Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 678 Rejected

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Chapter 678 Rejected

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 20:36

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no.234

Reserve group, a group I just made up to fit talented people whom I would consider taking along with me to the central academic city. Apart from my younger calamity daughter gems, Susan and Kane were the only ones to make it into the group. But kane would not be of much use to me there unless he forges his ego gem. As for Susan, she was a non-combatant, so her managing skills were enough for her to make the cut.

I created this group to recruit talented people to help me stabilize myself in the central academic city, just like how I made a mark in the sky blossom city. So I was not horsing Kane by putting him in the reserve group. It was real, and I needed them.

"Complete high school, Forge ego gem, and attend Morning Star university…." Kane looked as if someone had wronged him. He felt his idol was making things difficult for him so that he would give up.

"Before you jump to a dumb conclusion. You need to know that in a few days, I will be closing my card boutique and moving to the palace for a project, and then three months later, I will be attending the morning star university. And hopefully, for the next five years, the central academic region will be my base of operation." I explained to Kana to avoid complications due to misunderstanding.

"...." Listening to his idol, it dawned upon Kane that his role model was not making things difficult for him. Instead, he was paving a path for him to follow and catch up to him. Realizing this, Kane's eyes burned with an unyielding pa.s.sion.

"Kane, I hope next time we meet each other, we meet as a junior and senior at Morning Star university." I didn't think Kane could forge his ego gem in three months, another year maybe, so I hoped he could join as my freshman to my soph.o.m.ore at Morning Star university. What made me so optimistic about Kane is his origin card.

"Yes, boss," Kane yelled, expressing his resolve to complete my test for him and join me as I made the Central academic city my b.i.t.c.h.

"Good. Now let's head to the party. Everyone should be waiting for us." I said, looking at the rest. I had tasked the Bright brothers with throwing the party for the Bright Loins and arranging a beautiful dinner for two, that is, Anna and I.

"Sorry boss, I can't make it to your party. I promised to take Kane out for dinner tonight." Corey reminded me. Hearing her, I remembered when Kane wanted me to create Ivy in Corey's image.

"Well, I will be taking a rain check on that." Kane detonated a bomb in the warehouse by flatly rejecting Corey to her face in public.

"Whoa!" Comment Anna. Yep, she was having the time of her life seeing her arrogant G.o.ddaughter be rejected to her face in public. The rejection couldn't be brutal.

"What? You were the one who begged for it. And now you have galls to reject me in front of everyone." Corey exploded in shame and felt like being put on the spot. She didn't hesitate to lie. If not for Susan grabbing her wrist, she would have pounced on Kane.

"No, I clearly remember you offered to take me out on a dinner to earn my forgiveness. I should have rejected your offer back then and complained about you. At least I would have helped Master Wyatt cut a tumor-like you," Kane wasn't polite. He laid out the facts straight.

"You… Okay! Fine by me. It's not like I wanted to go out on dinner with a perverted dork like you. Good for me." Realizing her mistake and seeing no way out of it, Corey swallowed her previous words. Even though it meant that she would be letting Kane off the hook for publicly rejecting her and declaring Kane as the winner of the argument because she shouldn't have lied in the first place, no matter how unexpected and embarra.s.sing the situation was, since she crossed the line, Corey willingly chose to do the right thing and not pointlessly argue despite having lied in the first place.

"Lies, I didn't have expected much from you," Kane spoke to Corey condescendingly. The current Kane was very different from the previous sad virgin, he looked like a fanatic simp. As for his G.o.ddess, I bet it is Ivy, his personal blow-up doll origin card. All the other women except for Ivy Kaga are trash in Kane's eyes. Therefore he did not blink twice before rejecting Corey and her dinner date for two.

"You… that's taking it too far." Corey was not interested in Kane, even if his body had morphed into a das.h.i.+ng one. She asked him out for dinner to complete the commitment she had made. Because that is the kind of person she is right now.

"Too far, you haven't heard the end of it. If not for you being the boss's employee, I would have shown you what taking it too far is." Kane's words were not wrong, but no matter how b.i.t.c.hy Corey is, rejecting her in public was a bit too much. Considering the fact that she could whoop his a.s.s in seconds. Kane could have handled it differently.

