Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 486: Heaven Defying

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Chapter 486: Heaven Defying

Date- 29 Mar 2321

Time- 11:36

Location- Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon

"Since Master Wyatt wants me to follow City Lord to Way Beyond. Then I will do so. And be your Eyes and Ears there." Ted did not hesitate to follow my orders to become my eyes and ears at the way beyond.

"Thank you for understanding. If there is anything you need, ask me now… Here take these 300 blood pills. They should last you a year or so. You may leave now." Handing 300 blood pills to Ted, I asked him to return to City lord as soon as possible.

"Thank you, master Wyatt. These blood pills are enough, and I do not need anything else. I will take my leave and report to the City Lord." Ted thanked me for the blood pills and left to report to the City lord.

"Old Ben, you take the cake among the three. You know you are fortunate to comprehend the most suitable meaning for your condition. The word fortunate doesn't cut it. To be able to find a meaning compatible with your origin card out of millions of meanings is like a miracle." I was really amazed by old Ben's luck, it was as if he had won a jackpot.

"Master Wyatt, me comprehending the Boiling Blood meaning is no luck. My origin card guided me to that meaning using its ability Sentience. I think the second meaning I will comprehend will be comparable with my first meaning and origin card. I think so because I believe my sentience skill will guide me to the meaning best for me." Old Ben revealed that him comprehending the Boiling Blood meaning was no coincidence but guide choice made by him under the guidance of the skill of his origin card.

Sentience (pa.s.sive) – All cards equipped by the card apprentice gains sentience making them a living, breathing force of nature.

Old Ben's origin card Emotion Olfactory has a special pa.s.sive effect called Sentience. This pa.s.sive skill gives every card equipped by old Ben sentience as in these cards gain spirit, and all their stat are doubled unconditional, cooldown period is refused by 50% and gain an extra +10 card durability.

This pa.s.sive skill sentience was believed only to work on equipped cards, but now it seems it gave sentience to the origin card itself. And the sentient origin card guided old Ben to the Boiling Blood meaning in blood rule, which is a perfect fit for it.

"Son of Gun" I couldn't help but cus hearing that Old Ben had a cheat which allowed him to pick the perfect rule meanings for himself. What the fock is going on? Why does everyone else seem to have a rule-related cheat these days? Bloodette is an oddity born of blood rule, so it is understandable, but Cortney and Old Ben, these two are average card apprentices. Still, they have heaven-defying cheat related to rules, one more miraculous the other.

Cortney could share Bloodette's cheat using her innate rune, Bloodette's cheat was watered down by being limited to blood rule. But Old Ben's cheat had no limits. If his origin card could help him with the blood rule, then the same can be said for other rules. Bloodette and Old Ben's cheats were almost the same, except one was limited to blood rule, and the other had no such limit. Making Old Ben's cheat more against the heavens.

"…" Old Ben stood quiet, giving me the time to observe the shock of his origin card special perk.

"Old Ben, you didn't just take the cake of three but every freaking card apprentice in this world. Do you know how miraculous your origin card's special effect is? This goes beyond the heavens. I don't understand how heaven is still tolerating you and your cheat of an origin card." I could not maintain my calm under the bomb that is Old Ben's origin card pa.s.sive skill.

"…" Old Ben stood upright in the military stand at ease position. He did not seem to be affected by my reaction. Or rather did not know how to react to my response. After all, he knew how baffling his origin card's pa.s.sive skill was.

Though Old Ben's origin card pa.s.sive skill seemed overpowered, it was limited by himself, rather his talent and ego gem grade. That's right, though he had the most coveted and heaven-defying cheat, it was wartered down by his lack of talent. It's like he had connections to buy anything in the world but lacked the cash to buy them, unlike the rest of us who had the money but lacked the links to purchase anything.

I guess this is the way of the heavens to level the playing field. If not for my intervention in old Ben's life, I don't believe he would ever succeed in forging an ego gem. Even if he forged the ego gem somehow, it would be of power quality without the boost from my calamity daughter gem. Making it impossible for him to comprehend the rules even if he had the best rule-related cheat out there.

"Old Ben, were you able to gain command of the tiger squadron as I asked you to?" Ever since I planned to go to war with the Circle, I had ordered Old Ben to take charge of his old squadron, the Tiger Squadron, the Sky Blossom City's fabled squadron.

Taking on the Circle in their home ground with a few of my calamity daughter gem would be a fool's errand. I needed people to keep the foot soldiers and cannon fodders of the circle at the bay while my calamity daughter gems and I took care of the executives of the circle, inner circle, and finally their new leader. I planned to use the Tiger Squadron and the TSR guild to take care of foot soldiers and cannon fodders of the circle.. So, Old Ben taking charge of the Tiger squadron was a ma.s.sive part of my game plan in the war against the Circle Sun Blossom Branch.


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