Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2232 Don't Try To Be My Father

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Chapter 2232 Don't Try To Be My Father

Date- Unspecified

Time- Unspecified

Location- Lil Red Storm Realm, Unspecified

Listening to Wyatt demand coordinates for a realm that had fallen to the demon invasion, even after his warning, Henricks frowned. Just as he was about to reject him as a concerned elder, the Field Marshal beat him to the punch. She exclaimed in distress, "Wyatt! You are being reckless now!"

Wyatt ignored the Field Marshal and repeated himself to Henricks, "Give me the coordinates and take your leave." Listening to Wyatt's tone, Henricks swallowed his saliva and forwarded the coordinates to Wyatt's grimoire, believing the Field Marshal would stop Wyatt from doing something reckless.

He was suddenly grateful to the Field Marshal for helping him dodge a bullet. He knew the only reason Wyatt reacted so mildly was because it was the Field Marshal who had denied him. Had it. been him who spoke up, Wyatt's reaction would have been completely different. His deep tone was evidence of that.

"I will be on my way then. Princess, take care, Henricks said, immediately taking his leave to avoid becoming collateral damage in their fight. Considering the temper of the Field Marshal and Wyatt, it was a very likely possibility.

Making sure Henricks had left, Wyatt turned to face the Field Marshal and sternly reminded her, "Field Marshal, I am glad you think of me as one of your grandchildren. But when on official business, I am your leader. Your job is to follow my lead without any question. Let me worry about the consequences. Got it?"

"Understood, the Field Marshal immediately responded, understanding her mistakes so far. She couldn't agree with Wyatt more. Therefore, she dropped the matter of him collecting the coordinates of 'Red Alps' realm from Henricks and did not bring it up again. But, she added, 'Wyatt, remember, if you need someone to share the weight on your shoulder, you have a group of friends and subjects who will be happy to do so without any question or complaint:

The Field Marshal understood that it was wrong of her to project her grandchildern onto Wyatt while on duty. He was her liege, and while on duty, he didn't need a protective grandma but a loyal knight to execute his orders without question or delay.

But she also felt that Wyatt's way of doing things wasn't completely correct. He burdened himself with all the responsibility, even the little ones. His way of doing things was exhausting, especially when he had good friends and subordinates who would be glad to be of use to him. He could share a little burden with each of them instead of shouldering everything alone.

"I will keep that in mind, thank you!" Wyatt understood where the Field Marshal was coming from. He had also recently given this some thought. However, he was accustomed to doing things a certain way, so it would be hard for him to change, but not impossible. It will take time.

"Also, I haven't been completely honest with you about the Celestial rule domain!" Wyatt said, now that they were talking, he decided to come clean. He didn't want the Field Marshal to waste time trying to recreate the Celestial rule domain using the Pseudo-celestial rule domain.

Her mastery of the Pseudo-celestial rule domain was already at a satisfactory level; spending more time on it would lead nowhere. With the second demon invasion on the brink, every minute was precious for her to grow stronger. He had to point her in the right direction or help her find something new.

Borrowing celestial force from the native realm whe on another realm was very difficult. Yet, the Field Marshal was not only borrowing celestial force from the Card World but also using it to create the Pseudo-celestial rule domain. Although weaker and smaller in size, it was still impressive. Clearly, her control over her divinity's spiritual channel was impressive. Proving she wasn't among the top ten Card apprentices just for show.

"I know it's impossible to forge a Celestial rule domain if you don't have your own celestial force. I had Dredre help me borrow books on it from the infinity library. It wasn't clearly mentioned in the books, but I concluded as such based on what was written and your demonstration of the Celestial rule domain. However, I can't deny that it's a very powerful skill, even if I can only use the false version. Therefore, I've decided to continue perfecting it," the Field Marshal revealed, astonis.h.i.+ng Wyatt.

Now he was starting to understand why she was among the top ten Card apprentices. It wasn't just her bloodline and unique eyes that gave her an edge, but her perception of skills and abilities was very strong. She wasn't to be underestimated, her potential was very high. Now that she had made her debut in the Myriad Realms as a devil merchant their was no telling what she could achieve. Wyatt grinned dumbly, imagining the Field Marshal's future prospects as a devil merchant. He believed she would have surpa.s.sed the Card World's limits and more in a few months. He couldn't help but feel proud as she was one of his strongest comrades with sky-high potential. With his support, he could see her entering the ranks of the Ruler Cla.s.s or even surpa.s.sing it alongside him. The most important part for him above all else was that he could trust her.

Seeing Wyatt's dumb grin as he daydreamed, the Field Marshal had a sense of foreboding. She couldn't help but wonder what Wyatt was thinking about. If only she knew that Wyatt had already begun planning her future for her, she might have reminded him of his words, "You are my liege; don't try to be my father!"

"Wyatt, what are we doing here? Whatever it is, you better hurry or let us leave this area p.r.o.nto, the Field Marshal awakened Wyatt from his daydream, sensing the wind currents growing stronger and both suns of this realm being covered by dark clouds.

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