"..." I appreciated Corey for the fact that she didn't pointlessly stick to her lie and let Kane off the hook for publicly rejecting her. And my appreciation grew further when she let Kane off for publicly humiliating her. The Corey I know wouldn't let anyone humiliate her. But it seems she feels guilty about blurting out lies at the start of this argument.

"Mr. Kane, please. Everyone present here understands that you no longer want to go out for dinner with Corey. I think we should leave it at that." Susan asked Kane not to talk rudely toward her employee.

"Manager Susan, if you say so." Kane didn't act arrogantly in front of Susan and decided to let Corey off as humiliating her further would not gain him anything.

"..." Corey ignored Kane and looked at Susan with googly eyes. She had seen Susan reprimanding her for her mistakes, ignorance, and arrogance. And today, she saw Susan defend her. She felt moved. Only her mother treats her the best.

"Wyatt. Corey and I will be skipping the party. Hope you understand." Susan decided to skip the party and spend some time with her troubled roommate, Corey.

"Big Sis, you don't have to skip the party because of me. I will be attending the party. This dork is not worth ruining my mood. " Corey hurriedly a.s.serted

"..." Kane stared at Corey hearing her words.

"b.i.t.c.h! What are you looking at? Mind your eyes, or I will fix them for you." There she was, the Corey we all know and hate.

"What?..." Kane's eyes widened, and he was wordless as he felt a vast killing intent land on him. Ivy, who was next to him, came in between him and Corey, sensing an imminent threat coming from her.

"..." Sensing the killing intent oozing out of Corey, Anna was astonished. A murderous aura can only be developed by slaughtering hundreds and thousands. And according to her information, Corey was a greenhouse flower raised far from war and violence. So how did she develop such a thick killing intent?

First, her love interest with his stupidly insane card creation skills, and now this girl with her thick murderous aura, which almost formed a fog. The more time Anna spent with these two the more she felt that there was no bottom for these two monsters.

"b.i.t.c.h, when I let you win, you should take your trophy and scurry, not bite the hand that gave you the trophy. I let you off because it was my mistake. I shouldn't have lied. But I guess old habits die hard. I am a work in progress. Right now, I am being very generous by letting you off despite what you have said. I have killed people for much less. Unless you value your life, you keep at it and see where it gets you. Or should I give you the spoilers?" As Corey spoke the last sentence eternal flame of agony could be seen burning in her pupils.

*gulp* Kane swallowed his saliva and retreated backward, looking at the wasteland covered in raging red flames, and billions of souls within it screaming in agony were displayed in Corey's Iris.

"Know your place b.i.t.c.h." Saying that, Corey grabs hold of Susan's wrist and drags her out of the warehouse, saying, " See, Big Sis. Everything is fine. There is nothing to worry about."

"Kane, you okay, man?" I patted Kane's back and asked him if he was okay. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Devil, she is the devil." He muttered. It took a while for him to gather his composure. I don't blame him. After all, what he saw in Corey's eyes was not meant for a young soul like his.

"Yep, she is the devil. If I were you, I would steer clear of her until you have the appropriate strength to face her," I advised Kane to stay away from Corey. She didn't physically teach Kane a lesson because of Susan's presence. Knowing Corey, if she gets an opportunity, she would not mind showing Kane who is the boss again.

"Yes, boss." Kane nodded. And Ivy kept her eyes on Corey's back, fearing a sudden sneak attack.

"Come on, let's head to the party. You have a lot to learn from the Bright Lions. Otherwise, you will get yourself killed." I wasn't kidding. In a way, Kane was lucky that he did not reject Corey privately. Who knows how she would have reacted in a fit of rage and humiliation.

"Yes, boss." Kane though physically present, mentally, was still lost in the agony-filled cries of billions of souls in the wasteland covered in a red flame. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't erase that sight from his mind. The weirdest thing was he heard the cries of the billions of souls in the flame. How is that possible when Corey only displayed that gruesome scene in her iris? Many questions ran through Kane's mind, but he was afraid he would never get answers to them. Because the only person who could answer his question was Corey, and he had p.i.s.sed her off.


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