Orphan At The Edge Of The World 32 Oew 31

Orphan At The Edge Of The World -

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Over a mountain of missives and parcels, Orison caught Droya up on all the events the past two weeks had brought as he helped her sort. A large portion of less official ones were inevitably handed over to the secretary as they made their way to the consulate's reception room where the two listened to and addressed as many concerns as they could handle while a great deal more youthful and invigorated Morrel scribbled notes and distributed doc.u.ments.

Exasperated over the sheer waste of time most of this was, Orison complained to his mother during morning break. "Over half of the c.r.a.p that's coming through that door has nothing to do with us. If this were any other consulate anywhere else, they wouldn't have made it past your secretary. Why is she helping you in the back instead of screening time wasters in the front!?"

Sighing, Droya said, "This is the cost of authority here. If I tried to run this place like you suggest, the secretary would pry into people's business. Captain Nadir would be snooping through all the goods and there would be so many complaints about us running to New Fvaris and the capital that we'd be going home in disgrace or burned to the ground within a week. Probably both."

Orison frowned, "How long has it been like this, mom?"

"No matter, little cub. The missive that the archmage's a.s.sistant dropped off stated that our a.s.signment here ends on the first day of fall. I can hold up for a couple months," Droya said with a weak smile.

Orison smiled angelically and said, "Oh, only two months? That's not so bad... I'll be back in just a little bit, mom. I need to relieve myself."

As he walked out, Droya frowned with worry but didn't stop him.

Walking into the reception room, still holding a peaceful compa.s.sionate smile, Orison told the secretary, "You came here as part of a trade. You wanted to learn how empire business was done and we wanted some secretarial help. You know how to do secretarial work, right? It was on your recommendation when we chose you over three other candidates, yes?"

The secretary's professional smile grew stiff as she responded, "That's right, so if-"

"So sit your a** down in that chair and screen our visitors. Send trade matters back to the trade house at the dock and security matters to the captain's aid. If so much as one concern makes it to my mother's office that doesn't belong there or we get one complaint about you asking non-professional questions while performing your duties, I'll send you back to your elder with a replacement request and a strong recommendation to have you staff agricultural logistics... Piles of sh*t need counting too... Political spies are supposed to be discreet and do so good of a job they're overlooked. You are currently an obstructing eyesore, consider this your one and only warning."

Stepping outside, Orison got the attention of the soldier on consulate guard duty and told him to get Specialist Cray and Captain Nadir to report as soon as possible, to consider it urgent. Before the healthy, vital and significantly more confident Rithus could finish brewing mother, son and himself a cup of the Marshlander's favorite tea, Cray was already sitting nervously under the benevolent gaze of Orison. The tea had been drank and the cup removed before Captain Nadir had sauntered into the side meeting room.

Orison turned his beaming smile towards Nadir and said, "So glad you could finally join us, Captain. I need the soldiers not on guard or meal preparation detail to be a.s.sembled."

Scowling with arms folded, Captain Nadir asked, "Why? Is it so important you can't tell me and I can relate it at evening roll call?"

"It is, Captain. It pertains to matters they need to be aware of for the next two months. Dangerous things that could be a problem right now. I need them to be aware of those things as soon as possible," Orison said, smiling face becoming more saintly by the moment.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Captain Nadir said, "I'll do as you ask, Legate-in-training, but there will be the Abyss to pay if you're wasting mine or my men's precious time on personal nonsense. What happened to you must be trying on the mind but consider yourself cautioned in advance."

As Nadir stalked out of the meeting room, Orison turned to Specialist Cray. "I couldn't ask for a better friend and soldier out of you after our first little hiccup, specialist... I need you to go get the officer in charge of the trade building and spread the word that soon there will be an important announcement at the consulate building. The merchants currently in the inn or in transition from port to warehouse will not want to miss it or they'll be losing money they could have saved."

Cray took off like a man who'd been pardoned from the executioner and afraid someone would change their mind.

After a ragtag half of Captain Nadir's men stood in just enough of a formation it wouldn't draw frowns from the patricians in attendance and most of the merchants had a.s.sembled on the civilian side of the speaking platform, Orison ascended it and addressed them. "Loyal soldiers of Centerland and a.s.sembled peers, today marks a historic moment in the history of The Empire. As of eighth evening bell yesterday, due to supernatural phenomenon, I have been declared seventeen years of age by the archmage of Fort Frost himself. For the first time since the founding of the empire, a man of Highland decent holds the t.i.tle of patrician and legate simultaneously. To commemorate my coming of age and this momentous occasion, all merchant taxes acc.u.mulated on today's s.h.i.+pments are exempt and redeemable."

The merchant patricians that were working themselves up to interrupt became quite again.

