The Bigshot Shocks The World When She Backs Home Chapter 591 - : Yan Yu—the First in the Grade

The Bigshot Shocks The World When She Backs Home -

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Chapter 591: Yan Yu—the First in the Grade

Translator: Tuiwen  Editor: Tuiwen

Yan Yu didn’t even glance at his test paper, as did the rest of his friends. They simply lay their heads on the table and fell asleep. Only when it was half an hour did they pick up their pens and begin to answer the questions. As expected, they fulfilled their promise.

However, no one was happy because of it.

They all returned to their papers.

They didn’t know what else to think, far too engrossed in answering the questions. What they didn’t expect was for the group of boys in their respective sections to stand up and hand over the test paper to the teacher.

Everyone was stunned.


They all glanced at the wall clock only to see that only an hour had pa.s.sed.

They really answered their test paper in less than an hour—just like before!

It was such a difficult exam.

Although this was their monthly exam, this also acted as their midterms. As such, the difficulty of the paper wasn’t low at all.

In fact, they could all tell that their teachers made sure that the questions weren’t easy.

But just when everyone was grinding their teeth from the stress, they saw someone hand in the paper within half an hour. This was just outrageous!

They stared at the student in front of them, unsure of what to think. However, they had no other choice but to bury their heads back into the questionnaire.

Even in the following subjects, they all used up half an hour to finish the exam.

Staring at the backs of the first few people who had handed their exams over, everyone could only shake their heads and turn their heads back to the test paper.

Perhaps, the only thing that made everyone feel better was their prospective grades. After all, they must’ve just answered their tests blindly for them to be this fast! When the results would be released, they’d surely fail.

Very soon, the monthly exam had finally pa.s.sed.

Just as everyone was still discussing the speed they were going at, the students of Cla.s.s 20 all returned to their seats.

After the exam, they had two days off. The time to wait for the results was extremely long-winded, and everyone was practically scratching their faces in worry.

Before they knew it, the results were finally released.

Everyone burst into laughter and tears. They were all antic.i.p.ating the results, but what was boggling everyone’s minds right now were the rankings.

Yang Nian and the others knew the significance of this exam.

He was actually quite intrigued. He couldn’t help but feel that the students of Cla.s.s 20 were being far too idealistic with the results of their exams.

Moreover, he knew about Yan Yu’s condition.

Given this, it was impossible for their results to improve. No matter how hard they’d work or memorized their sets, their efforts were all in vain.

As for the other students of Cla.s.s 20, it would be impossible for them to improve in such a short period of time.

Yang Nian gazed at the list of the monthly test.

While he didn’t partic.i.p.ate in the ranking of the exam, he did partic.i.p.ate in the test-taking. If he was really placed in the rankings, he would’ve been at least in the top five.

He glanced at the first placer.

However, when he saw the name of the first place as well as the score beside it, he was stunned.

Then he glanced at the second place, all the way down to the fifth place.

The perfect score was 750.

The first placer scored 747.

That was the same as his score!

He glanced down at the other places.

Second Place: 746.

Third Place: 742.

Fourth Place: 739.

Fifth Place: 737.

How could this be?

Yang Nian blinked in surprise.

He thought back to the scores of his other cla.s.smates. If they even partic.i.p.ated in the rankings, they wouldn’t have been able to squeeze into the top five!

Just like him, the entire batch was in an uproar.

After all, he knew who was in the first place.

“s.h.i.+t, is that Yan Yu?”

“Don’t tell me, Lu Ming’s really scored the second spot! How is that possible?”

“Maybe there’s a mistake. It can’t be them.”

“Yeah, how could they have these scores? Maybe the school printed them wrong. How could they have scored this well?”

“Exactly! This is impossible!”

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