Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2217 The Price Heatsend Royal Family Paid

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Chapter 2217 The Price Heatsend Royal Family Paid

"I surrender," the Southern princess waved the white flag without any hesitation. She knew better than to clash horns with a stubborn old bull still in its prime.

Seeing the Southern Princess surrender just when they thought things were getting heated, the crowd sighed in unison. However, they weren't disappointed as many had already guessed this ending. All the people attending the surprise banquet knew the Southern Princess and Ruler very closely.

So, in a way, they foresaw such an ending coming from miles away. It wasn't news that Southern Princess was someone who would not personally get her hands dirty. Even if she were forced to do so, she would prefer not to leave a trace of her taking action. Though the crowd seemed to have accepted such a disappointing ending to one of the most antic.i.p.ated card fights in the Card world the Southern Ruler wasn't willing. Now that he was all fired up, a win without a fight would not satisfy his fighting spirit. Besides, this fight had a greater purpose, to beat his daughter's inner demons right out of her.

Seeing her father wasn't prepared to accept her surrender, the Southern Princess telepathically reminded him, 'Father, I get that you care about the youngest but right. now you are the one hurting her by putting her in a tough spot regarding your unreasonable problem with her following proper royal etiquettes. Look at her, she doesn't look like someone enjoying the surprise banquet her loving grandpa threw for her. Don't forget why we are here!

'She wasn't enjoying it before either. My intent sense can feel she is holding her feelings back being mindful of her surroundings and actions. Learning we held a surprise banquet in honor of her naming ceremony She felt like jumping out of sheer joy. However, instead of doing just that, she suppressed her teenage girl instincts. All because you would be disappointed if she were to act like a regular teenager.

I don't want her to restrain herself in the presence of her family and friends. I don't want my granddaughters to grow up so quickly. With fun and capable grandparents like us, they should grow up experiencing a happy childhood like you and your brother did. But they can't do so because of you.

It is mostly my fault because I let you be. I will no longer plan to allow you to continue. Henceforth, you do it the Southern way, or your mother and I will raise your daughters for you, the Southern Ruler threatened to take away the Southern Princess's daughters from her if she were to continue on the same path.

'I agree that we did have a memorable childhood, but I would not go as far as to call it a fun one. However, because of our sheltered childhood, I and brother had to struggle when we made our debut in the Southern Region because of your so-called fun parenting. You guys did not prepare us for anything. It was hard for us to see the

disappointed look on the faces of people who loved and expected so much from us, the Southern Princess finally lost her calm, hearing her father bring up her childhood. She might be the Invisible Southern Princess to the world but right now she was just a daughter venting to her father.

'What are you talking about? You guys were great when you made your debut. The generals and the ministers were all full of praises about you two, the Southern Ruler did not understand what his daughter talking about. As far as he knew his kids did far better than him when they officially made their debut in the Southern Region.

"That was what they reported to you and the rest of the world but the reality was totally different. We boomed everything we tried. It was hard for us to see the look of antic.i.p.ation on their faces change into a look of disappointment. Especially, for my brother. It is one of the main reasons why he chose to take the enlightened path. Then there is me, I married the worst mistake of my life and turned my family into a joke in all five regions, In a moment of weakness, the Southern Princess finally opened her heart to her father. Letting him see the darkness haunting her.

"You guys think you boomed your debut, you should ask the Royal instructor about my debut. He will have a ton of embarra.s.sing stories of my childhood. Yet, the entire world thinks I was born a ruler. It is how it is. It isn't just us but everyone before us also went through that exact thing.

What's important is that you guys did not give up. You two did not let your failures stop you in your tracks. You kept trying and giving your best every single day. Look at you two now, you guys are the Southern region's two most capable and reliable pillars. Especially, you. Without you, the Southern region will stop functioning by dawn.

As far as your ex-husband is concerned, I don't think he was your worst mistake. I believe he was the price our Heatsend family had to pay to gain two cutest granddaughters ever. Trust me, if I could turn back time I would not change a single thing. So, don't you dare think you have brought shame to our family ever again, got it?' the Southern Ruler spoke from his heart without any calculations or lies. Because of that, his words were able to get past the darkness in his daughter's heart and reach her. It wasn't enough to erase the darkness but it was a good start.

"Today is about the youngest, the youngest member of our family. Let us not steal the spotlight from her with our pity difference, listening to her father the Southern princess's face had a subtle smile as she announced to everyone. Then, turning to her second daughter she gently pinched the cheeks of her cute daughter who looked like her entire world had come cras.h.i.+ng down on her, and cheered her saying, "Honey, today is your day. So, for today let us not stand on ceremony and drop all the honorifics and formalities. After all, we are in the presence of family and friends. Let us enjoy the banquet and have a blast."

Seeing his words had managed to get his daughter to back down for now the

Southern Ruler was overwhelmed by joy and sense of achievement. After all, winning an argument against the Southern Princess wasn't easy even if she was his daughter.

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