Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 423: Matron and The Paw Clan

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Chapter 423: Matron and The Paw Clan

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 13:58

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild a.s.sociation Mall, Warehouse no. 234

As Susan and Corey walked out of the warehouse, Lorenzo summoned his grimoire and set up a barrier encircling Anna, Clown Mask, and him inside the warehouse.

“We need to talk.” Said Lorenzo looking at Anna.

“Well, talk. I am all ears.” Anna made herself comfortable on the couch.

“I just contacted your mother,” revealed Lorenzo.

“Oh, she is back already. Did she kill my father?” Asked Anna nonchalantly.

“No, the ambush was not led by your father. Instead, 3-4 dozen false demiG.o.ds and a few hundred card emperors showed up.” Lorenzo was not surprised by Anna’s cold words.

“I should have guessed that that coward is not the type to do his dirty laundry but have someone else do it for him. But he is also not capable enough to gather these many false demiG.o.ds and card emperors for an ambush in Way Beyond, no less. Is somebody helping him?” Anna reached the same conclusion as her mother, but she went a few ahead and deduced that her father did not have the ability to gather around 3-4 dozen false demiG.o.ds under his command to pull off an ambush in Way Beyond. And concluded that he must have had outside help.

“You tell me that?” Lorenzo questioned Anna

“I’m sorry!” Anna did not expect Lorenzo to question her.

“Your mother was able to capture a few ambushers successfully for interrogation, but they all turned into memoryless brain-dead idiots and entered a vegetative state. Do you remember this memo?” Lorenzo narrated what his niece had reported to him.

“So you’re telling me the person behind Wyatt’s tried to ambush my grandmother?” Anna was surprised upon hearing the new revelation.

“Yes, based on the way of self-harm displayed by the attackers, they appear to be of the same organization. They would have succeeded in their ambush if not for her intel. Though it was partially wrong.” Lorenzo affirmed Anna’s conclusion.

“So, you are telling me my father had nothing to do with this? I don’t believe it.” Anna thought that somehow her father was part of the ambush based on the call he made to her. And the Clown Mask’s info that her father seemed to possess the forsaken treasure in the future.

“Anna, don’t let your prejudices cloud your judgment. Forget what we know about the future and look at the facts that we have with us right now.

Think. Who would be foolish enough to send 30 card emperors to someone our Heatsend Royal family wants to protect? With the Long-distance ma.s.s teleportation formation array, our soldiers can reach any part of the southern region in a matter of seconds.

Yet, someone dared to send mere 30 card emperors to attack the city which you were in. What are 30 card emperors to your army? Someone can only do something as foolish as this if they were optimistic that you could not get any reinforcement from the family’s side.

That someone should be the person who knew about the Mission: Forsaken treasure and where each of our family powerhouses would be stationed. So I am 100 percent sure that the organization behind the ambush was behind the” Lorenzo explained what he thought to Anna in detail.

“But this does not explain that my father is not involved with these people.” Anna still believed her father was in cahoots with Sansa Baylor.

“Princess, forget what you think you know from the future and focus on the current facts. And tell me who is behind the organization that dared to target our family. I know you did not come back empty-handed from the d.a.m.ned arena. Cut off from the outside world and suffering from the soul energy withdrawal, those poor b.a.s.t.a.r.ds would have blabbed everything to you.” Lorenzo asked Anna to forget about what she learned from Clown Mask and focus on the hard facts that were before them. Lorenzo thought that worrying about the possible future, they would miss the truth right in front of them.

“Sigh! According to what I gathered, Sansa Baylor is the one leading the organization behind the attempt of Wyatt and ambush on Grandmother.” Anna finally reveals the name behind the mysterious organization of card emperors and false demiG.o.ds.

“Wait, what? By Sansa Baylor, do you mean the Baylor family is behind all of this? Are you sure your intel is correct? The Baylor family is the most upright and righteous family I have known apart from ours, of course. Not to mention the relations.h.i.+p between our two families has been excellent for centuries. Why would they target us? A mere forsaken treasure is not enough to break the bond between us.” The Baylor family was a prestigious family from the Capital city. Though small, they were known for their righteousness throughout the central and neighboring regions.

“Don’t overthink it, old man. According to the people I interrogated, the Baylor family has no idea of the organization. Their Daughter in law Sansa Baylor is the one who runs and manages the organization consisting only of card emperors and false demiG.o.ds using her dreadful origin card. And the organization is called Madame Web’s club.” Slowly Anna started to narrate everything she knew about Sansa Baylor, her origin card, and the organization. How does it operate? How vast is it? Everything she knew, Anna imparted it to Lorenzo.

“Fock, if what you are saying is true, then Sansa Baylor is a hazardous person. If this is the extent of her origin card in the card emperor realm, then what if she manages to become a card demiG.o.d?” Lorenzo was astonished by what one woman was capable of.

“Clown Mask, In the future you saw, is there any information about Sansa Baylor?” Anna finally asked Clown Mask the question she was planning on asking Clown mask for a while now without arousing any suspicions. Now that everything is in the open. Anna no longer had to worry about secrecy.

“Yes, I do. Sansa Baylor, the Matron of the Northern wetlands and Southern wastelands. In the future I foresaw, She is one of the most influential new world leaders alongside the Supreme leader of the Circle and Deacon of the Light. The Matron and her organization, the Paw Clan, will take over the north and south region after the Heatsend royal family and Osmond royal family go into hiding.” Clown Mask answered Anna without holding back anything this time around, following her master’s orders.

“What the fock?!” Anna exclaimed, hearing Sansa Baylor would become the new ruler of the southern region while chasing Heatsend royal family into hiding.


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