Orison continued. "To all the soldiers in attendance and all those marked for guard and dining hall, to celebrate, you will be given a one time bonus of five gold. No need to announce yourselves. Steward Morrel has already taken roll. For those who work or are currently in sickroom, Morrel knows who they are, special considerations will be given based off of circ.u.mstance. For the other twelve soldiers who are not here due to dereliction, either blame themselves or Captain Nadir for not following my instruction."

Eyes narrowed, Captain Nadir said, "Legate-in-Training, this is-"

Orison bellowed, "Legate! Captain Nadir. Legate Cantrip to you, soldier, or has your brief stay here allowed my military colleague to forget basic military law and procedure! Just in case you may be hearing impaired, I am no longer a minor and all t.i.tles with their due respect are owed me. With my peers as witness, Captain, if you are in dereliction a third time today, I'll have you temporarily stripped of command!"

Nadir retreated to stony professionalism. Out of the corner of his eye, Orison noticed the soldiers subtly s.h.i.+fting into a cleaner formation and subconsciously taking it upon themselves to move into a more formal parade field 'rest'.

Taking a breath to calm himself back into saintly serenity, Orison returned to his address. "Fellow peers, please feel free to stay or return to your own matters as your prestige and dignity prefer."

In one of the benches, a ruddy and seasoned merchant said, "You jest! This is the best show I've seen all spring and summer season!" accompanied by a few subdued laughs.

Orison continued his address, moving on to accommodations. A substantial 'above and beyond the call of duty' award pay bonus was given to a soldier who had rescued a drowning victim. A twenty year old bottle of top-shelf whiskey he gave to Captain Nadir for 'admirable and timely resolution' during a dispute between two merchants in the consulate. Finally, he gave three vials each of vital and vigor potions to Specialist Cray for 'wearing out the most sole of his boots' providing a.s.sistance to the consulate.

To finish off, Orison told the soldiers that daily operations would remain unchanged. Droya was still acting legate in his absence due to frequent sudden and unexpected needs of his presence for diplomatic and personal affairs. He a.s.sured and warned them that she spoke with his voice and any decision she had made would be upheld by him. Lastly, he informed the men that even though there was an unsightly display earlier, Captain Nadir had his and Droya's full support. He only desired to make clear, in no uncertain terms, just who and what he was not only to the captain but also to them.

When Orison called an end to the a.s.sembly, Nadir pulled off protocol exactingly to the tee. As soon as the men went back to their tasks, Nadir left as well. A small part of Orison wondered if the captain would drink or smash that bottle. Either way, he had done all he set out to do and wanted to tidy up affairs with his mother and the gold he needed to cough up to the balance book so that there wasn't any trouble. Droya would 'stomp a new mud hole' in him otherwise.

Back in their private quarters, Droya said, "That was a bit extravagant wasn't it?"

Orison sighed and said, "Yes. I had no idea how much goods arrived at the trade warehouse today or I would have put a cap on it. Don't worry though, I have a new chunk of wealth to make it up and then some... Did you like the dress from Gan and the new ring I gave you, by the way?"

Droya said, "They're lovely, both of them, but-"

Orison quickly interrupted, "I would like to explain but I can't. I'll just say this. Do you remember the 'problem' with the manor?"

Wryly, Droya said, "You mean the one that 'I' can't talk about either?"

Orison said, "Yes... They are connected and there may be more in the future. It might even be unavoidable. Someone or something is moving me to do specific things or be in specific places. It's a subtle hand and I have all the free will I want to hang myself with. Still, it comes down to accepting or denying and I think there are consequences for both but rewards for only one."

Orison leaned in and whispered, "If I'm gone in the evenings or the middle of the night without explanation, don't raise alarms unless there isn't a coin on tails under my pillow that smells of an herb for each day, written on this list. As soon as you think it's memorized, burn it."

Droya looked sad and weary as she said, "I feel so cheated. You were supposed to be my boy. Five years for us to be mother and son in something other than just name."

Orison reached out and held her hand. "You are, Momma Yaya. There are only two places in my heart that are equal to yours and they aren't even filled yet... And hopefully won't be for a while. I'm far from ready to settle down. Besides, I may have things I need to do but your words and wishes still have the power to move me. Hehe, an arrogant prince still has to answer to his queen mother no matter how old he is. Just ask around. It's true."

The two talked some of their feelings out and turned to ways on maximizing profit over his ill gotten gains. For the time being they avoided talking about New Fvaris and what would come of the thwarted coup. On the balance, it was obvious who was owed but the obsidian elves were always on a knife's edge shy of hostile towards their unwanted but currently needed guests. Only time and word from Obsidian's lower capital would solve that query.

