Loving You Is Not An Accident: It's Destiny 135 I Do Mind

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"His name is Paul Keller; do you know him by chance?"

Ingrid froze as she heard the man's name and gradually anger builds up in her.

"PAUL KELLER? WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING HERE?? Why is he with Miss Reiley?" Clifford shrugged.

"Miss Reiley said that he is her new business partner. Why do you know the man?"

"None of your business."

"I know that, but I just want to know who should I be most wary of? You know like rivals and stuffs..."

"Oh, please! Spare me with that drama, Cliff. I won't buy it." She snapped.

Just the sound of the name of Paul Keller makes her cringe with so much anger and regret that she met him ever!

"I'm not fond of drama, I am after the truth! You're reluctance to tell me convinces me even more that you had deeper relations.h.i.+p before with that man before. But if you're not ready to talk about it, well, I'll wait till you're ready to tell me."

"Thank you..." But Clifford could not contain his curiosity and asked again.

"But one last question, are you over him? At least answer this."

Clifford's question echoed to her and she repeated it to herself. 'Am I over him?'

"I guess..."


Some days after that lunch date, Ingrid was noticeably evading Clifford. She may answer his question that time but until now she did not know what she is feeling for the man.

For the days of her evasion, she missed Clifford's company however she still has no guts to face him after that day. But she knew sooner or later she really has to face him and answer all his questions regarding Paul and she is just preparing herself to open up a bit to him.

It is not easy to be laid bare before a man, especially to the man whom she is considering to get married with.

One day, she decided to go the Veanco Square to buy groceries, leaving Clark behind their house. As she walks towards the store, she met Vanessa Reiley. She was about to ignore the woman but Vanessa called her and went to her.

"Is that you Miss Howard? Where's your son?" the woman smiled.

"O-oh, hi! Miss Reiley. He's at home." she answered briefly and is itching to go away from her thinking that Paul is with her.

"Well, Clifford and I will meet here so that he could personally tour me around the mall and to the place he gave, too. I apologize if I acted like this, I am so excited with our partners.h.i.+p, because we've been planning for this for a long time, and finally, it happened. Yay!" the woman said voluntarily.

"That's nice. I hope for the success of your partners.h.i.+p, Miss Reiley." Ingrid is becoming impatient and wanted to leave.

"Please do call me Vanessa and I'll call you Ingrid, that is, if you don't mind" the woman said demurely. "How I wanted us to be friends, since Cliff and I will be working hand in hand in the coming days and he told me that you will be a great help to our partners.h.i.+p, so I wanted us to have a smooth relations.h.i.+p."

Ingrid was caught off guard. 'Just what does this woman insinuating? Is she trying to enslave me? geez!' Ingrid felt something unusual with the woman.

"What are you trying to say, Miss Reiley? What great help do you mean?" she furrowed her brows.

"Didn't Clifford tell you? I personally asked him to a.s.sign you to personally looked after this collaboration... oh my! I am so sorry, I thought he..." the woman's face is full of guilt. "I hope you don't my intrusion with your work... I– " Ingrid interrupted the woman, calmly she says,

"Sorry, but I do mind, Miss Reiley. My scope of work is on the Briggs and Briggs alone not in Veanco. And friends are friends, business is business. Clifford Briggs did not inform me of anything regarding your collaboration. And if you don't mind I had groceries to buy, so if you'll excuse me, I'll go first. I know Mr. Clifford Briggs will be here any minute. Bye!" she winked and smiled triumphantly and strutted away from Vanessa.

Vanessa smiled cunningly and imaginarily tapped her back. 'One point for you,' the woman cheered herself.

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