Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 1229 New Plans

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Chapter 1229 New Plans

Date- 5 April 2321

Time- 09:56

Location- Southern Region, Blossom district, Sky Blossom City, Southern Watch Military Camp

"Before we begin to negotiate, I wanted to ask you, that, do you believe that if the southern royal family doesn't want you to leave the southern region, they will allow you to get into the top ten universities through university exams as a regular student would? Wyatt, just accept it, you are not a regular student or a teenager for that matter. The faster you understand that and give up on trying to lead a regular life the better for you," Jill preached

"I agree, I am not a regular person. But it is also the reason why it should be easier for me to live my life the way I want to live it. n.o.body can change that. Stop wasting my time, I know you want something from me, just skip this drama and get to it," Jill knows that I should not have much information on Lois's whereabouts considering my status in the southern royal family. Because as of now the whole world except for the southern royal family thinks that the southern royal family has hidden Agent Lois. n.o.body suspects that it was me.

Jill was too smart to ask me directly what she really wanted from me, she was just testing the waters, to understand me. And so was I, because I wanted to know if I could involve Jill in my new plans. I planned to involve Jill in my new plans because she had both capital and influence in the central academic region. Without my share of profits from the supply and distribution of silver milk powder, I had to get the capital for my other projects from somewhere. And with my stressed relations.h.i.+p with the southern royal family, I need someone else to back my business in the central academic region. Jill was the perfect fit for both, but the question was if I could trust her.

"Fine, I will get to the point I have buyers lined up for your patent on silver milk powder and your shares in the supply and distribution of the silver milk powder. They are willing to pay a high price for your worthless patent and shares, what do you think? If you agree I will arrange for a meet right away," There it was, Jill finally reveal what she was after. She wanted to earn a hefty commission by pressuring me into selling my silver milk powder patent and the shares of the production and distribution of the silver milk powder to one of her highest-paying buyers.

With the Freedom Fighters stealing the silver beach dungeon, as of now my patent and shares related to silver milk powder were worthless but that would not be the case if the world leaders joined together to solve the pest named freedom fighters.

The world leaders joining their hands to get rid of Freedom Fighters once and for all was very likely now that the world knew that a miraculous item like silver milk powder existed and it was in the hands of the freedom fighters. But the only question plaguing everyone was who gets to keep the silver beach gate dungeon and what about the profits from the silver milk powder, once they retrieve the dungeon from the Freedom Fighters. That was where the patent and shares of silver milk powder in my name came into the picture as it was easier to take from me than the southern royal family.

Since people have already moved to acquire the shares and patent of silver milk powder in my hands then they might have also approached the southern royal family but with a very different offer than what they are offering me.

The silver beach dungeon belonged to the southern royal family, and so did the exclusive rights to the production and distribution of the silver milk powder. So basically if the world leaders were to join hands and bring back the silver beach dungeon they would be doing the southern royal family a huge favor. And in exchange for that favor, they would expect the southern royal family to relinquish a little profit from the sale of the silver milk powder to their way, along with other exclusive privileges such as the exclusive rights to supply and distribution of the silver milk in their territory.

The southern royal family though furious about their situation would have no choice to meet the demands of the world leaders to gain their help in retrieving the silver beach gate dungeon from freedom fighters. Because without anything to gain the world leaders would not move a muscle.

"Nope, I don't plan to sell my patent or the shares related to silver milk powder," I rejected Jill's proposal without hesitation even before hearing what the world leaders were willing to offer for the patent and shares related to silver milk powder in my hands. Considering the market, I would say what they were offering would not even amount to a fraction of what I stood to gain by holding on to the patent and my shares.

Though I don't know if the world leaders will be able to defeat the freedom fighters I know that no matter who won between the two, the patent and shares related to silver milk powder in my hands would become priceless.

I said so because if freedom fighters were to win against the world leaders then their next step would be to overthrow the current regime and create a new regime that they felt would be fair and better than the current one, like in the future vision of the Clown Mask.

So once the freedom fighters make the new government, they cannot simply continue to use the silver milk powder ignoring its rightful owners, if they did then that would be hypocritical of them. The chance of them doing this was low but I was willing to gamble on it.

"Why? The patent and those shares are worthless, why do you want to hold on to them, just sell them when you have the chance," Jill continued to persuade me.

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