Unscientific Beast Taming Chapter 1811: Teacher Yue (1)

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Chapter 1811: Teacher Yue (1)


Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

s.h.i.+ Yu made up his mind and didn’t want to go to Inatella.

Instead, he directly called for the Blue Planet’s Will and asked her to descend.

“What is it?”

A few days after everyone left, the Blue Planet’s Will saw s.h.i.+ Yu looking for it again and felt that nothing good would happen to him.

“Can you help revive someone?” s.h.i.+ Yu said.

“With your current ability, you should be able to fish someone out of the long river of history, right?”

Blue Planet was silent.

“Who is it?”

s.h.i.+ Yu grinned. “A Legendary Beast Tamer from the totem era named Yue Maiden. She’s active in the Dong Huang Continent and is very close to the Beast Taming Era. The difficulty of reviving shouldn’t be high, right?”

“If it were when I just advanced, even with the soil of G.o.ddess Wa, it would be difficult for me to revive the ancients of the totem era.”

“But thanks to your breakthrough, with my current realm, there shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Then I’ll leave it to you!” s.h.i.+ Yu said.

The Blue Planet’s Will nodded. It wasn’t difficult for her to do s.h.i.+ Yu’s little request. Although she didn’t know what s.h.i.+ Yu wanted, s.h.i.+ Yu definitely had his own reasons for asking her to revive this person.

Soon, the Blue Planet’s Will began to consume the power of the world and search for traces of the Yue Maiden whom s.h.i.+ Yu mentioned in the long river of history.

At this moment, s.h.i.+ Yu sensitively discovered that with his current attainments in the power of s.p.a.ce and time, he could actually invade the ability of the Blue Planet’s Will.

“Can I?” s.h.i.+ Yu asked.

Blue Planet’s Will: “?”

“Alright, with your memories as a medium, it’s easier to find.”

After obtaining the tacit approval of the Blue Planet’s Will, s.h.i.+ Yu’s consciousness connected to Blue Planet and began to search for traces of the Yue Maiden in the long river of history with her perspective.



Soon, according to the historical memories provided by s.h.i.+ Yu as a medium, they successfully found the Yue Maiden.

In Blue Planet and s.h.i.+ Yu’s perspective, a little girl who might not be more than ten years old with a goatee appeared.

She held the stone mirror and aimed at the rocks and trees by the roadside, s.h.i.+ning it randomly.

Under the illumination of the stone mirror, a surprising scene occurred.

Anything reflected in the mirror changed.

The stone evolved into an elemental life form and turned into a small fist stone.

The tree opened its eyes, obtained its feet, and became a treant.

s.h.i.+ Yu still remembered this scene. The Yue Maiden should have used the “Plundering Talent” to plunder someone’s Awakening Talent and created it into a toy. Then, she played with it happily.

Back then, it was also because of this Awakening Mirror that s.h.i.+ Yu developed the idea of nurturing mechanical phantom beasts.

“It’s her,” s.h.i.+ Yu said.

Next, s.h.i.+ Yu and the Blue Planet’s Will briefly looked at the life of the Yue Maiden.

Although s.h.i.+ Yu had heard his senior introduce many of the Yue Maiden’s deeds, he felt more emotional now that he had personally understood them.

She was born in that chaotic totem era. She had never seen her parents since she was born. She was an orphan, an abandoned orphan.

In that era, boys were favored over girls. Many girls were abandoned when they were born, and the Yue Maiden was one of them.

She was unlucky and lucky. Although she was abandoned, she was also adopted by a powerful transcendent creature. This transcendent creature was a rare “transcendent creature of a lover”. Perhaps it was just like how in the eyes of humans, kittens were very cute and would give charity to stray cats. In its eyes, humans might also be very cute creatures, so the Yue Maiden was adopted.

Not only did this transcendent creature take in the Yue Maiden, but it also took in many orphans and brought them to survive, hunt, and grow in the mountains.

At this moment, the Yue Maiden had many playmates and had a relatively happy childhood.

Moreover, she was also the most talented among everyone. At the age of seven, she had automatically awakened the Beast Taming s.p.a.ce. Her talent could be said to be at the top in the history of the human race on Blue Planet.

However, something unexpected happened. When the Yue Maiden was in her early teens, they were completely wiped out because they encountered an even stronger transcendent creature. Apart from the Yue Maiden who escaped, everyone died.

Then, the Yue Maiden, who was in her early teens, began to wander in the mountain alone, hunting alone, growing alone, and encountering life-and-death crises countless times…

Because of her talent, she was hated by everyone and encountered a lot. Because she was adopted by transcendent creatures, it was very difficult for her to integrate into normal human society.

After experiencing countless setbacks, she became a powerful Beast Tamer, but she was forced to become stronger. After becoming stronger, although the Yue Maiden was infamous, she didn’t have much ambition. She only inherited the will of that transcendent creature and took in many orphans like her who had been abandoned in the wilderness, nurturing them into adults, and establis.h.i.+ng a horde that specialized in adopting abandoned people.

After the horde got on track, the Yue Maiden left most of her pets behind and chose to leave with an arms-type pet.

At this moment, she was still very young. She was only in her forties and had already stood at the peak of the totem era, but because her talent was harmful and she had many hidden injuries, she was already like an old woman.

s.h.i.+ Yu had also experienced this feeling. F*ck, the first time he added some super skills, it almost made him an old man.

Not long after the Yue Maiden sensed that she had only a few years left to live, she brought the arms-type pet that had accompanied her the longest and entered life and death seclusion to wait for death.

“No wonder.”

After watching the life of the Yue Maiden, s.h.i.+ Yu recalled the shadow of history he had seen on the Talent Bead.

No wonder there were so many children accompanying the Yue Maiden. No wonder she created so many toys and threw them to those children to play with.

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