Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 1085 The Surviving Disciples Of The Ripple Mist Sect

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Chapter 1085 The Surviving Disciples Of The Ripple Mist Sect

The first thing that Lin Mu ended up noticing was that there were actually people near the teleportation gate.

"The disciples are awake, huh…" Lin Mu recognized.

He was a bit surprised that they had not left the sect though, as he was sure that after seeing all that had happened, they would want to leave the place as soon as possible.

"Let's see what they are up to then," Lin Mu said as he flew towards them.

The disciples had been sitting around what looked like a bonfire right now. It was nighttime and there was a chill in the air. Lin Mu's earlier actions had broken most of the formation arrays of the sect and thus they couldn't even use the basic illumination formations that usually kept the sect lit up and warm.

The disciples could only gather up and sit like this for now. Their faces were also filled with confusion and they were certainly looking lost.


A breeze could be felt by the disciples, prompting them to look.

"Look! It's the senior!" The disciples quickly recognized.

Lin Mu landed and saw the disciples all standing up.

"Why are you all still here? This place is not safe." Lin Mu asked.

He had hoped that they were smart enough to at least tell this much.

"W-we know, senior. But… we have no place to go." One of the disciples spoke.

"After we woke up, we read up on some of the doc.u.ments the elders had hidden away and learned what has been happening in detail. But that is also why we didn't dare to leave, as we were sure that there would be Gu Legion members ready to catch us if we went anywhere." The female Disciple who had lost her Dao Companion spoke.

"Yeah, and we didn't think that going to the Long Cloud alliance was an option either. We would be attacked there, too. And we will have no way to prove our innocence." Another disciple added.

Hearing their words, Lin Mu understood that he had mistaken some of their concerns earlier.

"I see…" Lin Mu thought over and wondered what would be the best course of action here.

He himself was busy and didn't have the time to babysit them. And he didn't think the disciples would be able to take a long journey on their own either, with how the situation of the continent was now.

"If you all want a safe s.p.a.ce, you should head to the Fenlong Kingdom." Lin Mu said before taking out a metal plate from his ring.

The plate was plain and had nothing on it, looking like a common iron plate that would be used in making armor and forging other things. Lin Mu held the plate in one hand and used the finger of other to directly carve a character on it.


The metal let out a high pitched sound as it was scratched easily with Lin Mu's finger, surprising the disciples with the ease with which he was doing it. A few seconds later, he was done carving and the character was complete.

"Take this." Lin Mu gave the metal plate with the character carved into it to a disciple near him.

"Ordained?" The disciple read the character.

"Show this to the people at the border and tell them Lin Mu sent you." He instructed.

Some of the disciples were a bit hesitant and wondered if this would really work out or not.

"We shall do as you say, senior. You've already saved our lives and given us a chance to avenge ourselves. We shall be forever in your debt." The disciples said, trusting Lin Mu.

"Go on now. Getting to Fenlong kingdom from here shouldn't take more than a few days. And if you all fly, it should be even quick. Just try to avoid the Mountain Brush Sect. They are involved in the Zither wind alliance too and might trouble you if you come across them." Lin Mu directed.

"Alright, senior." The disciples said while cupping their hands.

Lin Mu nodded his head and decided to leave too, he had a lot of things to do and had to hurry.

He closed his eyes for a second and called for Little Shrubby.


A minute later, a low roar was heard coming from the distance.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" The disciples who heard it were startled.


Then a few seconds later, a red blur was seen approaching from the horizon. Under the stunned eyes of the disciples, a beast larger than anything they had ever seen appeared. Red flames illuminated the majestic beast as its deep eyes glanced over them.

"Where did you go, master? I couldn't feel you for a few days." Little Shrubby spoke through the link.

"I had to go to a place where our link might have gotten weak. It is fine now, though." Lin Mu replied. "Was there a problem while I was gone?" he asked, wondering if it really was like that.

"Ah, I wanted to ask what to do with a few people that tried to enter the sect. I couldn't contact you so I just killed them like you asked." Little Shrubby answered.

"Killed them? Who exactly?" Lin Mu asked as his brows furrowed.

He knew that he had instructed Little Shrubby to prevent anyone coming close, but didn't know who might exactly try that.

"I kept all the corpses. Let me show you." Little Shrubby said.

Then, under the shocked eyes of all the disciples, a hill of corpses started pouring out of Little Shrubby's storage belt.

"Those are Mountain Brush Sect elders!" A few Ripple Mist sect disciples recognized.

"HEAVENS! THAT'S THE PATRIARCH!" Someone pointed at a head that was missing a body.

Lin Mu was surprised hearing that and looked at the bloodied head that had a scared expression frozen on it. Its eyes were still open, and if one looked in them, one could tell that the person had seen the greatest terror of their lives.

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