Fire Starter At White Day High 35 A Paparazzo's Scoop

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The next day, Wednesday, Lucas packed his things and took a ride to the school to study.

He walk to the hallway and saw the strange stares of the people again. Is something bad will happen again?

As he continued walking the murmurings of the people became louder..

"Look, the sabotage happened last seven years will surely happen again.."

"Right! With that double agent Lucas present, he would definitely brainwash the and the Coach!"

"Was he not ashamed of himself?"

Just as Lucas reached the hallway, the speakers surrounding it sounded with the noise, "LUCAS MARTIN, COME HERE TO THE PRINc.i.p.aL'S OFFICE!"

The murmurings of the people became even louder.

"There we go!"

"That Lucas will always be expelled in every school because of his character!"

Lucas was left dumbfounded.

He neglected the people as he was previously doing and headed to the Office. He glanced at the nearby Bulletin Board and saw that newspapers were now published for the month.

After a minute of walking, he stopped when he got near the's Office.

Opening the door, he saw that there was none other than the Lyns herself, not shocking Lucas a bit. Lyns was in her usual get up —a formal uniform donned by most Princ.i.p.als— as she invaded him hurriedly, handing a stack of newspapers to Lucas.

She spoke to him, "The news from Doll's abduction the last days was out. Take a look for yourself."
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Lucas cannot do anything but to accept the stack of newspapers and saw that the School's News Section had an eye-grabbing headline—

Mr. Vacio was visited by a White Day Student at the Southern Woods outside the town. The visitor is Lucas Martin?!

Several photos accompanied the headline, all taken at the Southern Woods, depicting him talking to Mr. Vacio in a man-to-man manner.

That paparazzo had good camera skills and chose great storytelling angles. His straight back —as he stood— towering over the strong-standing Mr. Vacio. Also, the disbelief and contempt in Vacio's eyes was clearly shown. Just by looking at the pictures, even Lucas himself was almost deceived into believing that he had an under-the-table talk with Vacio.

She read the news scoop in detail.

It was indeed depicting the story from the Southern Woods where he was left to battle Vacio. The report claimed that before abduction, 'Lucas' had already been looking for Mr. Vacio with regards to the transferring of him to White Day. Mr. Vacio could only tolerate him. Yet, n.o.body could have known that after Doll was saved, 'Lucas' appeared again to talk with Mr. Vacio and negotiated him as to win the selection for the victory of Aspho High —the lost of White Day in proportion.

This time, Mr. Vacio spoke that they have no connections, and that Lucas was not studying at Aspho High anymore, but at White Day High now. Who knew that this would lead 'Lucas' so much that he insisted on sabotaging White Day and then stated that he was still belonged to Aspho High.

Mr. Vacio had a second degree burn and was hospitalized that night and needed emergency attention.

"What a nice scoop, Ms. Lyns." Lucas slowly folded up the newspaper. No one was more aware of what happened other than him —the Lucas Martin that they accused. He hadn't been closely involved in all of the dirty plans and monitoring of Mr. Vacio towards him. He was also positive that Mr. Vacio was completely fine, and didn't have any burn on his entire body.

And.. Mr. Vacio was so good in this news? What a joke! Lyns confirmed this fact. "I've got someone to investigate already. He did not have any burn or whatsoever. But…" She only had the opportunity to lecture Lucas now.

"What was up with you this past few days? Why did you go mess with the people from Aspho High?!" she shouted. "Aspho High's position and power was overshadowed by your current status, and that they clearly saw you as a pain in the eye. They were probably looking for an opportunity to get back at you. Why were you so stupid as to give them an opening?!"

Lucas kept quiet as he felt that Lyns was right. But not the news..

He was being dumb that day, and battle Vacio despite having rescued Doll, thus allowing a paparazzo to take such pictures. But… he recalled how he felt from the attacks that he retorted to Mr. Vacio, it made him feel much better.

Hence, he promised Lyns sincerely. "If I cross his ways again, I will make sure to find a time and place that I can kill him. With that time, no one will take pictures of us." Lyns was speechless. And Lucas seemed to have strength to talk with that Vacio again..

One thing, one question was in the's mind. Was it because this boy has stayed too long beside Vacio that he had been influenced by his grimly comprehension?

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