Unscientific Beast Taming Chapter 1830: Sick (2)

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Chapter 1830: Sick (2)


Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Soon, the two cats gathered beside s.h.i.+ Yu.

“You should be able to predict which ruins are the most suitable for you, right?”

The Prediction Owl touched the crystal ball and muttered, “Old Ying, quickly buff me.”

“Climb.” The gem cat exploded in anger. It was fine if it was s.h.i.+ Yu, but how could a small early-stage super divine like him dare to?

“How disrespectful. Be careful, I’ll curse you to encounter cosmic disasters every day.”

“I’m just kidding…” The Prediction Owl smiled in embarra.s.sment and said, “Ying G.o.d, come and give me a buff.”

“Ling, you come too.” A green and white Rubik’s Cube appeared beside s.h.i.+ Yu’s shoulder. He distributed the power of his luck to the Prediction Owl, hoping that it would be lucky enough to predict the location of valuable ruins.

Soon, luck and the power of the Star Prayer worked on the Prediction Owl. It held the crystal ball with a serious expression and predicted according to the star map provided by s.h.i.+ Yu.

In the next moment.

As expected, with the support of a pile of super experts and supreme divine weapons, the owl’s premonition was very successful. Soon, the crystal ball mapped the future content and a coordinate appeared.

However, at the same time, a chaotic spatial power also made the Prediction Owl’s brain rumble. Many complicated information appeared like needles, making her suddenly cover her head and scream.


The owl’s change shocked s.h.i.+ Yu and the others. Fortunately, it was only for an instant. She recovered with sweat all over her face. Although she was still holding her head and panting, her expression looked calm.

“Teacher Owl, are you alright? What’s going on?” s.h.i.+ Yu asked.

“It’s alright,” the owl said. “It’s just that this ruin is a little special. His master might still…”

“Still be alive in this universe!”

“Oh?” s.h.i.+ Yu said.

The owl said, “It’s this era ruin that was created by someone in the last era. However, this creator, like you, successfully came to this era as a transmigrator.”

“It’s precisely because of this that the interference I suffered this time is a little strong.”

s.h.i.+ Yu frowned and said, “Huh?”


s.h.i.+ Yu immediately thought of the empress. Was it a ruin created by this guy in his previous life?

“This location is the Vegetable Star Domain.” s.h.i.+ Yu looked at the crystal ball and said, “The border star domain of the Cosmic Sea close to the worm nest…”


“Are you sure that this ruin is the most suitable era ruin for me to explore now?” s.h.i.+ Yu touched his chin and said, “I thought that you would divine a ruin related to the ‘evolution-type cosmic treasure’.”

“In the end, it’s a ruin with information about transmigrators. Why do I feel that there’s a pit again?”

“Do you want to explore?” the gem cat asked. “Go, go. It definitely sounds like there’s important information.”

s.h.i.+ Yu said, “You just want to chase me away. Forget it, since your premonition results are out, let’s make a trip.”

Vegetable Star Domain was a very special star domain. It was located at the border of the Cosmic Sea and was one of the few star domains closest to the worm nest. It was very similar to the geographical location of the Blue Star Domain.

s.h.i.+ Yu’s curiosity was still aroused by the owl and the others’ divination. He arrived at a planet in the Vegetable Star Region.

In a huge mountain, s.h.i.+ Yu walked in the wild forest in the mountains and sensed the situation of the era ruins.

“Interesting.” s.h.i.+ Yu strolled here for a long time and kept using his Pa.s.sage of Time skill, but he couldn’t crack and open this ruin. This ruin was built relatively high-level.

Beside s.h.i.+ Yu, Eleven and Ling were also following beside him and giving advice. In fact, Ling was the only one giving advice. It was unknown if Eleven was still a child or clueless, but it had already climbed onto the big tree beside it. It broke the branch with a palm and directly made the red worm lying on it fall.

“Wuu!!!” Eleven made a declaration of victory.

In s.h.i.+ Yu’s Beast Taming s.p.a.ce, the corners of Buggy’s mouth twitched when it saw its “super distant relative” end up in the same situation as its young self.

“There are many bug-type creatures here. Although we haven’t reached the worm nest, it’s already comparable to the insect paradise,” Ling said.

“Yeah, but this isn’t the key. The key is why can’t we open this ruin!” s.h.i.+ Yu gritted his teeth.

This was the first time he had suffered a loss in cracking ruins after obtaining the power system of the last era.

After all, he had easily broken through even the mechanical ruins of the previous era, and it was at a low level. Now that he was close to the cosmic level, this lousy ruin couldn’t be broken?

Of course, it was actually not a problem to forcefully tear it down, but that would damage the information and resources inside the ruins. s.h.i.+ Yu still wanted to use the normal process to make it more sensible.

“You can’t do this.”

Just as s.h.i.+ Yu was in deep thought, a voice suddenly came from behind them.

Upon hearing this voice, be it s.h.i.+ Yu, Eleven, or Ling, they shuddered.

s.h.i.+ Yu suddenly turned around and saw the Super Empress descending from behind.

“Why are you here?”

“Could it be that the owner of this ruin is really you?”

The Super Empress turned to look at s.h.i.+ Yu and said, “I have nothing to do with this ruin.”

“Then you… Huh? Could it be that you’re protecting me all the way?” s.h.i.+ Yu said.

The Super Empress said, “Don’t flatter yourself. My goal is also this ruin.”

“You’re not the only one who can know the specialness of this ruin.”

“Alright…” s.h.i.+ Yu smiled and said, “Then, Your Majesty, what do you think? Do you know what’s going on with this ruin?”

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