The Crippled Boss Loves Me Chapter 381 - It Was Indeed Your Fault

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Chapter 381: It Was Indeed Your Fault

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Regret and hatred filled Brother Zhao’s heart. There was even a hint of fear in it. He revealed a flattering smile as he said, “Qiao Xi accidentally broke a customer’s wine today. I felt she might feel embarra.s.sed if I scolded her in public, so I warned her privately to be more careful in her work in the future.”

Brother Zhao put on a wronged expression. He said softly, “Jin Hai’s guests are either rich or n.o.ble. A bottle of wine is worth a lot. Mrs. Ji, I scolded Qiao Xi for her good.”

“For her good?” Shen Hanxing sneered and said coldly, “since when did our country implement a slavery law where you can hit and kick your workers if they made some mistake.” She looked at Qiao Xi’s face. The slap from before had made her face bruised. If Shen Hanxing didn’t notice and saw Brother Zhao bringing Qiao Xi there, she couldn’t imagine what the man would have done to Qiao Xi.

“Erm… She hit me first. I was so angry that I lost my mind,” Cold sweat drenched Brother Zhao’s forehead. He tried his best to explain, “I admit that it’s wrong for me to hit a woman. But there’s no rule saying I’m a man, so I should do nothing and get beaten up. I’m her supervisor…”

“You were the one who took advantage of me first. I slapped you out of panic!” Qiao Xi cried and defended herself. She raised her voice, “if you hadn’t crossed the boundaries, I wouldn’t have slapped you!”


“Liar! Qiao Xi, is this your work att.i.tude?” Brother Zhao was confident when he faced Qiao Xi. He shouted, “you said that I took advantage of you. How could you prove that? I’ve worked in Jin Hai for five years, and everyone knows me. Do you think you can accuse me of what I haven’t done? I’m not someone who you can slander at will!” There were no surveillance cameras in the pantry. Of course, he was not afraid of being exposed.

Brother Zhao threatened Qiao Xi, “How dare you accuse your boss! Are you trying to get yourself fired?”

Qiao Xi’s face turned pale. Her lips trembled, unable to speak.

“Mrs. Ji, the bottle of wine that Qiao Xi broke today wasn’t cheap,” Seeing Qiao Xi remaining silent, Brother Zhao’s confidence boosted. He said, “I’m no one, but I’m also an employee of Jin Hai. Mrs. Ji, even if you look down upon me because of your n.o.ble status, you still have to respect the Jin Hai I work for. I’m teaching my subordinates a lesson. No matter what, I’m doing the right thing. But you…” He looked at Shen Hanxing with a smile. “Are you going to break the rules of Jin Hai for a little waiter? Of course, dealing with me is a piece of cake for you, but why don’t you think about it? Qiao Xi will still be working here in the future. You’re not helping her but harming her.”

Jin Hai knew plenty of people with power and connections since it had developed to this stage. The boss of Jin Hai had always been mysterious and had never shown himself. However, what happened today was enough to make Shen Hanxing have a terrible impression of the boss of Jin Hai.

Qiao Xi’s face was pale, and her hands and feet were cold. Tears rolled in her eyes. She knew that the difference in status was big. She was like an ant that anyone could trample to death. She was not worth anyone’s trouble.

“Mrs. Ji, forget it,” Qiao XI’s eyelids fluttered, and she tried hard to swallow the sobs about to come out of her mouth. “It was my fault for not doing my job well. Brother Zhao did the correct thing by scolding me. Forget it…” She pretended to be relaxed, not wanting to make things difficult for Shen Hanxing. She tried her best to show a brilliant smile. “It’s all my fault for being careless. It’s my fault. Mrs. Ji, you don’t have to help me.”

“It’s indeed your fault for making a mistake at work,” Shen Hanxing glanced at Qiao Xi. then, she slowly let go of Brother Zhao’s hand.

Brother Zhao became even more proud. He tidied up his collar and said, “That’s right. You can’t even do your work well, yet you still dare to slap your boss. Who gave you the courage?” Even Mrs. Ji could do nothing when he mentioned their boss. These people from the upper cla.s.s were cold-hearted. No matter what Mrs. Ji did to stand up for Qiao Xi, she would never offend their boss to protect Qiao Xi. In the end, Qiao Xi still couldn’t escape from his grasp.

Qiao Xi also lowered her head and tried hard not to cry. There was nothing to cry about. Mrs. Ji was right. If Qiao Xi had been more careful at work, she wouldn’t have tripped over her colleagues. Naturally, she wouldn’t have broken the customer’s wine. Thus, she gave Brother Zhao a chance to bully her by the name of teaching her a lesson. All of this was her fault. She had only met Mrs. Ji once. There was no reason for her to ask Mrs. Ji to help her, so she could not cry.

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