Eternity Foxx: The Rise To Eternal Knowledge 14 Ch 14: Angels In The Outfield!

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After many meetings with Mikhail things are different for me now. I'm still on the outside of the wall. The King hasn't come to talk to me since I ran into the gate.

Mikhail told me that when I did that. I learned a new ability with my wings. He said I learned how to break the s.p.a.ce around me. He said that the s.p.a.ce around me forms our realm. Basically I broke the law that holds this realm together.

In time even that ability would grow to be something far greater.

I was always about growth. I like doing new things, and discovering new ways to do them. It is the most fascinating things about reality. It has some many differences with in it. There are even other realities I learned from Mikhail.

He said that your reality is what happens from behind your eyes. So realities are different for each set of eyes. Then there is the "Grand Reality." That's the reality that exists with in all minds, and connects us to each other.

He calls me his step brother. He said that a brother is a male that you form a strong bond with, and becomes one with your tribe. Making his tribe an ally to yours. A step brother is someone who positions themselves in the place of a brother, but is still building the bonds in the tribe.

He sees me as a step brother, but I have never had either. So I see him as just my brother. He said someday he may very well call me his brother. For now he can only call me a step brother. His Father has not accepted me into their tribe. So I am not allowed to be called his brother. I'm not a royal, and I can't even step foot in Heaven.

The King sends me things as I need them. So I'm not too interested in getting on the other side anymore. With me and Mikhail growing our bonds. I get all the answers I need from him.

At some point I will have to seek answers from others to gain more knowledge. Mikhail taught me about debates, and how to accept others views. He called it a form of diplomacy.

"Something bothering you Eternity?"

I dislike his abbreviate of my name. He said that my name was too long. He shortened it to Eternity, because he didn't believe anyone could stop me. I don't think so either, but then again there is The King...

"Yea, you are by abbreviating my name again. It's Eternity Foxx, and you should show it some respect brother."

He laughed at me.

"You know why I do that. Besides it gets under your skin, and since our lessons. Not much angers you now a days."

He was right about that. I learned ways to overcome my anger from out trainings. He is teaching me to control my anger as it is a part of the Angelic Creed. "One must not fall to the dark roots of anger. One may however harness the strength from anger to complete a task."

I wasn't sure what it meant at first. Now I realize that if you turn anger into motivation. You can gain a great deal of strength with in your resolve.

"You don't seem to have a problem angering me."

I turned to my brother as I stood up.

"Who are the ones that came with you today?"

I could sense that he had brought others with him. I didn't say anything when they arrived, because they hid from my sight. I guessed there was a reason for that.

"Just like you with that area sense that you have. I brought them with me to learn from you today."

Learn from me? Why would he bring them here to learn from me. He was an excellent teacher, and i was still learning from him.

"What is there that i can teach them that you can not? We have shared all kind of information by now."

He frowned at me, and shook his head.

"They want to learn to block their light from s.h.i.+ning. I told them that was your technique, and it would be disrespectful of me to teach it to them."

Oh, so that's what this is about?!

"Its about time you learn some d.a.m.n respect."

He looked at me in complete amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Why should I respect your a.s.s? You're still learning some respect yourself."

I had to laugh with him on that one. I don't really know how to respect anyone other then him, and his Father. Yeah I have general respect for all things, but respecting the wrong ones. That can lead to treachery.

Well since we have visitors today for our training session today. Maybe I should see if Mikhail wants to spar with me as well. If so, I will tell him that we should go past our normal level of training. This way they can see the benefits of accepting an outsider.

"You got me on that one. Since we have guest today. Do you want to spar with me as well?"

I think he had plans to ask me the same. His face light up with excitement.

"Yes! I was hoping that you would want to as well. They didn't believe me that you taught me, and was able to stand against me in a sparring match."

I see Mikhail has been talking about me in the Kingdom again. I wonder what they think of me. Also what do they think about me, and Mikhail becoming such good friends?

"Good, then will you also take it up a notch for today? I want them to see that we outsiders have potential to grow also."

He grinned at me with a sharp look in his eyes. Did I just fall into some kind of plan of his?

"You're always so keen brother. It doesn't surprise me that you was able to read my actions."

Read his actions? I was just making plans of my own, and they happen to go along with his.

"You know you can't sneak anything past me Mikhail."

I have to give him trouble as well, or he might lose interest in me. As he is my only friend, I don't want to lose him easily.

"I will one day brother!"

We gathered our group, and began to train on blocking out their light. They learned pretty fast too. There was only about one, or two of them that needed to be further instructed.

"My Father said you would be a good teacher."

Mikhail said to me as we prepared ourselves to go on a hunt.

"I wonder, what makes him think that about me? I only really interact with you."

In all honesty, I don't interact with anyone from Heaven. The talisman the monk gave me still hasn't s.h.i.+ned. I want to see him again.

"True indeed, but remember my Father can see what has yet to be seen!"

He said that in a "Eureka" kind of way.

"He is a creep isn't He?!"

He nodded his head, and then we burst out in laughter.

Mikhail said his fairwells, and he left with the rest of the group. It really was an interesting day.

Later that day, I went back to my area to do my studies. The King's book is quite amazing you know. I think it could use some spice to it, but its gentleness is a refreshment.

The apple is sweet now. I don't know the basis of it's functionality yet. I get how it works, but not the intricate details.

I think the more you read the book, the less bitter it gets. The more you practice what the book teaches, the more it taste sweet.

Mikhail said they are fruits that fall from the Tree of Life. They pa.s.s threw the realms to get here. The monks also harvest them when they fall.

A fruit that can travel threw the realms... It must fall from somewhere beyond the realms themselves. Then again I never heard of a barrier being around the realms. They just seem to overlap, and/or exist right next to each other.

I'm still learning spatial reasoning with in the realms. Looking at the Angels learning from me and Mikhail brought back memories. It wasn't that long ago that I didn't even know what a name was. I didn't know measurements of distance, or mathematics.

They reminded me of those times. Times when I was so ignorant to the things around me. I really didn't have any respect then. No one taught me any different really.

I hope that they come out again someday. The old man was right after all. I do like to teach people new things. I think I might like this as much as learning new things.

Nah, I'm a learner more then a teacher...

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