiring herself soon but she over estimated herself . The previous Su Wan was malnourished until she was nothing but skin and bones , thus even without any heavy things in her hands , it was getting more and more difficult for her to continue walking , last time they had mother Lin who needed rest thus she didn't find it too difficult to complete this distance but now that she was walking without a break , it was too difficult to take even another step forward .

Luckily , Lin Yan saw that Su Wan was tired and asked her and Lin Rui to rest . Feng Dai had no opinion either , he too didn't like it when his wife was too hard on herself , so he too asked Fang Xiaolin to sit on a boulder that was protruding out on the shoulder of the road , and handed her a bamboo tube in which they brought the cold water from the well of their house .

Fang Xiaolin took two sips , once her thirst was quenched , she wiped her lips and stretched out her hand , offering Su Wan the bamboo tube " here you can drink this , you are sweating too much- clearly you are not used to long distance walking "

Su Wan was indeed really thirsty , they lived at the end of the village while the ox cart was rented at the front end of the village , which made travelling even more difficult , she didn't stand on ceremony with Fang Xiaolin and took a few gulps of water from the bamboo tube , the water wasn't too cold nor was it too warm - it was just perfect in this weather to ease the heat inside her body .

The previous Su Wan never walked for long distance because she wasn't allowed to go anywhere except the fields and the kitchen , though she had great stamina while working , it was completely different when she had to walk for a long time .

Looks like she have to start jogging around the courtyard to raise her walking stamina , in case summer would be h.e.l.lish for her !

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