Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers Chapter 21 - Me What Me ?

Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers -

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Chapter 21 - Me What Me ?

" You - You .." Grandma Lin looked over at the sharp tongued Su Wan and Lin Chen , these two were seriously well matched . Inwardly she kept thinking about how this couple was daring enough to retort her .

" You , You , Me what ? " snapped Su Wan she was a woman in her thirties by soul and she also had the experience of dealing with rude customers and dealers in her restaurant as well as the black market , even in the modern world n.o.body dared to talk back to her . Who ever tried to mess with her , she made it sure nothing good happened to that person " If all you can do is stutter than don't go around randomly barking and biting other people like a mad dog because of you , your family broke my family's newly brought tea cup ! I haven't gotten even with you regarding it , yet you shamelessly tried to make my husbands carry the black pot of your debt upon their head ? Don't you know what shame is or did you all swallowed it and gulped it down as well along with your meals . " ??

As all the words flowed out of Su Wan like a rapid fire gun , everyone in the Lin family along with the onlookers only had one thought in mind ' This Su Wan/ wife of theirs was really fierce ' .

Su Wan was vaguely aware of all the stares that were coming in her direction but she didn't faltered in her speech at all . She was very familiar with people like Grandma Lin and her family , if you give them an inch they will make sure to create a ruckus loud enough to grab a mile .

When she was in her twenties and ferried her barbecue cart around the small town , she met loads of people like Grandma Lin and her family. At that time , she and w.a.n.g Tao were newly married and her newly wedded husband had a scholarly aura which made him look weak and frail , when Su Wan married him , she was truly good to him and thus she couldn't bear to have w.a.n.g Tao help her around in her bbq stall that's why she worked alone day and night , cycling to all the famous fast food places of the town and selling her special bbq .

Barbecue was a much sorted option for people who liked to get drunk at night and liked to have a proper meal together while they drink , which meant that Su Wan mostly worked at night instead of day while the earnings were good , she met a lot of crooked people as well during that time .

Her husband never set foot outside and even if he did, w.a.n.g Tao thought that fighting with drunken men was beneath his dignity as an educated and refined man , which further led to the point where some people started to believe that she was easy to bully and started to bully her .

There was one time where someone tried to blackmail her by claiming that his stomach started hurting after eating her barbecue and he even demanded that Su Wan gave him and his family a free pa.s.s to eat at her stall for a life time , he even shamelessly asked for a thousand yuan for his medical expenses .

Su Wan naturally didn't want to give it to him but w.a.n.g Tao who thought of himself as some prodigal son , took out a thousand yuan and threw at the man screaming that they no longer wanted such a customer in their stall .

The man who tried to blackmail her then took away the money and even started to slander her stall just because Su Wan didn't let him eat for free and even barred him from sitting anywhere near her stall .

Because w.a.n.g Tao gave that man a thousand yuan not only many customers believed that there was something wrong with her food but some even started to follow the man's steps and started blackmailing her for money .

After withstanding for a while , Su Wan could no longer hold on to her good temper and soon started screaming and scolding those who came to blackmail her . When w.a.n.g Tao saw her acting like a shrew he retreated back to their natal apartment and even started to distance himself from her , Su Wan who pampered w.a.n.g Tao to heaven felt that she was the one in the wrong and that no man would like his wife leaving the house at night. Thus , she gave up selling her bbq at night and only worked at morning and noon but after a while there was shortage of money and w.a.n.g Tao naturally became even more unhappy , he wanted Su Wan to stay at home but at the same time he wanted money to live a comfortable life , in the end his greed won over his male ego and he asked Su Wan to start selling her bbq at night .

At that time she didn't understand what was happening but now she did ! She knew it fully well that greedy people have no bottom limit , they will keep on leeching off you until there weren't even bones were left .. how can she let the old Lin family to do whatever she wished to do ?

If she let Grandma Lin have her way today and paid off the Lin family 's debt , maybe the next time the old hag might even sell her own meat !

Don't mess with me and I won't mess with you , Su Wan had always lived by this motto . Although she didn't like quarreling and didn't want to bother with the old Lin family, that doesn't mean she will let them walk all over her and her family !

If the old Lin family wanted to step on her head , they first need to check if she didn't snapped off their legs in half !

