Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 2110 Peculiar Energy Signatures

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Chapter 2110  Peculiar Energy Signatures

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 21:58

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Orphanage

"I don't understand," Henricks genuinely had no idea what Field Marshal was talking about. Wyatt was right he had contacted his people through their organization's encrypted channel and they did plan to send a backup team to rescue him but he rejected it knowing no one in the Freedom Fighters was strong enough to face her. Though all the captains together could push her back long enough to rescue him that was not probable considering that the captains had their duties. They would not leave their posts, especially not now when the World Leaders were waiting for them to show weakness. It would unwise move. Therefore, Henricks rejected them saying he could talk his way out of here.

Hence, he truly had no idea when the Field Marshal asked him to call off his men. Seeing her not believe him, he repeated himself, "I honestly have no idea who you are talking about. Trust me, I would not risk my men's lives fighting against you over this."

"You sure the presence I feel in the outskirts of the city are not you people?" the Field Marshal knew Henricks could be sleazy but she knew for a fact that he would never play with his men's lives so she trusted him this time but still confirmed with him feeling that his people acted without his knowledge. "Wait, let me check," Henricks face morphed into a grotesque look listening to Field Marshal because if her suspicions were true then the consequence for the Freedom Fighters would be very dire. Because of the replica celestial s.p.a.ce domain covering the city, Henrick's intent sense was limited within it so he could not check the energy signatures that were at the outskirts of the city. Therefore, he hurriedly used the encrypted channel to contact his people and check if they were trying to rescue him despite him warning them not to. "No, it is not my people," Henricks sighed in relief. Fortunately, his people knew what was in their best interest and trusted his ability to bulls.h.i.+t out of anywhere. "This is bad, the number of energy signatures just tripled their original numbers. There is something peculiar about their energy signature but they are showing no sign of aggression yet as if they are waiting for more reinforcement," the Field Marshal exclaimed sensing the number of hostile demiG.o.ds grow in numbers. "What do you mean their energy signature is peculiar? Is it the devil wors.h.i.+pers?" Henricks asked as those that borrow power from devils tend to have a sinister energy signature different from the energy signature of a regular card apprentice. "No, I don't think it is them. I think it's undead demiG.o.ds, an army of them," Field Marshal suspected recalling the whole ordeal with Asong Young, the politician from the central capital. Having seen Clown Mask's future vision, she instantly pierced together what was happening to her. She deduced that Asong Young might have uncovered the Supreme leader's undead legion in the central region as a result, the latter was sending an army of undead demiG.o.ds to silence Asong before she blabbed about it.

"Army of undead demiG.o.ds you say, what did you guys do to p.i.s.s off that guy all people?" Henricks inquired the Field Marshal in shock. The Field Marshal frowned listening to Henricks, though she wasn't sure who he was talking about but she was surprised that she knew someone who had an army of undead demiG.o.ds. Curious about who Henricks spoke of she asked him, "Who are you talking about?" "The Masters call him Karl, he is their most loyal and ferocious dog. He never failed any task a.s.signed by them. Currently, He is mostly responsible for cultivating undead card apprentices for them. If I am not remembering it wrong, I think this city is his hometown," Henricks revealed but then added, "That guy's is bad news. Even when I worked for the Masters I stirred clear of him even though he is not even a demiG.o.d. What did you guys do to get on his bad side? Wait, is this regarding Wyatt's feud with the Circle? Though, sending an army of undead for over that seems a bit overkill. Or is he here for Clown Mask too?" Henricks mind ran thinking of the worst possible reasons why the Masters' most trusted dogs would target his hometown of all places. "I don't think they are here for Clown Mask. Her secret is only known to a select few even among the royal bloodline. Unless you and Luna blabbed it to others," the Field Marshal said, as her frown narrowed sensing the number of demiG.o.ds increased. The Field Marshal was not new to the term Masters. She knew those from the founder's factions referred to the Founders as Masters, akin to calling them the masters of the Card world. However, she and the royal families had little idea about the organization that was formed by the alliance of the founders' factions which controlled the central government form the shadows. "No, it can't be me or Luna. She only shared this information with me. Trust me, I only babbled it to you guys to get you rallied up that one time now I am paying the price for it," Henricks a.s.sured the Field Marshal that there was no information leak from his side.

"Then rest a.s.sured they are not after Clown Mask," Field Marshal sighed in relief. She really did not want the world to learn about Clown Mask's secret because then the Southern Region would become the enemy of all other regions. "Then, why are they here? Are they really after Wyatt?" Henricks who knew Karl personally knew the gravity of the situation and could not help but lose his nerve. One can only imagine his reaction when he learns about Karl's destiny as the Supreme Leader from Clown Mask's future vision.

"No, not him but Asong Young, a young politician from the central region. She seemed to have uncovered his secret about cultivating demiG.o.ds. I believe they are here to silence her before she blabbed to the royal families," Field Marshal only spoke the half-truth. The full truth was that Asong had discovered what the Supreme Leader was hiding from the Masters, which was why he did not hesitate to send an army of undead demiG.o.ds at night to kill Asong despite knowing that the Sky Blossom City was currently under the protection of one of top ten strongest in the world, Field Marshal Heatsend. 

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