Business and personal feelings squared away, the mother and son turned towards the rest of their group as Droya caught him up on things and as secret matters became less sensitive they moved their conversation to the dining hall as no one was up for cooking after the hectic and somewhat emotional day started drawing to a close. Just as he was contemplating slipping away to check up on his ghastly new friend, Orison was approached by Nadir.

"A word legate," the captain said, still visibly frosty.

Orison nodded before he hesitantly followed the captain back to Nadir's private quarters. Motioning for Orison to sit opposite him at the cleared chess table, the young mage almost cried tears of joy when he saw the captain put two and the bottle of whiskey on it instead of pieces. Pouring two fingers worth in each, Nadir raised his gla.s.s to Orison and downed it before putting two more fingers worth in it again. To not seem ungracious if this was the peace offering he hoped it was, Orison took his shot to the head and winced, this body completely unaccustomed to the sharp a.s.sault.

Nadir obliged a refill and then said, "Well played today."

"I hate chess but I'll play it when I have to," Orison said as he looked at the board.

Nadir snorted and took a sip before he said, "Why did you think you had to? You could have just given me a little time to adjust."

"F*** that," Orison replied.

"How long do you have before you and your group are gone?" Nadir asked as if the answer didn't matter.

Orison smiled genuinely and said, "Around two months and I should be out of this snake pit."

"Didn't think you'd be that up front about it," Nadir finished off his second gla.s.s while Orison continued to sip.

Nadir laughed and said, "You're not even going to match me?"

"To prove what exactly, that you're the better alcoholic? The c.r.a.p on my plate's to high to get really plastered with you today, Captain," Orison said wryly.

Nadir said, "I wouldn't if I were you either. The server tonight was one of the men you stiffed on a reward that was a little too generous to just laugh off. I'm pretty sure he laced your food with some bubble gut."

"Tell him thanks for antic.i.p.ating my stress induced constipation. Now, if you're feeling real generous, you might want to warn him and the others that got stung by my power play that if anything like that targets my mom they'll be bald and impotent soon after," Orison slid his gla.s.s over for a touch up.

Seeing that the young man was going to sip it out, Nadir poured another three fingers and pulled the bottle to his side. "I think you'll find the average soldier gets a feel for his superior's bottom line pretty quick... I like your mom, Orison but you make it clear to me that I have to choose her or my men. To me, that's not even a choice."

Orison sighed. "I'm pretty sure she liked you too but the daytime frowns and evening smiles you were giving her made that s.h.i.+p sail awhile ago. To be clear, I don't nor want to interfere in her affairs in that department. But since we're being candid, mom's not cut out to be the wife of a career soldier."

"How's the wife of a hero any better?" Nadir said bitterly.

"It's not. In either case, a retired man of action couldn't find a better woman, I'm sure. Just don't bank on her being still available by then. Enough said on that, please." Orison leaned back and relaxed a little after seeing things weren't likely to take a left turn.

Nadir took another two shots back to back, let out a depressed sigh and said, "Now that's shelved, level with me. How bad is it going to get after you're gone?"

Orison looked at his gla.s.s before deciding to get it over with and downing it. "Find the men worth saving and get out of here as soon as you can. Who knows, the one who replaces me might end up being a miracle worker but don't bet on it. Plain and simple, they don't want us here and the one caught holding the ball is likely going to go down in fear and fire. One year, two tops and they are going to have everything they need whether it's Centerland or Summer Domain providing it.

"I'd like to believe I've opened the door for ways to still keep trade and work opportunities in the future but there's going to come a reckoning first. These elves were not nice people before they lost their home and got picked over by vultures. If anything, they are only harder and more callous, not less. Of course, if someone else asks me, I'm going to paint roses and suns.h.i.+ne on it. I want that hapless dope to come and replace me as fast as their opportunistic a** can get them over here."

In a low voice, Nadir asked, "What did you see over there that has you so... bleak? Did what happened to you have anything to do with it?"

Orison said, "Yes and no to the second. I've already pushed the archmage's bottom line today. I'm inclined to toe it on the rest. As for what I can tell you, this land isn't even kind to it's own natives. No one else has a fart in a whirlwind chance of prospering here. To the north, death sleeps. Deep in the soil, disease waits to resurface. In it's hidden cracks and, all manner of terrifying things are waiting for the seeds to grow so they can harvest again. If you can't leave, have a good exit strategy."

Nadir grew quiet and morose. There wasn't dismissal or invitation to join his misery, just a numb acceptance of anything and nothing. As a person who had been down that path himself, shy of being able to offer what the Captain actually wanted, there was nothing to be done.

Before he left, Orison asked, "Can I take this as hatchet buried or at least a truce?"

Nadir looked at him a little blearily and said, "Take it how you like. No matter how we feel we still need to do what needs done."

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