Lin Ze who saw that his mother has been reduced to nothing but mere pouty words , felt his scalp throb . This little niece in law that his nephews married was like a fiery firecracker , every word that came out of her mouth was spicy and loaded with barbed nails . If this was any other day , Lin Ze would have not bothered arguing with a little girl who was still wet behind her ears but now seeing that his mother was turned speechless , Lin Ze had no other choice but to step out from his mother's behind and step into the battlefield himself.

He still had a debt to settle with Li Agou , if he didn't bring back those thirty taels than Li Agou will break his legs and spine ! That man was so cruel that he made sure that whoever offended him end up turning into a limp or worse paralysed ! Lin Ze didn't want to lose his leg nor did he wanted to break his spine in half thus , he put away whatever shame and guilt he had for his nephews . Any way , as long as Lin Che made it big won't he make it up to his nephews ?

What Lin Ze forgot was that he had been telling the Lin brothers the same thing over and over again for years yet Lin Che who was supposed to make it big can't even pa.s.s through the preliminary round of the imperial exams much less become an official .

Infact this promise of their uncle have long turned into a joke in the eyes of the Lin brothers . Lin Chen even bet with Lin Yan that if Lin Che really became an official he will eat pig slop for three days !

Lin Ze who didn't know about his nephews internal thoughts , furrowed his brows unhappily and opened his mouth to scold Su Wan with the air of a good elder teaching his junior " Since when woman started to join in the family 's meeting ? Go back inside and sit silently lest people call you shameless . Aren't you ashamed for talking back to your elders , do you not believe that I will send you back to your house packing ? You are a sold good so behave like one ! Be mute and stay in the house like a flower vase that you are "

Lin Ze didn't know that Su Wan already returned the money to the Lin brothers early this morning because he sneaked off the wedding reception .He only knew that his nephews were saving money for buying a wife , thus he didn't filter his mouth at all .

Su Wan who heard the word 'sold good 'immediately perked up and bristled in anger . She glared hard at Lin Ze and sneered " Sold goods ? Uncle you don't know but I already returned the money to my husbands earlier this morning ,but I won't keep your words in heart after all you skipped out on the wedding reception , its only natural that you didn't know about it "

When the onlookers heard the words 'skipped out ' they snickered nastily and some even derisively snorted in contempt . Skipped out? That was a fancy way to put it , every one in the village knew that Lin Ze was too ashamed to join in the wedding reception because he didn't fork out a single coin from his pocket and didn't want people to take jibe at him , thus he daringly ran away for the entire morning .

At first the villagers thought that Lin Ze might stay at home for a good two to three days but apparently his skin was too thick ! In the face of monetary benefit Lin Ze was willing to away that old face of his , what is shame ? Can he even eat that ? Hah !

" You..You are truly shameless aren't you ! " seeing the comtemptous looks directed at him Lin Ze was both furious and anxious , he still have a daughter who was at marriageable age and Lin Che was studying to become an official , if this matter got exposed what will he do then ? What will happen to his daughter's marriage and his son's future prospects ? Just thinking about it made his blood boil with anger , if Su Wan wasn't a woman he would have already scratched her face until even her mother refuses to accept her as her daughter " I'm your elder, is this how your mother taught you?"

Su Wan snorted and rolled her eyes " She didn't teach me Any thing because she is already six feet down in the ground ! But she did teach me that I need to respect those who deserve to be respected . Elder ? What about it ? If you are an elder than behave like one and I will respect you ! As an elder you can't manage your mother nor your wife , you even want your nephews who aren't even close to thirty to carry on with your family's debts , then what about me their wife ? Do you want them to starve me to feed your family , is that what you want ? Just like before when your family starved them until all of them got this thin and weak ? Don't talk about shame with me , just look at your fatty son and pig wife then look at my mother in law and my husbands ! Your family has no bread earner yet you eat like you are some spoiled rich brats of a rich family and my husbands who earn are treated as your family's slave ! So what if I'm shameless , so what if I scold my elders ! I'm unfilial so go ahead and sue me but I won't let you bully my family anymore because if I do , your family might gnaw on my family's skin amd bones ! So what if I'm shameless ! I need to eat and dress , if I keep hanging on to shame what will you greedy white eyed wolf will leave for me and my family. ! Scram for this aunty if you want to talk about women virtue because this aunty ate all of them and burped with content ! "

Author's note : good day to you all my lovely readers , hope you all liked this chapter .

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